This started buzzing around in my head after reading the thread by MJS and the age at which to start kids in MA's.
Is there a MA program at schools near you? I know they have them at the YMCA or colleges but what about grade, middle and high schools?
I think this would be a great thing to implement, a lot of kids dont have the ablility to play sports in high school, or dont want to do ROTC, so the MA's would be perfect. It could also be perfect for parents who may not be able to pick up there kids from school or dont have to to take them to the dojo every night.
Is there a MA program at schools near you? I know they have them at the YMCA or colleges but what about grade, middle and high schools?
I think this would be a great thing to implement, a lot of kids dont have the ablility to play sports in high school, or dont want to do ROTC, so the MA's would be perfect. It could also be perfect for parents who may not be able to pick up there kids from school or dont have to to take them to the dojo every night.