Martial Art advice for young daughter

johnno smith

White Belt
May 18, 2024
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I am after some advice. I have two young daughters that I want to get into martial arts or self defence.

I appreciate anything is better than nothing, and which they prefer the most and quality of the instructor is also important,

But I would like to know your thoughts on which is best for them?

As far as im aware, girls are more likely to be grabbed (by men) than punched, so im thinking grappling style maybe a better option, though I am open to suggestions.

Nearby (UK) I have (all offer child sessions):

Karate, boxing, judo, Muay thai, Wing Chun, MMA, BJJ, Japanese Ju Jitsu, no gi (not sure if wrestling or bjj)

Thank you.

something they will enjoy. Pick a style the hate and they will get not much out if it.

My daughter started in TKD and spent 1 year, due to the contract, and wanted nothing to do with it long before that. Took her to watch an Aikido class and she was hooked, spent many years training it. Would answer questions about what she liked about about aikido with “whats not to like” and “everything”

TKD…. Was not for her, nor was any other style.
Find a style your daughters like, may need to try more than one. But find one they like they will excel. Pick one they don’t, and force them to go and they will not get much out of it
IMO, it's also more important to find a good club than a good style. The quality of martial arts clubs varies hugely and studying at a good club in a style that is not seen as 'combat effective' is a better bet than studying at a crappy club in one that is.
I didn’t get a choice, and was actually sort of indifferent to it when I was really young. I grew to love and appreciate the training. I believe it was more about having great instructors and schools than the art itself.
Can I also just suggest...?
Certainly at my club, the kids who stick with it are quite often the ones whose parents do it too. If you set a good example by training in a martial art yourself, they're much more likely to stay the course
You kind of want to look at development and opportunities.

BJJ probably has the best opportunities for kids at the moment. The most competitions. The most support. the best chance to get paid doing it. Sponsorship, travel. That kind of thing.

So it becomes a trade as well as a hobby.

Wrestling early on is like a grappling super power. It is harder. Less people do it and there isn't many professional wrestlers outside of America. But as a foundation for BJJ wrestlers are just better generally.

And Wrestling better as a foundation for self-defense.

Striking for kids comes in to issues with brain injury. You kind of need to be punched in the head to strike well. And you kind of don't want to do that with children.
You can't really minmax children's activities. They have too much say in what they'll put effort into, and too little care about maximizing their time like that.

Personally, I'd go with a grappling art because from my experience those who start younger have a pretty significant advantage in terms of natural understanding of body mechanics, and you're lowering the risk of head injury, but ultimately just take them around and see what they like.
You can't really minmax children's activities. They have too much say in what they'll put effort into, and too little care about maximizing their time like that.

Personally, I'd go with a grappling art because from my experience those who start younger have a pretty significant advantage in terms of natural understanding of body mechanics, and you're lowering the risk of head injury, but ultimately just take them around and see what they like.
How does grappling reduce the chance of head injury?

I am after some advice. I have two young daughters that I want to get into martial arts or self defence.

I appreciate anything is better than nothing, and which they prefer the most and quality of the instructor is also important,

But I would like to know your thoughts on which is best for them?

As far as im aware, girls are more likely to be grabbed (by men) than punched, so im thinking grappling style maybe a better option, though I am open to suggestions.

Nearby (UK) I have (all offer child sessions):

Karate, boxing, judo, Muay thai, Wing Chun, MMA, BJJ, Japanese Ju Jitsu, no gi (not sure if wrestling or bjj)

Thank you.

Let us know what she chooses and how she likes it.

I am after some advice. I have two young daughters that I want to get into martial arts or self defence.

I appreciate anything is better than nothing, and which they prefer the most and quality of the instructor is also important,
You just answered your own question. Good job!
First of all before you choose your daughters Martial arts school make sure to acquire 2st go to all Martial arts school in your city and choose what you like and observe the instructor on how they teach and also ask for the price to enroll in a karate class because some karate class are pricey