May I be the first to say sorry to the British


Blue Belt
Nov 17, 2005
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The Obamas, Barack and Michelle both, pretty much diplomatically botched the recent visit of British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and his wife. Oddly enough, the U.S. Old Media seems uninterested in the story that is a hot topic in England, a story that's left many Brits a bit miffed.

Now, I thought that Obama was going to improve our relations with "the world" once he took office? So far, all he's done is tell our enemies he's their friend and carelessly wave off our actual friends.
And, as I mentioned at the top, the U.S. Old Media has been ignoring this story.
Imagine that?
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Ummm.... I had no idea this had even happened? When did he even come over? No seriously... :D

For my own part, I'd be amazed that Brown managed to get something right.
As a Brit, I can stress that on the whole people over here will find this amusing! I accept your apology but there really is no need. We as individuals can not be held responsible for our statesmen's behaviour. In truth, I personally welcome this type of relationship between our two country's leaders much more than the cosiness of Bush and Blair. The notion of George and Tony "praying" together whilst making their decision to ignore the UN and go to war was a little more concerning to me than this current situation. Our country's are still allies but now hopefully without the mutual ego stroking and religious zeal that characterized Bush and Blair's "special relationship."
I'm not quite as forgiving as MuN on this one but I too do not hold an ill-feeling towards any individual American here for what your new leader has done.

Knowing how the Great Game has been played and still is being played throughout the globe I am amazed that the advisors to the President didn't stop him from trampling roughshod over the diplomatic link with us. Make no mistake, in political terms this was pretty serious 'message sending', even if Obama didn't have a clue as to what message he was actually sending.

I haven't made any comments about this because I've had serious family-centric woes to deal with but for me it was a foretaste of change in the wind. If it had been me that was PM, then I can assure you there would have been a strongly worded reproving diplomatic communique delivered.

So thank you for recognising what had happened, JBD.
Ahhhh hello...... He is new to the job and so are his staff. I imagine that almost every Presidency or Premier around the world has made some mistakes with gift giving.
I see this as much ado about nothing!

As to our relationship with the UK. I am sure that everyone knows we are all still tight.
obama should have given him a boxed set of 'the young ones'. that would have been hilarious!

Because Obama is new to the shoes, I don't necessarily hold him accountable for this gaffe but I'm sure that the diplomatic staff has not changed from the previous Presidency yet ... has it?

I'd be amazed if the actual machinery of government has altered at all - it certainly doesn't over here when there's a new occupant of Number 10. The Civil Service is the 'flywheel' in the engine that works to smooth out the fluctuations caused by the democratic process.

So that means that this was either incompetence or a deliberate 'brush off' or someone in the Diplomatic Service really doesn't like Obama and dropped him in it.

Of such subtleties is the web of world politics spun. A lot is said by such apparently inconsequential things as sending back Winnie - I'm more affected by that than the duff gift exchange to be honest.
I have read the DVDs include ET, Star Wars and Psycho. I hope it's the original Psycho and not the remake as the would make it especially embarrassing!

I wonder if President Obama will present Chancellor Merkel with a Netflix gift card upon her first visit? That way she could choose her own movies. From backrubs to facerubs. . .
Colour me astounded! Cheers, Brian.

How then has such a faux pas been avoided in the past, if everyone is new to their jobs and are unadvised/unsupervised?
i think that it was an intentional message that the diplomatic relationship between the US & the UK is about to change. i don't think it has to be a bad thing though. it's kind of like when your family puts limits on how much you can spend on each other for birthdays & christmas. you still love them, you just don't need to spend all that money right now.

really i think even if this isn't perfect, it's preferable to the monkey-see-monkey-do relationship of bush/blair.

Good point Jarrod, but seriously, what DOES the "special relationship" mean in 2009? Surely it can't be that important for the US in particular?

At the end of the day, perhaps it is time to see other people? The UKs future in my humble opinion lies at the heart of Europe. (Likely to get a panning from the Brits on here *ducks*) I used to be a huge Euro-skeptic, still am in many ways, but culturally and economically, in terms of alignment and who we mainly do business with now, it's the USE we need to kiss up to, not the USA. :D
i think that it was an intentional message that the diplomatic relationship between the US & the UK is about to change. i don't think it has to be a bad thing though. it's kind of like when your family puts limits on how much you can spend on each other for birthdays & christmas. you still love them, you just don't need to spend all that money right now.

really i think even if this isn't perfect, it's preferable to the monkey-see-monkey-do relationship of bush/blair.


There is a big difference between the personal relationships that may develop between heads of state and decorum and etiquette in receiving an official head of state. Clinton got the reception right on the first try. Bush got it right on the first try before the personal closeness developed. If Bush didn't, it would have been all over the media; headlines and scroll bars. Mispeaking and saying something like "is our children learning" pales in comparison to a snub like this.

Now I've got to take a shower because this is getting too close to defending Bush, for whom I don't much care.
Good point Jarrod, but seriously, what DOES the "special relationship" mean in 2009? Surely it can't be that important for the US in particular?

At the end of the day, perhaps it is time to see other people? The UKs future in my humble opinion lies at the heart of Europe. (Likely to get a panning from the Brits on here *ducks*) I used to be a huge Euro-skeptic, still am in many ways, but culturally and economically, in terms of alignment and who we mainly do business with now, it's the USE we need to kiss up to, not the USA. :D

i think you're largely right about the interests of britain. but please stop saying "special relationship". i just keep picturing bush & blair acting out scenes from brokeback mountain. hey, was that one of the 25 dvds? what about 'jungle fever'? hm, there's a lot more to this gift-decoding than i thought...

There is a big difference between the personal relationships that may develop between heads of state and decorum and etiquette in receiving an official head of state. Clinton got the reception right on the first try. Bush got it right on the first try before the personal closeness developed. If Bush didn't, it would have been all over the media; headlines and scroll bars. Mispeaking and saying something like "is our children learning" pales in comparison to a snub like this.

Now I've got to take a shower because this is getting too close to defending Bush, for whom I don't much care.

dude, i got it quoted, no take-backs! YOU STUCK UP FOR BUSH! scrub all you want, you know this filth will never come off :wink2:

i think you're largely right about the interests of britain. but please stop saying "special relationship". i just keep picturing bush & blair acting out scenes from brokeback mountain. hey, was that one of the 25 dvds? what about 'jungle fever'? hm, there's a lot more to this gift-decoding than i thought...

dude, i got it quoted, no take-backs! YOU STUCK UP FOR BUSH! scrub all you want, you know this filth will never come off :wink2:


Dude, you know that the thought of Obama and Brown oiling up and gettin' down 'n' dirty floats your boat! Why deny it? ;) :D
Can't have been that big a thing, I don't think many of us noticed lol!
Honestly, had no idea. Mind we've been short handed at work due to another problem across the water so have been busy but even so I've seen the news on the television etc and read papers, I don't remember any outcry, don't think many people noticed the Obamas were here lol!
Wouldn't say there was a big concern about it. This is the only link on a British newspaper I could find.