Need help with 1234 Sparring.

Crimson Skies

White Belt
Apr 22, 2009
Reaction score
I always mix up 3 and 4 and for me,it's easier to remember if I read it rather than do it.

So far I know,
1-Front punch,front kick.(Switch sides) same thing.
2-Back kick,punch

I don't think it's an official exercise.

Anyhow, I am guessing here:

1: front leg kick
2: front arm punch
3: back leg kick
4: back arm punch

using your body as you move in and close the distance.

Then again, I could be way off.

One instructor explained this exercise to me like this: he would set the move at the beginning, then call out the number during the drill: 11234, 122234, or how ever, to get the students to use combinations. he also had a 5, some sort of fancy spin kick or what ever.
The problem with the questionis simple every instructor has thereparticular routine and for us to say what is right or wrong, would be a mishap.