White Belt
Hi everyone, it's been a while since I was last here and I want to get back into training after a lengthy spell away. It's probably also worth noting early on that I am still a newcomer to WC/WT with only a few months of classes under my belt.
Basically, my wife got quite ill last July/August time & I wanted to look after her. Thankfully, everything's ok on that front now but the time away, along with a couple of nagging issues are delaying my return to class. Your insight, help or just general comments will be grately appreciated.
I'll start with the lesser of these issues because it sets the scene better I feel...... I have recently found out that the headaches that have been a constant irritation for 12 years now are actually Chronic Migraines. I have a treatment programme from a leading specialist & although I'll probably never be free of them (genetics apparently), it seems that some drugs can help with maintenance so musn't grumble. Next up is the nerve damage which has been around for about 5 years and is closely connected to my migraines. While doing some specific strengthening work at home recently, I tweaked something that didn't want to be tweaked and it's been shouting at me ever since! It's the left side of my neck/shoulder region that is affected which at best causes constant discomfort and at it's worst sends me sick with a heavy, deep-seated pain. As with a lot of nerve compression injuries, I get limited sensitivity down my left arm. The degree of this varies and at the moment I've not found a way to understand it better. Hopefully, this is where you guys come in!
For those who are interested, I'll mention the specific muslces at the end of this post but now I'll ask the question that's on my mind!
My Sifu knows that I have headaches and has always been fine with it. The nerve damage however is far worse than it has ever been and because of the difficulty it gives me with the sensitivity elements of training, I've been putting off returning. I don't mind turning up to class in pain, that's not my problem here. What bothers me is that my progress and feel for the art are (currently) compromised and it's my own paranoia of not being perfect that is potentially the bigger issue.... So, with that in mind, should I return to class, say nothing and do what I can? Or should I have a word with Sifu before I start back to let him know that sometimes my left arm isn't my own?
Thanks for reading this far & I look forward to your thoughts.
The anatomy part
The major muscles involved here are the trapezius, rhomboids, latissimus dorsi, levator scapulae, splenius capitis, sternocleidomastoid and scalenes.
Basically, my wife got quite ill last July/August time & I wanted to look after her. Thankfully, everything's ok on that front now but the time away, along with a couple of nagging issues are delaying my return to class. Your insight, help or just general comments will be grately appreciated.
I'll start with the lesser of these issues because it sets the scene better I feel...... I have recently found out that the headaches that have been a constant irritation for 12 years now are actually Chronic Migraines. I have a treatment programme from a leading specialist & although I'll probably never be free of them (genetics apparently), it seems that some drugs can help with maintenance so musn't grumble. Next up is the nerve damage which has been around for about 5 years and is closely connected to my migraines. While doing some specific strengthening work at home recently, I tweaked something that didn't want to be tweaked and it's been shouting at me ever since! It's the left side of my neck/shoulder region that is affected which at best causes constant discomfort and at it's worst sends me sick with a heavy, deep-seated pain. As with a lot of nerve compression injuries, I get limited sensitivity down my left arm. The degree of this varies and at the moment I've not found a way to understand it better. Hopefully, this is where you guys come in!
For those who are interested, I'll mention the specific muslces at the end of this post but now I'll ask the question that's on my mind!
My Sifu knows that I have headaches and has always been fine with it. The nerve damage however is far worse than it has ever been and because of the difficulty it gives me with the sensitivity elements of training, I've been putting off returning. I don't mind turning up to class in pain, that's not my problem here. What bothers me is that my progress and feel for the art are (currently) compromised and it's my own paranoia of not being perfect that is potentially the bigger issue.... So, with that in mind, should I return to class, say nothing and do what I can? Or should I have a word with Sifu before I start back to let him know that sometimes my left arm isn't my own?
Thanks for reading this far & I look forward to your thoughts.
The anatomy part
The major muscles involved here are the trapezius, rhomboids, latissimus dorsi, levator scapulae, splenius capitis, sternocleidomastoid and scalenes.