NC school sold higher grades for $20 donation!


Crazy like a...
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Jan 16, 2006
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How I wish this was a joke.

Rosewood principal Susie Shepherd said students who donated $20 would get 20 extra-credit points. Students could apply 10 points to two tests. In some cases, the points could boost a student's test score up a letter grade.
I just heard about this on Jay Leno. Sheesh!!! Can we stop pretending now that schools are for more than babysitting?
Sweet, it's just like Catholic Indulgences but better! Now I can pass 2nd year Calculus, can't ever apply it, but WTH. What can I buy for $100.00?
Whatever happened to getting high grades the old fashioned way - sleeping with the teacher/professor?:iws:

This story is kind of sick in two ways to me:

(1) Buying and selling grades is off-the-hook wrong. Based on what's been published here, this allows any teacher's evaluation of a student to be over-ridden. As a teacher, I would be outraged. It also means that kids who have the $20 get the bump. Too bad for those who don't. Too bad for those who thought they were supposed to work for their credits.

(2) The impetis for this plan was school fundraising. According to the story, chocolate sales had not been satisfactory. I fear too many schools are under pressure to raise funds, and when that is the priority, this is what can happen.
my school boosted grades just to get rid of us. happens all the time.
Heard this on the radio today. It was the idea of some parent fundraising committee, apparently, and was never actually done, as the administration nixed it. What a bunch of idiots. The parents, that is.
Why not take some points off the A students and give them to the D students? It's not fair that some privileged kids are able to study harder than those who didn't get the same chances.
Whoops! I was wrong; I just looked at the Goldsboro, NC paper online, and they DID sell points, but they have now ended that, and the principal has resigned (as she should). Sorry for the misinformation.
Why not take some points off the A students and give them to the D students? It's not fair that some privileged kids are able to study harder than those who didn't get the same chances.

They really should deregulate schools. If parents want to buy grades for their kids, let them. The eventual consumer backlash will end the practice naturally in a decade or so.

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