Martial Arts Federations


sifu Adams

What dose everyone think of martial arts Federations? Are they good, bad, or what would you like changed in them?
Which Federation or are you just saying in general?
- Ceicei
The larger an organization gets (of any kind- not just in MA) the more prone it is to various problems. I don't think it's fair or realistic to talk about all MA organizations in general though.

Though I realize quite a few people here that are very happy not being part of any overiding organization. What was that quote by Groucho Marx? "I wouldn't want to be part of any club that would have me for a member."
I guess my question was confusing. Over the past two years I have been asked to join many federation. US martial arts Alliance, North American Federation of martial arts, ect... I have not decide which if any to join. I like the format of the NAFMA they dont tell you what you can an cannot do. And both have tournaments that my students can earn national, state, and even international championships. However I have never been with any federation and don't know what to look for in one. any suggestions.
It's like a pyramid scheme, only without the realization that you are being duped...

Really, there isn't much benefit to joining in most cases. They'll take your money and offer very little in return, except for perhaps the you get there associations name on your certificate.

Some instructors might require you to join there association in order to train with them or attend there seminars. Which I think is kinda silly and most won't.

It's like going to Walmart and trying to buy something, but they tell you you first have to pay a membership fee. What do you get for it? Well you get the priveledge of being able to buy their product...

Oh, and as for those championship titles. Well... you could take your group of 10 buddies and hold a little competition and award the winner a International title for your group.

There are more national and international champions running around then white belts it seems...
No suggestions or helpful information..Myself I joined only one Federation because it is attached to the curent discipline I am studying...
The concept is good. However, I've noticed that the founder(s) tend to quickly suffer from ego problems are tend to be unreceptive to the ideas of new (often younger and lower ranked) members.
It depends on the organization. When I was looking to join an organization I was looking for more training. I wasn't just looking for rank recognition and then to go to a seminar every year or two - that route is a lot cheaper but you get what you pay for! You also don't ever learn anything new.

I do appreciate the national champions comment! They could divide into groups of four and then have everyone get a 1st - 4th Champion in Sparring, Weapons or Forms. I have lived in towns with a lot of national champions as well!