New Game: "Make Rich Parsons Famous!"

bignick said:
I win...I reworked the idea I stole from Andrew and turned it into a Rich Parson random quote generator! Click refresh to see more...

MIGOSH!! I though I was was top Geek by pulling out an engineering quote. A random quote generator?

You outgeeked me big time!!! :D :D :D
Tulisan said:
It is called "Make Rich parsons Famous!"

You now have your "Make Rich Parsons famous" saying right in your sig!

I think that later we can vote on the best ones if we get enough people to play!


How about this?


bignick said:
I win...I reworked the idea I stole from Andrew and turned it into a Rich Parson random quote generator! Click refresh to see more...

I copied the link thanks BIGNICK!
Rich Parsons said:
I copied the link thanks BIGNICK!

No problem Rich. I've only got 20 quotes or so in there, but I can add some as time goes on.

It may not always be there, though...
Because most of the quotes are taken out of context already, here is a new one just posted by the "Famous One."

Rich Parsons said:
Once I bounce their head off the pavement, I will stick a pen in their mouth

This is a fun game when you start to look for these things!!
And here I was thinking I had lost my mind... A week's absence and I end up seeing "Rich Parsons" -quotes everywhere.

That was SCARY I tell you! :lookie:

Laeticia said:
And here I was thinking I had lost my mind... A week's absence and I end up seeing "Rich Parsons" -quotes everywhere.

That was SCARY I tell you! :lookie:


Sorry Laeticia,

Paul is just a trouble maker. I blame it all on him. ;) :D
OnlyAnEgg said:
I like my addition. Thanks, Rich!

Originally Posted by Rich Parsons
2) Size does matter
So, I chose to fall and no one got hurt and no paper work

Yes they are two distinct quotes. And they are funny.