

White Belt
Mar 2, 2009
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I used to be into muay thai but ow i i am thinking about tae kwon do. How do i pick a school and not end up with one of those schools that teaches nothing?
Visit and talk to each instructor and watch the c lasses and see what is going on this is the only way.
abou the only way I know of is to visit the chools watch, listen and tal to people. Go to other schools and ask about the one you are thinking of joining and ask if it is respected for its teachings, sport, and street
What are you interested in?

If it's competition, check and see which schools turn out the champions and bring home the trophies.

If it's exercise, watch a class to get an idea of the quality of the workout.

If it's recreation - and that's what most of us are really after when we're honest with ourselves - see which one looks like a place where you would enjoy spending several hours a week paying for your own adrenaline :)

If it's being able to fight you were probably better off with Muay Thai. Before the TKD people start up let me dispose of the usual arguments. One, this is not Vietnam, and the poster is not in the Korean Marines. Two, he comes from a style that has better handwork and footwork and better close work. He hasn't specialized in combinations of high kicking, but that's not what's at issue here.

If it's for the girls you're in the wrong game...
If it's being able to fight you were probably better off with Muay Thai. Before the TKD people start up let me dispose of the usual arguments. One, this is not Vietnam, and the poster is not in the Korean Marines. Two, he comes from a style that has better handwork and footwork and better close work. He hasn't specialized in combinations of high kicking, but that's not what's at issue here.

:xtrmshock :mad: :argue: :wah:
If it's being able to fight you were probably better off with Muay Thai. Before the TKD people start up let me dispose of the usual arguments. One, this is not Vietnam, and the poster is not in the Korean Marines. Two, he comes from a style that has better handwork and footwork and better close work. He hasn't specialized in combinations of high kicking, but that's not what's at issue here.

:xtrmshock :mad: :argue: :wah:

I have to disagree, Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee cross trained. Each martial art has strengthens and weaknesses. Most school will allow you have a few free classes. Never sign a contract go monthly if you're not happy with that school go to another one. If I were you I would watch them train for a few classes first.
Well, I suppose as Martial Artist you can smell bull when you see it.

Just go and check them out, trial classes etc...
Like everyone else said, check out some classes, and see how they look to you. If it's for you, and it's what you're looking for, then make sure the price is something you can live with.

TKD is great for fighting, and is neither better or worse than Muay can only help you to be more rounded. You just have to know what strikes to pull from what art that will help you in a real fight situation. High kicks are a no no most of the time, although they have their place in a fight.

All of this, of course, depends on whether your TKD instructor is worth his salt.
I haven't seen a school yet that didn't offer at least one free trial class so go to each school and try them out.

Others will tell you not to go to a place that has contracts but, at least in this state, a contract is the only way to get the cheapest instruction rate.

Some people are also against schools that teach children, schools that have child BBs but to me those things are irrelevant. Competent instruction and good, honest business practices are.
If it's being able to fight you were probably better off with Muay Thai. Before the TKD people start up let me dispose of the usual arguments. One, this is not Vietnam, and the poster is not in the Korean Marines. Two, he comes from a style that has better handwork and footwork and better close work. He hasn't specialized in combinations of high kicking, but that's not what's at issue here.

:xtrmshock :mad: :argue: :wah:

You are putting all TKD users in the same group. TKD is a very effective fighting and self defense MA. It depends on how hard the student trained if he is good or bad at his footwork and hand work. just cause he studied muay thai does not make him better at it. It also depends on the instuctor