Martial Art Aliens


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
I was told by a prospect today that Martial Art came from aliens, what do all of you think about it and is there any actual facts or studys that could be looked at?
are we talking about ray-gun and anal-probe aliens, or our illegal brothers and sisters?:)
trav101 said:
are we talking about ray-gun and anal-probe aliens, or our illegal brothers and sisters?:)

Ray gun type of aliens.
trav101 said:
are we talking about ray-gun and anal-probe aliens, or our illegal brothers and sisters?:)
the other suggestion makes a lot more sense!
Xue Sheng said:

And all this time I thought it came from evil druids....
aliens are not necessarily evil, even the illegal ones ;)
but yeah, martial arts came from aliens who studied in mars-odang province of the People's Republic of Mars
terryl965 said:
I was told by a prospect today that Martial Art came from aliens, what do all of you think about it and is there any actual facts or studys that could be looked at?

Was the prospect's last name Mulder or Scully? ;)
Terry, I see a "B" movie joint venure in our future. It'll be soooo rediculous everyone on this board will have to see it! Waddya say?
terryl965 said:
I was told by a prospect today that Martial Art came from aliens, what do all of you think about it and is there any actual facts or studys that could be looked at?
In that case, not anymore than the claim that all MA's are derived from God. You can beleive it, but it's totally unverifiable.
Something just ocurred to me. (not being the sharpest knife in the drawer). You said "prospect". So did "The prospect" sign up to see how "we" do it? :)
terryl965 said:
I was told by a prospect today that Martial Art came from aliens, what do all of you think about it and is there any actual facts or studys that could be looked at?

And this brings me to my next point...random drug screening for potential students...
OnlyAnEgg said:
Ninjas are all aliens.
HA! I knew there was something a little different about Kreth. He hung on to that Gene Simmons looks just a littttle too long, and the fascination with shiny coins is, well, a bit peculiar...

An alien..I just knew it!
if ninja's are aliens, what about pirates. And then again, what about ninja/pirates?
mantis said:
aliens are not necessarily evil, even the illegal ones ;)
but yeah, martial arts came from aliens who studied in mars-odang province of the People's Republic of Mars

Well that explains everything...EVERYBODY knows they have Druids on mars....... Don't they!?!?!?!?!?

trav101 said:
if ninja's are aliens, what about pirates. And then again, what about ninja/pirates?

Ninjas yes
Pirates no
Ninja pirates... 50%
trav101 said:
if ninja's are aliens, what about pirates. And then again, what about ninja/pirates?

All right...let's get ONE thing straight: Ninjas are not pirates!

Pirates are obviously not aliens as they are the sworn adveraries of Ninja.
hahaha.... kinda disappointed that pirates aren't aliens. perhaps they are crossbreeds? Raygun-fu or martialmartian-do. What would they teach??
Gemini said:
HA! I knew there was something a little different about Kreth. He hung on to that Gene Simmons looks just a littttle too long, and the fascination with shiny coins is, well, a bit peculiar...

An alien..I just knew it!
* mutters something into his cell phone about plan "To Serve Man"
Wait... I thought martial artists were magicians inspired by the Devil... does that mean the Devil was taught by aliens and just passed it on?