Men vs. Women Instructors

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How many of you have trained with both men AND women instructors (senior instructors)? Did you have a preference for one over the other? Were there substantial differences in how they instructed or ran their studios?

Curious to see what others experiences were....

Tad Finnegan

I have yet to train with a female instuctor, BUT the 3 Men Instuctors are very different from each other, in their teaching styles... Our classes are never the same.. depending on who's teaching that night!! :D
If they can kick my ***, then they have something to teach me.
REGARDLESS of gender!
Originally posted by fanged_seamus

How many of you have trained with both men AND women instructors (senior instructors)? Did you have a preference for one over the other? Were there substantial differences in how they instructed or ran their studios?

Curious to see what others experiences were....

Tad Finnegan

There were 2 female instructors when I started. I went to one of their classes regularly. I never thought of them as women instructors. Each instructor ran their class a bit differently and preferred certain things and I never consciously thought of them as "men" or "women." We did have one guy there who was very hard-core and I just thought of him as very hard-core and not as a "man" either.

There is also a female at my studio now, I forgot about her. I think this demonstrates that I don't think of the instructor as either "male or female" but as an "instructor."

I imagine this is different from your experience. ?
I've trained with both. I enjoy working with both.

I have noticed that female instructors are sometimes more aware of the mechanics of a technique, because most of them can't rely on strength, so they HAVE to have good form. Sometimes, men are strong enough that they can make a technique work without having good form, because they can rely on brute stregth to force it.

Overall, though, there are a lot of really good male and female instructors out there, and you just have to look at what's right for you. Me, I'll learn from anyone who knows something that I don't.
Originally posted by cdhall

I imagine this is different from your experience. ?

Not really. My primary instructors have been women, and the junior instructors were split between men and women. I've never worked with a male senior instructor (outside of seminars).

My experiences have ALWAYS been positive with them. There is a definite sense of "closeness" or "family" in their studio, and that played a big role in my decision to start kenpo with them.

I was curious to see what other people's experiences have been, though, and what they felt the differences were (without devolving into a veiled sexist diatribe). Just something for me to chew on is all....

Primarily my instructors have been men. I have trained with women though! For me, as long as the woman Sensei, Sifu, etc, has the knowledge and physical abilities; gender does not matter!
Sincerely, In Humility;
i have trained with both also. the woman instructor was great with technical aspect while the man was excellent with speed & power.

all in all it was a good balance. it doesn't matter to me who teaches, as long as they are qualified to do so.
Doesn't matter, both can teach.

Women tend to use different techniques than that of men because of differences, so there is much you can learn from both sexes.
I have learned from both, and don't prefer one sex over the other when it comes to teaching.

What matters to me is whether or not they know their stuff, and if they can effectively teach it.
