Martial Arts Pet Peeves


Nov 7, 2007
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It's been slow on the boards, so I'll list some of mine.

1. People who shout 'kiai' or 'kihap' for their kiai/kihap.
2. Mono tempo pattern performances, where everything is done on a 1-2 count
3. People who practice a bazillion different forms and it shows by their poor understanding and performance
4. Everyone has to be a grandmaster or a soke. I'm always amused by people on forums who feel you are insulting them by calling them 'Mister' or God forbid, 'Sensei' instead of whatever inflated title they feel entitled to. 'Sensei' was good enough for the likes of Chojun Miyagi. It should be enough for anyone.
5. Black belt clubs, master clubs, etc. Here's a novel idea: just charge a flat monthly fee and teach each student according to their level. Don't charge extra for a weapons class for Pete's sake.

What are some of yours?
People that don't pay attention and are disruptive
People that do not practice good personal hygiene
People that act superior due to rank
Long toe nails/fingernails
ok.... I'm going to catch some flack for this but here goes.....

Loosers in life who took TKD or any other martial art and thought they found thier place in life where they were someone important, walk around with their Black Belt on and dont even know how and the hell to tie it.


sorry but thats it.
People who don't warm up! Class is 1 hour, don't waste time by going through 10 minutes of warms ups when everyone above white belt should know what needs to be done.

Also, the title thing bothers me too. If I'm not calling you Sensei then it's gonna be Sir or Coach, that's all you are getting. Fancy titles are for certificates and to impress people outside the dojo, inside it's about coaching.
ok.... I'm going to catch some flack for this but here goes.....

Loosers in life who took TKD or any other martial art and thought they found thier place in life where they were someone important, walk around with their Black Belt on and dont even know how and the hell to tie it.


sorry but thats it.

Just to be sure I've been doing it right... You wear it around the neck like a tie don't you?
For me it's people who don't practice at home and and miss classes, and then wonder why a year later that they suck
Students promoted when they absolutely don't deserve it.
Students who are disruptive.
Students who only put forth effort when the instructor is watching them.

Instructors who allow items 2 and 3 above.

Masters who are too full of themselves to listen to anyone.
People who have their name written in big letters down their dobok leg. Tacky much?

People who like to jump on every mistake you make, even if you are just quickly showing something.

People who don't show up to class for a month and then try enter the competition on that weekend.
• Enthusiastic new people who tell you all about how they LOVE martial arts and then vanish after about a month

• Students who SAY they want to improve but won't train to fix what needs fixin'

• People who think that: rank (automatically) = martial art knowledge

• Working with the hygienically-challenged

Of course, I've probably been guilty of three out of the above four at some time or another ;)
Good idea for a thread.

For me it is;

*People not giving their full attention when doing a drill or set sparring exercise. I absolutely hate it if I am faced with someone more interested in what their friend or the pairing next to us are doing.

*People who can only say negative things about other styles.
Here is another one, people wearing the same unifrom for two three weeks and never ever washing it.
Students who insist on wasting class time with "what ifs".

Ooh, you beat me to that one.

Also, does everyone here get that kid who wants to tell you "that is not how I learned it in boxing." Meanwhile, the kid is 12 years old, so he spent maybe 3 months in boxing a few years ago. To make it worse, he is telling you that you should keep your rear hand down, or to punch with your fist NOT closed (or things to that effect).
I am NOT saying that I know best, but if I am teaching a class, I am teaching the way I do things. Also, I have 18 years of solid experience to back what I personally believe works. I am not a 10 year old kid who took karate back when he was 4, so he is going to tell the head instructor (me) that I am doing something wrong.
This has happened several times over the years to me. Just yesterday a kid kept telling me that a move I was showing wouldn't work (I am teaching martial arts at a church day camp during the summer) so I moved everyone back and told him to submit me since he knows so much more than me. He moved in, grabbed my hand with both of his hands and fell flat on his face trying to pull me over. I didn't even move. I just stood there and watched him fall over. He got up, tried to sweep me and fell over again. I dropped back and pulled him in front of me and tapped him out with my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms in a typical choke.
I could tell several other similar stories. I always just give the kid everyone's attention for a few minutes and let him fail miserably trying to take me down (I never hurt them, just let them show how little they know).
MAJOR pet peeve!