Midwest Seminar/ Get together


Master Black Belt
Mar 24, 2002
Reaction score
Effingham, Illinois
There has been some talk of different people getting together to meet and exchange idea's and martial arts. Several people from the midwest have started talking about it. Was wondering if it is all talk or are there some interested parties out there. This events doesn't have to take place here in Effingham, IL. But it does have 2 interstate highways running through it. Around 50 hotels/motels and all the fast food type resturants that you can think of. Besides that we are:
2hrs from Indy
2hrs from St.Louis
3 hrs from Chicago
3 hrs from Louisville, KY

Let me know what you think and what dates would work for you.
Bob :asian:
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
There has been some talk of different people getting together to meet and exchange idea's and martial arts. Several people from the midwest have started talking about it. Was wondering if it is all talk or are there some interested parties out there. This events doesn't have to take place here in Effingham, IL. But it does have 2 interstate highways running through it. Around 50 hotels/motels and all the fast food type resturants that you can think of. Besides that we are:
2hrs from Indy
2hrs from St.Louis
3 hrs from Chicago
3 hrs from Louisville, KY

Let me know what you think and what dates would work for you.
Bob :asian:

At this point, for me to be able to attend, it would have to be mid or late October if you want to do it this year. My schedule is packed.

We get some more input for days, we can make a decision on the day. Any other midwestern interested in a seminar
I am not sure? There are plenty of Air ports close by don't know if you want to do that. The more people we can get the better.
Having made the trip often, it's 9 or 10 hours to drive to Terre Haute. Add another hour for Effingham.
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
Everyone may started list the art they plan on showing for the Seminar?

Well, I teach Kali, Silat, Shen Chuan, and Kun Tao Silat. I could either wait to see what other people are teaching, then go for something a little off the beaten path. Or I could spend a little time on each. Or I could take suggestions. Or someone could just come up and attack me and we'll see what comes out ;)

I would be willing to come down or travel a few hours in the car for a nice seminar.

Dates that are Bad.

October 17th - 19th and November 1 & 2 I will be involved with other camps.

July 10-14th I will be involved with yet another MA Event.

I might be ging camping in Canada the North Side of Huron Lake in Late August (* Think week before Labor Day *) so, other dates would be eaiser to get too.

I teach and practice Modern Arnis and Balintawak. Both Filipino Martial Arts.

Here are some dates to ponder about
Aug 15-17
Aug 29-31
Any Weekend in Sept?
Oct 3-5
Ocy 24-26
I am just throwing weekends out there. Would like to make this a yearly thing. Doesn't have to take place in the same place ecah year.
Bob :asian:
If I can get there, (budget shortage at the moment), I make a good Uke. :D

Plus, I'd love to do some friendly sparing with folks.

Any of those dates are good by me.

Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
Here are some dates to ponder about
Aug 15-17
Aug 29-31
Any Weekend in Sept?
Oct 3-5
Ocy 24-26
I am just throwing weekends out there. Would like to make this a yearly thing. Doesn't have to take place in the same place ecah year.
Bob :asian:

Of those, the ones that work for me are:
Sep 12 - 14
Sep 26 - 28
Oct 3 - 5
Oct 24 - 26

Are you thinking something in the lines of an open-to-public seminar? Or more in the lines of a private MT get-together? Just curious.

I'm definitely into something like this unfortunately funds are thinking different. Just to get some perspective I put Effingham into Map Quest and from here in CT it says 15 and 1/2 hrs to drive. I'd do it but like I said the funds disagree right now. :mad:
I'd think it should be open--maybe MartialTalk 'sponsored' but it's not a populated enough location to make it sensible to have it closed, IMO.

Kaith, you can stay with me if you make it here!
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
Isn't Buffalo known for this? Couldn't Bob get some wings and fly:rofl:

Thats after I eat at Taco Bell..... :D
Originally posted by arnisador
I'd think it should be open--maybe MartialTalk 'sponsored' but it's not a populated enough location to make it sensible to have it closed, IMO.

Kaith, you can stay with me if you make it here!

Originally posted by arnisador
I'd think it should be open--maybe MartialTalk 'sponsored' but it's not a populated enough location to make it sensible to have it closed, IMO.

Kaith, you can stay with me if you make it here!

Yup. That's kinda my train of thought, too.


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