Machida Karate??

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Be offended. You were meant to get an emotional responce from my words, and you did. If you are thrilled, upset, offended, or validated by my words doesn't matter to me, so if you are offended, great! But your posting shows fantasy filling your head, and that is all there is to it. Believe me, I've seen plenty of students and others who are similarly filled, and you show all the hallmarks. Even if it is just your daydream imaginings, it is still fantasy. As to passing it on to your kids, I stand by what I said. You are going to train them even if they don't want to, and think that'll instill discipline? No, it'll instill resentment. Force them and they'll hate you, give them reasons to love it and they'll happily go along. Again, you're doing this for you, with your values, not theirs.

But go into your mediative practices a little more. I'll show you what I mean, in my schools our mediations are guided visualisation exercises with specific goals in mind, and are based on Eriksonian and Analytical Hypnotherapy and NLP. My first school (karate) also "taught" meditation, which consisted of basically being told to sit in a certain posture with our hands held a certain way, and then being told to "meditate". No guidance, no explanation, just sit there and be quiet! Not so productive. And that is actually the more common way it is taught, especially in Eastern arts and cultures, where you are expected to simply do what you are told, and to not ask questions. So people do what they have been told without understanding it, or knowing why things are done (my instructor could never explain why our hands were held the way they were...).

As to RBSD systems, they are often best thought of as supplementary systems, as they assume a established skill level. They are not there to teach techniques, they are designed around teaching principles which can be adapted to any art, and are focused on surviving an assault. They may have a "technique", such as Tony's SPEAR concept (jam and strike), Richard Dmitri's Shredder (clawing to the face), Crazy Monkey Boxing's unique cover, Deane Lawlers R-SULT covering strike (similar to Tony's SPEAR, actually), but these are simply concepts given a form. The idea is that they are taught to people who are already trained in a martial art of some form, not that they are complete systems themselves.

Arts such as Krav Maga (or HaganaH or others) are heavily based in a martial art, and the training methods sets them out as semi-RBSD systems. For example, Krav Maga is based on Shotokan, originally, and was developed into a military system for the Israeli Army, leading to new training methods and appraoches to deal with the environment they were facing (which is not the same as a modern Western city street, by the way). But they will get you more well-rounded, as well as dealing with the far more important concepts of adrenaline training and pressure testing. In terms of RBSD, check out Iain Abernathy (karate), Geoff Thompson (karate), and others. Note that these guys have very serious backgrounds in established TMA systems, and that allows them to develop their RBSD systems (that would answer your question as to why them and not you, basically because they have the experience and requisite training behind them).

TMA training by itself is as useful or useless as modern arts, depending on how it is taught and trained. I think this has been covered enough in the lasy few days though, yeah? Tell me if you want to go through it again, but I would look to the "Street effectiveness" thread... Horse stance training is designed for very specific reasons, including strengthening your legs, building endurance and the ability to withstand discomfort/pain, and more. Repetitive training, whether it is stance training, drilling combinations, pressure testing, kata, or anything else, is essential. If you get "bored" doing kata, or can't see the benefits of horse stance training, you're missing the point, and maybe a different approach would suit you better.

You will get neither approval nor disapproval for your list, you will only get feedback and advice. We have no need or desire to approve or disapprove. If you want to do such a mix, go for it. It won't help you the way you think, but hey, go for it. We're just not that involved. We don't care what you do, as we're not the ones doing it, but if you ask what we think we will tell you.

Your list there of what you want, well, all of that is in my schools, actually. Plus more, so you know. But something with that amount of depth will not be a RBSD system, it will be a complete martial art. RBSD training principles can be used (I use them myself in my training, and use them to teach as well), but it is not an RBSD system.

Oh, and before others jump in, NO, that whole "most fights go to the ground" thing has been debunked so many times it's ridiculous. The study was from LEOs whose primary tactic was to take the other guy to the ground so they could cuff them, the figure was between 60 and 90% (dependingon who you asked), the BJJ guys got hold of it years ago to justify their approach. Most fights that go to the ground are because someone slips. Then they get up again. Then they slip again. That's if it lasts that long.

And finally, in regard to "counting on the street fighter/predator not having much training", well, I don't think that makes them less dangerous. They have experience at hurting people, they know that they can do it, they know how they can do it, they have done it before, and have no problem doing it again. They are completely commited to hurting you, and that makes them dangerous. But they are not going to be BJJ Black Belts. They wouldn't last in a BJJ school, frankly.

Jesus Holy Christ, Thank You!
This is everything that I needed to hear!!!

As for this part:

Be offended. You were meant to get an emotional responce from my words, and you did. If you are thrilled, upset, offended, or validated by my words doesn't matter to me, so if you are offended, great! But your posting shows fantasy filling your head, and that is all there is to it. Believe me, I've seen plenty of students and others who are similarly filled, and you show all the hallmarks. Even if it is just your daydream imaginings, it is still fantasy.

I'm not sure if that was your way of proving to me that these forums are also filled with trolls or is your way of showing me that these forums are filled with people who simply don't care what approach they give; but I'll take those little comments with a grain of sand.

My head is filled with confusing thoughts, due to what I've seen and have been told in the past.

Chris Parker, Let me tell you quickly that I put it on all of my dead family members graves that here in America, most of your enemies will try to take you to the ground and pulverize you (mainly because they don't want to play the, "Who's a better boxer" game). I've been in many, many fights where my opponent tried to bullrush me, spear me to the ground, get on top, and pound my face in.
The techniques that many of them use are what's taught in high school wrestling programs, and in American Football.

So what you said about the "Most fights get taken to the ground" was false in my experiences.
I've only seen 2 fights in my life where the fight wasn't taken to the ground.

As for what's taught in your schools, I would love to know what style you're teaching.

I'm doing the best I can to find what's right for me.

You, sir, are seriously helping more than you know.
For that, I thank you; but let's keep this as friendly as possible?
Perhaps one day after I train, I can thank you and throw flowers at your feet for being such a great influence on my training, and on my life.

As you play the devils advocate, you teach me things that I NEED to know.

Thanks!!! :asian:
No problem. As to why I said for you to realise that no-one cares, what I meant by that is that no-one has the same emotional and personal investment in your questions here that you do. We are not affected by whether or not you take our advice or not, if you get injured, killed, locked up, or simply become a highly skilled and confident martial artist who finds that they have no reason to fight. So our answers are going to be removed from the emotional place your questions could come from. Does that make sense?

As for my school, check my signature.
With all due respect, the user in question is starting to remind me very much of the user Destroyer Style. Young kid, big heart, and desire to train, but has little experience in the RW, aruges with those that have been training longer, creates a mish-mash of things, in hopes that this jumble of stuff will actually work.

My apologies for my harshness. It was not my intention to add another page to this topic.
I just had a question for AriesKai, but didn't get an answer.
Maybe I expect too much from someone who is 1st dan in Ju Jutsu to actually know a bit about what works and what doesn't.

I have no interrest in starting a verbal war, I just had a question for the Arieskai.

Merry Christmas, Yule or what you call it to everyone. :)
My apologies for my harshness. It was not my intention to add another page to this topic.
I just had a question for AriesKai, but didn't get an answer.
Maybe I expect too much from someone who is 1st dan in Ju Jutsu to actually know a bit about what works and what doesn't.

I have no interrest in starting a verbal war, I just had a question for the Arieskai.

Merry Christmas, Yule or what you call it to everyone. :)

You are expecting too much. Even at 1st Dan, I've still been confused. Perhaps it is because I no longer practice Jujutsu? I haven't practiced traditional Jujutsu in about 5 years. Question answered? Good.
You won't get any troll response from me, buddy.
You've got the wrong guy. Go to another forum for that crap.
This isn't the place.

Best Regards,
Your Maker
My apologies for my harshness. It was not my intention to add another page to this topic.
I just had a question for AriesKai, but didn't get an answer.
Maybe I expect too much from someone who is 1st dan in Ju Jutsu to actually know a bit about what works and what doesn't.

I have no interrest in starting a verbal war, I just had a question for the Arieskai.

Merry Christmas, Yule or what you call it to everyone. :)

By the way.
If you've got a real question, perhaps I have a real answer.
That's what Private Messaging is for.
Emberrassing or publically harassing someone (trolling) is probably the quickest way to get bounced off of this forum, or so I've found out the hard way.
You're bound to get a negative response and begin a verbal war in the forums.
These forums are quite too professional and formal for that.
It's not a game in the sandbox, this is where grown men come to talk about Martial Arts.

Glad to be of help :asian:

PS: Just because you have experience in "bare knuckled fighting" in the back yard as a kid, doesn't mean you can kick everybody's ***, or know the 1st thing about Martial Arts OR self defense. Bare knuckled fighting isn't a martial art, it's more or less, a sport. Again, if you actually read the post, we mainly used gloves.
Just because you have a 1st Dan in one style, doesn't mean you've got it all. I may be 1st Dan in Jujutsu, but that doesn't mean I have what it takes to take Chris Parker.. Which is why i'm now going to be studying Ninjutsu. This thread, for me, is dead. At this point, only replying will be a necro.
Careful, Aries, I didn't see anything in xJOHNx's post that required your answer. That could be taken as rather inflamatory from you, and that's not what you want. Right?

Basically, he is saying that he expects a Shodan to have an understanding of their own system, and I'd agree to a degree. Not complete knowledge, but some familiarity. Whether or not that is going to be understanding of SD is another question though, so if you didn't want to answer, you didn't have to.

But I don't think that was harrassment. I just think xJOHNx was surprised to see what happened after his post as he has just signed in again. Cool?
Careful, Aries, I didn't see anything in xJOHNx's post that required your answer. That could be taken as rather inflamatory from you, and that's not what you want. Right?

Basically, he is saying that he expects a Shodan to have an understanding of their own system, and I'd agree to a degree. Not complete knowledge, but some familiarity. Whether or not that is going to be understanding of SD is another question though, so if you didn't want to answer, you didn't have to.

But I don't think that was harrassment. I just think xJOHNx was surprised to see what happened after his post as he has just signed in again. Cool?

Ah, ok. I see.
Yes, of course I have a good understanding and am quite familiar... but i'm still just not satisfied. Dear, it seems that i'm never satisfied; but again, I haven't trained or really practiced in TJJ in over 5 years.
Like I said, i'm not happy, which is why i'm fixing that very soon.

Thank you all, and I reiterate what I said before about "this post being dead".

I'm done with it.


Best Regards,
Aries Kai
Thank you Chris,
that was all that I wanted to add to this thread, while answering MJS his reply on my post.

And Aries, there is no bad blood between us.
You just listed stuff you had experience in and I wanted to ask why you felt that wasn't enough. Or where the training did not suffice in your opinion. Given that you publically anounced everything, I didn't see the need for a private message. Because most of the times, I gain insight by answering questions more, than by just getting the answers to questions.

And yes I expect alot from other people, especially people who have a black belt. That's the way I've started my training long ago and still continue to train.

By the way.
If you've got a real question, perhaps I have a real answer.
That's what Private Messaging is for.
Emberrassing or publically harassing someone (trolling) is probably the quickest way to get bounced off of this forum, or so I've found out the hard way.
You're bound to get a negative response and begin a verbal war in the forums.
These forums are quite too professional and formal for that.
It's not a game in the sandbox, this is where grown men come to talk about Martial Arts.

Glad to be of help :asian:

PS: Just because you have experience in "bare knuckled fighting" in the back yard as a kid, doesn't mean you can kick everybody's ***, or know the 1st thing about Martial Arts OR self defense. Bare knuckled fighting isn't a martial art, it's more or less, a sport. Again, if you actually read the post, we mainly used gloves.
Just because you have a 1st Dan in one style, doesn't mean you've got it all. I may be 1st Dan in Jujutsu, but that doesn't mean I have what it takes to take Chris Parker.. Which is why i'm now going to be studying Ninjutsu. This thread, for me, is dead. At this point, only replying will be a necro.

1. You've been here before under another user name?
2. Men? women aren't considered as martial artists then?
3. a necro?

No one is trolling on this thread, what are coming out are thoughtful, insightful answers.
1. You've been here before under another user name?
2. Men? women aren't considered as martial artists then?
3. a necro?

No one is trolling on this thread, what are coming out are thoughtful, insightful answers.

Since you are a moderator, I will reply to these questions.

1. No, i've Never been here under another name. If you want my full, real name, than I will give it to you via PM, as well as my e-mail address.
I'm sure you can get that yourself, as a moderator...
I wouldn't have any reason to change my name. I've been using this alias for quite a while...... Actually, I came here after being trolled to death by the guru's at; all because I was a noob (still am).

2. Sorry if I offended you. Of course women can be martial artists, I have a wife, i'm definitely not gay and if I were sexist then I obviously wouldn't be able to keep my wife around....

3. A necro.. you know.. waking up a dead thread.

I'd honestly like to kill this thread, or at least uninclude myself in this topic. As you probably have yet to tell, I am a good guy; I just have some things to learn (obviously).
I have been helped, as I have learned the few things that I need to learn to begin a new style of martial arts that fits me.

Thank you all!!!
Aries. Tez in NOT a moderator. The banners in our name-plate show what level we are, Tez and I are Mentors, JKS is a Moderator. And as for deciding that this is a "dead" thread, I'm afraid that is not up to you. You started this thread, but if people still want to post and answer, they will. You need to let go of any emotional attachment, you don't control the thread.

However, if you want to remove yourself from getting notifications, in the top banner (where the search function I mentioned to you is) is another button called "User CP", or user control panel. That will list your current threads, and you can select to "Unsubscribe" to this (or any) thread.
Aries. Tez in NOT a moderator. The banners in our name-plate show what level we are, Tez and I are Mentors, JKS is a Moderator. And as for deciding that this is a "dead" thread, I'm afraid that is not up to you. You started this thread, but if people still want to post and answer, they will. You need to let go of any emotional attachment, you don't control the thread.

However, if you want to remove yourself from getting notifications, in the top banner (where the search function I mentioned to you is) is another button called "User CP", or user control panel. That will list your current threads, and you can select to "Unsubscribe" to this (or any) thread.

Alright. Again, My Apologies Sincerely............


Aries Kai
I won't argue with you. I'm not sure whether to take offense to this as it somewhat publicly downgrades my demeanor; but perhaps I'm looking for something that actually works for me, but really have no idea on where to start.
Again, i've 'started' in many different gyms/dojos/studios, but staying 1 dimensional is the quickest way to lose a fight, IMO.
If I train only on boxing, the second I get taken to the ground or rammed against a brick wall, and then get taken to the ground, I'm going to lose that fight if I don't know how to defend myself against it.

What i'm looking for is a well-rounded martial art, or a few martial arts styles that will work in self defense. I've searched extensively, but I can find nothing except for military style systems like, HaganaH.
I think HaganaH is a good system; but is it really all that good?

I've been looking more on EDPAK and am thinking, "Maybe that's the one for me?" but I still don't know. I don't want to put my time and effort into something that's not going to work for me.


Take my comments anyway you like. No offense intended, but at times, I grow tired of sugar coating things for people, and telling them the things they WANT to hear, rather than the truth.

What surprises me, is that its taking you 16yrs, as you state, to come to the understanding that maybe, you're not doing what you really want? ****, that would take me a heck of alot less time, but anyways...

You constantly ask what is street effective, and I've told you repeatedly, that ANYTHING can be, but it comes down to how each person trains it.

As for downgrading you....well, be it as it may, I'm trying to be honest with you here. You have a long list of things you trained in, talk about all the fights you've been in, talk all the time about 16yrs of training, and you're asking questions like this? Let me ask you....did your 16yrs of training help you with what you've done? If so, then what is the issue? If not, well, again, I wouldn't be waiting 16yrs to figure out what failed me.
In the real world, I have been very poor and grew up in the projects where if you have a new pair of converse and are a white kid walking around in the wrong neighborhood, you're going to get jumped, beaten, and your shoes will be taken by the biggest and strongest kid (the "Deebo").
I've gotten my *** kicked quite a few times because I had a nice watch, was in the wrong neighborhood, or was hanging around the wrong person.
In the last year and a half, I have been chronically homeless over 5 times, have no real family (worthless father, dying mother/cancer), have been into real situations where I absolutely had to apply self defense, and know what will work and what is complete ********. Thankfully, i've only had to fight those who were either moderately or poorly trained, or had no real training at all.
I'm still alive and well today and while i'm still young, i'm wise and have gone through things that many of those who are even 40 years old have not. Perhaps that is why I argue with those that I do not know.
You never know who's at the other end of these computer systems.

I can sit here and say, "I'm a 10th Dan and am 35 years old!" when in reality, I'm only a 15 year old kid with no real training or experience except for YouTube and google searching.

Aries Kai

Again, why has it taken 16yrs to see this? As for who is sitting behind the're correct sir, however, I can assure you, there are many here who do have that knowledge. As for myself...all my training can be backed up by my teachers. 20+yrs of training. Apparently what I do and what my teachers do, works, otherwise I wouldn't be here typing this to you, whoever you may be.

Sit down, figure out what type of training YOU need, ask questions, be humble and stop arguing with everyone that offers you suggestions. Ask questions, but dont be a jerk about it. Not saying you are, just sayin'.

As for your living situation...dont know what to tell ya, other than to maybe not wear the expensive watch, fancy shoes, mind your business, and avoid trouble.
I don't think you have to be defensive about not being gay!

In fact really you know no one has to be defensive about anything. I was just asking a question based on something you said thats all, I don't need to know your name.

I let slide something before but as people who know me here will have known it's been nibbling at the edges of my brain and as I'm having a leisurely day I'll take time to post.

You seem to have an odd idea of MMA, that it's a hodge-podge of things that you hope will work ( regular readers can switch off, go and make a cuppa lol, they've heard this before).
The older MMA fighters mostly come from a background of one style they have mastered often karate or TKD they will then train in a ground style. In the UK this is mostly Judo or BJJ, in the States it could also be wrestling as there's a traditional of high school/freestyle wrestling we don't have. It can happen too that a ground specialist will take a standup style. That's often Muay Thai though again it can be karate/TKD/boxing. Younger fighters are coming in now and are training MMA as a whole which means their standup and groundwork is seamless, a good trait to have.

MMA fighters, ours are no exception, train hard and will use anything from any style that works for them, they will go to the best of any style to be trained. They never, ever hope for the best. What is best for them is dependant on their body size, strength and flexibility. It's no good saying high kicks are no good in the cage/ring when they clearly are for someone who can do them well, I can't so don't do them, there's no point me doing them and hoping for the best. I concentrate on what I'm good at as do other fighters.

On the day of the fight both fighters will have known who they are fighting for a long while, they will know their opponents style and the way they fight, the tactics will have been decided and the training geared to that. Machida is a good example of this, what he does isn't chance, it's training, tactics and brain power as much as any physical prowess.

We've also been over many times how fighters react to violence outside the competitive stage. We train SD differently from the way we train MMA, there is a huge crossover of course. Techniques used in the competition can easily be adapted to use outside. My instructor is well used to violence and fighting, he was a soldier for 22 years, he's a doorman in a rough area as well as having done the doors in London with people that I can only describe as dodgy! He was also a close protection officer in the army something he still does. He's trained with Geoff Thompson an excellent proponant of SD, google him, his books, videos and seminars may well be the best around.

I've known several MMA fighters here who have also had fights out on the street, a couple even start them lol. Fighting outside doesn't need the finesse you need in competition. Iain Abernethy ( google him too) told us that his first repsonse is to punch an attacker, he's strong and stocky he says so it suits him to go for a KO first, his Bunkai techniques he'll use if he hasn't been able to do that. His SD techniques btw are very very good.

The 'all fights go to the floor' argument is an old one, the best advice though is to try never to go to the ground. Smaller people may have little choice but you really, really don't want to be there.

The reason people here say go out and see what fits you best is because it's hard to know what to recommend to someone you don't know. Take a karate style, my instructor is BB in Shotokan, it suits him, he's tall and strong, Shotokan has deeper stances suitable for long legs. I do Wado Ryu, more suitable for shorter people like myself as it has shorter stances. I've done some TKD, didn't suit me as I can't do high kicks at any speed. Tang Soo Do is a mixture of both these styles and suits us both. It's not that any of these styles is better than the other but you have to look at whats best for you. One of our fighters base styles is JKD, he says it suits him because he has very strong but short legs, his kicks are very powerful.

Absolutely find the style that suits you. It's the way you train in it that will make you a fighter not just the style.
By the way.. before I forget...

That is exactly what "MMA" is all about.
"Mixed Martial Arts, A mixture of martial arts wrapped into one single system or style."
In fact, that is what "Martial Arts" is all about... hoping that a "jumble of stuff will actually work".

WRONG! Did you read what I said? If not, read it again! I said, a mishmash of things tossed together. That is NOT what MMA is. You're not trying to creat Frankenstein here dude, you're putting things together that work, not just a little of this, a bit of that, pop it in the over, and pray it works. Is that what you think MMA is? Is that what you think that martial arts are? I'm staring to think that you're trolling and wasting everybodies time here dude, and if thats the case, I suggest you stop, before your time here is cut short, and trolling is frowned upon.

You think that Ed Parker just threw things together hoping they'd work? He put things together alright, but what he did works! Its been tested and continues to be. Its like a dont just put the pieces together any old way do you??

The things that I apply have worked for me. I have not lost one real fight since I was 16, and don't really plan on it, which is why I am seeking some more training. I hope to seek some better training that will help me redefine my skills and will also help me perfect my own technique for me.

So, all the times you got your *** kicked were prior to that? Just going on what you said in another post. So, if so, and you avent lost a fight since then, figure out what you did wrong.

I do my best to respect everyone in this forum and will remain as respectful and as formal as possible.

I'm not here to prove anything; but am here to seek help from the professionals.
If I am wrong in any of my methods, tell me how, why, and what I can do to do something better.
That's what practicing is all about.

Best Regards,
Aries Kai

Bro, I'm starting to doubt that. One minute you're saying you want help from the pros here, and in the next, you're telling me that you doubt people because you dont know who's on the other end of the computer. WTF?? You either want help or you dont.
Tell that to Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and Chuck Norris.

Bruce Lee openly admitted that he developed Jeet Kune Do at age 27, was a young kid with a big heart, and a true desire to train, argued with many, many old martial artists who had been training a lot longer, created a mish-mash of things in hopes that his jumble of stuff will actually work, applied them, and was very, very successful.
Someone previously had stated that one's age and experience does not matter, as we can all learn something from someone no matter their age or experience.
This is true, as Bruce Lee had 14 years of experience before he openly admitted that he designed his own system (Jeet Kune Do).
Actually, Bruce started teaching Jun Fan Gung Fu in 1959.
There were Grand Masters that were ages 60 and up that argued with Bruce about his systems, but his system has been proven to be very effective.
Many did not agree with him or his philosophies; but yet, he was successful anyways!

I do believe that Bruce Lee was a legend known for his proficiency in the Martial Arts, not something anyone here at Martial Talk can say (no offense).
Bruce Lee officially opened his system (JKD) to others when he was 27 years old, only 5-6 years older than I am today.

Jackie Chan, the only one to beat Bruce Lee (in a tournament) studied many different martial arts and bundled them together as well.
These include:
Under Grand Master Leung Ting he trained in Wing Chun, (Bruce Lee also studied this) as well as Tong Long, Bak Mei, Northern Shaolin Kung Fu
Hapkido, Boxing, Judo, Taekwondo and Hei Long.

Jackie's personal style is a mixture of Wing Chun, Hapkido and Judo.

Chuck Norris also developed his own martial art, "Chun Kuk Do", a system that integrates Tae Kwon Do, BJJ, Wrestling, Muay Thai, and Shotokan.

As far as I know, Jackie Chan began his training at age 6.
Bruce Lee began his training at age 13.
As for Chuck Norris, I'm not too sure, but next time I see him again, i'll be sure to ask.

I started at age 5 (very similar to the both Bruce and Jackie, and many other martial arts legends).

As far as these individuals street-effectiveness, even in their mixture of styles, they're in no doubt, bar-none.
You get these three together (given that Bruce was alive today), you wouldn't find anyone that would win them over (unless it were 20+ men with chains and baseball bats, or guns).

If I remain 1, 2, or even 3 dimensional in the martial arts and do not train in many or a few different styles, weeding out the things that are irrelevant while keeping the things that will help my flower bloom; then i'm going to have flaws in my system that will be countered by another systems techniques.
Yes, If I try to become a master at all these styles of martial arts, then I will be destroying my flower with weeds that will kill it. That is not my goal.
My goal is to become perfectly well-rounded with my own system that works for me by training in a number of martial arts, using certain techniques that will work for me.

One thing that one of my old instructors had told me was,
"Think of your own system as a cup of water. Keep filling this cup of water until it overflows. Make sure as you overflow your cup, keep everything that will help you, but make sure that the overflowing water is all of the things that won't help you."

Water is the softest, most versatile thing that consistently keeps it's perfect form, that has the most strength of all things on this planet.
Without water, we cannot live.
Without water, nothing on this green earth can live.
Irrelevant? I think not.
If my water is polluted with things that my body does not need, it may only harm me. If my water is nothing but pure and is good, then it will keep me alive. Still following?

I've seen plenty of replies and posts that basically say that training in all of these different styles is a waste of time, and/or isn't effective as "they're all different", ect.

Tell that to the real pro's who've done it.

I argue with the facts, not against them.

There's no point in contradicting this post, as there is no sufficient evidence that will work against what I just said.


Thank you and Best Regards

-Aries Kai

Ok, I'm still starting to believe that you're here to troll. I addressed this in my last post to you. If you think all those people just tossed stuff together with no rhyme or reason behind it, you're crazy. There is a HUGE difference between tossing **** together hoping it works, and putting things together in a scientific way, to make sure they work. If you cant see that, then you've really wasted 16yrs, as you claim.
My apologies for my harshness. It was not my intention to add another page to this topic.
I just had a question for AriesKai, but didn't get an answer.
Maybe I expect too much from someone who is 1st dan in Ju Jutsu to actually know a bit about what works and what doesn't.

I have no interrest in starting a verbal war, I just had a question for the Arieskai.

Merry Christmas, Yule or what you call it to everyone. :)


What I said was not directed at you. :) I was just pointing out that this person sounds exactly like this other member that was here, under the name Destroyer Style. He was a typical young kid, 21 I think, who thought that he could make his own style, that it was some super thing, etc., argued all the time with those that tried to help him, never listened...just like this guy is doing.

No harm bro. :)

Have a nice Christmas. :)

I don't think you have to be defensive about not being gay!

The 'all fights go to the floor' argument is an old one, the best advice though is to try never to go to the ground. Smaller people may have little choice but you really, really don't want to be there.

Nah, no offense taken.

Not all fights go to the ground... but many, many do. Almost all of the one's that i've seen.
Since i'm not a very small guy (6'1/225lbs); going to the ground isn't a very bad thing for me, unless i'm facing a black belt in BJJ, or unless i'm raking myself against gravel.. You know... Even though, being on the ground has many, many disadvantages on the street. I think everyone knows, or should know that.
I'd much rather be on my feet than on the ground in any street brawl.

Thanks for all the advice. I definitely agree with you about "choosing the style that compliments my body type and physical abilities".
I still have a hard time doing high kicks, but I think it is something that can definitely be worked on.
I'm tall, have a strong build, but can obtain flexibility, my body can change quickly from big to slender as well as adapt very quickly to the type of training that i'm enduring.

Thanks again!
Sorry if you felt any signs of disrespect.
By the way.
If you've got a real question, perhaps I have a real answer.
That's what Private Messaging is for.
Emberrassing or publically harassing someone (trolling) is probably the quickest way to get bounced off of this forum, or so I've found out the hard way.
You're bound to get a negative response and begin a verbal war in the forums.
These forums are quite too professional and formal for that.
It's not a game in the sandbox, this is where grown men come to talk about Martial Arts.

Glad to be of help :asian:

PS: Just because you have experience in "bare knuckled fighting" in the back yard as a kid, doesn't mean you can kick everybody's ***, or know the 1st thing about Martial Arts OR self defense. Bare knuckled fighting isn't a martial art, it's more or less, a sport. Again, if you actually read the post, we mainly used gloves.
Just because you have a 1st Dan in one style, doesn't mean you've got it all. I may be 1st Dan in Jujutsu, but that doesn't mean I have what it takes to take Chris Parker.. Which is why i'm now going to be studying Ninjutsu. This thread, for me, is dead. At this point, only replying will be a necro.

Thank you for confirming my thoughts.

1) You come here to start trouble.

2) You admit because you're not getting the answers YOU want, that you're now leaving the thread and anything else will be necro.

Did you read the forum rules YOU agreed to upon joining? If not, read them!

Oh, BTW, I'm going to make sure this thread is looked at. My troll and BS meter are off the charts right now.
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