Ninja assasin movie trailor

this aint a discusion ? i just put up the new movie trailer ...
I crack up at the title though. Ninja assassin is like saying Katana Sword. LOL
Ooh, should I? Okay, I will.

No it isn't. "Nin/Shinobu" translate as patience or endurance, not "assassin". Never has. There is scant evidence of ninja being assassins, but even in the few cases they did, not all ninja performed assassination, and not all assassins were ninja.

The idea of ninja being assassins has come from popular media, not historical documents. Believing this stereotype is similar to believing that every American soldier is Rambo. Makes for entertaining Manga, comics, books and movies, but the truth is a little different.
Ooh, should I? Okay, I will.

No it isn't. "Nin/Shinobu" translate as patience or endurance, not "assassin". Never has. There is scant evidence of ninja being assassins, but even in the few cases they did, not all ninja performed assassination, and not all assassins were ninja.

The idea of ninja being assassins has come from popular media, not historical documents. Believing this stereotype is similar to believing that every American soldier is Rambo. Makes for entertaining Manga, comics, books and movies, but the truth is a little different.

Um ninja were know as assassins, also using espionage, and guerilla warfare type tactics. I just pointed out 1 of the things that they were know for. So I am not sure why you felt the need to attempt a "burn". Not to mention isn't the word Shinobi ? Meaning soldier trained in unorthodox methods or warfare ?
Yeah, the comment was more about the fact the the word "Katana" translates literally as "sword", whereas "Ninja" absolutely does not translate as "assassin", despite popular myths. What you refered to is not really what the Ninja were historically known to do, just what their popular image was... and here, I refer to the popular image as being that found in entertainment media. It is similar to expecting Native Americans to always greet you wearing feathered head-dress, waving a tomahawk, and saying "How". Popular image in old media can be entertaining, but isn't always accurate.

And, no, shinobi does not mean any of those things. It is just an alternate pronunciation of Nin (as in NINja, NINjutsu, NINpo), wiht Shinobi no Mono being an alternate reading of the same characters for ninja.