MA-Expert Video


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Wow... this guy's technique is SO secret that he has to check around him to make sure nobody is watching while he does his martial arts!


Let me make sure I understand... this guy checks to make sure nobody is watching him, and then posts the video on the internet?

What in the world did talentless attention whores do before Youtube?
I think he just wanted to make sure that his master over at RexKwonDo did not see him giving away their secrets. Until after he made his video.
It was like watching " The Blair Witch Project for Dweeb's ".

I disagree. In Blair Witch it was the camera that moved and I could not watch it period as I got a headache. Here, I could watched and any pain I felt was not from my eyes.

I have found that being secret or shy in training in public draws more attention. Just go and do it. If you are confident about being there, even with sticks and bokens and swords then most people will not bother you as you obviously would not be so bold if you knew you were not to be there.
I agree Rich just be you and enjoy, what other may or may not think is no bearing to me.