Martial talker you'd most like to train with

Tgace said:
My wife has that locked up somewhere. Along with other valued items.....
Yeah, we know. Where do you think the vault is? Who do you think guards it? %-}
Has anyone seen Tom?


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mj-hi-yah said:
Tom this is a secret list that you are not allowed permission to access, because you are not a Lady of the Locker Room, but rest assured from all of your posts you have a lot of knowledge to share, so for sure you’re on it! LOLOLOL
it took a few brain cells... but for the guy's here
Tom this is a secret list that you are not allowed permission to access, because you are not a Lady of the Locker Room, but rest assured from all of your posts you have a lot of knowledge to share, so for sure you’re on it! LOLOLOL
mj-hi-yah said:
Tom this is a secret list that you are not allowed permission to access, because you are not a Lady of the Locker Room, but rest assured from all of your posts you have a lot of knowledge to share, so for sure you’re on it! LOLOLOL

Hmmm, No problem reading this script ;)

I do think I would be more interested in the opposite list ;), of those they do not wish to meet or train with. :anic: :uhoh: :eek:
Rich Parsons said:
Hmmm, No problem reading this script ;)

I do think I would be more interested in the opposite list ;), of those they do not wish to meet or train with. :anic: :uhoh: :eek:
Speaking of the people we don’t want to train with: Did you see the pictures of that big dude Rich?…I’ll bet he doesn’t move too fast… I could take him! J

mj-hi-yah said:
Speaking of the people we don’t want to train with: Did you see the pictures of that big dude Rich?…I’ll bet he doesn’t move too fast… I could take him! J

MJ, you're too skinny- we need to fatten up your font.

Here - Have something a little wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiider

mj-hi-yah said:
OMG You can read LLR code! :lol: Who loves ya?;)

I believe Bob and I are the only guys who have actually seen the Ladies locker room. I helped to work out the original security, assuming if he could keep me locked out ;) then all would be good. Then it was turned over the the Lovely Miss Tess. :asian:
Chronuss said:
I just wanna go walk the Zion Narrows and the Subway...looks very much fun. and a few of the places on are extremely close by.

we tried to get you to go caving with us last backed out. putz....MACaver already told me i can go see him for caving, he has no idea how tempting it is, without money tends to be a problem for this broke college kid. i think i'd like to meet MJ...she just seems so sure of herself and always has a word of confidence and just seems like she'd be all around fun. georgia too...hum heck most of the ladies from LLR i'd love to meet and train with at least once. but i don't have time or $ to train with the ones i have :( ;)
Well the offer stands either way. I train people caving all the time and they ain't died yet. Just ask Ceicei and her son. They've been doing outstanding. More to come.

FUZZYJ692000 said:
i think i'd like to meet MJ...she just seems so sure of herself and always has a word of confidence and just seems like she'd be all around fun.
Wish you could have come to the St. Paddy's Day Parade with me today.... talk about fun, fun, fun!!! Fuzzy I'd love to meet/train with you too! :)
Jani, I'd love to train with you! Most definitely the ladies, HHJH, Seig, Mike Billings, MACaver, Flatlander, Technopunk, eh ... the list is too long.
I only just found this thread, but I can going to opt for a bit of a cop out...
I have noticed a lot of people here at MT that I would like to train with, and fortunately enough, very few that I wouldn't
mj-hi-yah said:
Speaking of the people we don’t want to train with: Did you see the pictures of that big dude Rich?…I’ll bet he doesn’t move too fast… I could take him! J
Its just wing-dings :p