Looks like it is over

I find it interesting that so my states are "done", yet less than 5% of their vote is counted so far....I was laughing when I saw McCain ahead by a million votes, yet trailing 4 to 1 in electorial votes....and under 10% counted votes.

Oh, short of a surge, McCain's lost, but he's a fool if he concedes early. After all, it'll be a week before they count the Alaskan votes I hear. LOL!
Doesn't matter, we've got a month before all of the legal battles and the shouting about "He cheated!" and "They didn't count the votes right!" subside...
Yeah, I'm counting over 100 mentioned lawsuits and growing. Mostly because the "fancy" machines are crap, buggy, and all that. We had one at my polling place that was causing so many problems, they shut it down and just sent people to use the blue monsters that have worked fine since the 30's. No hung chads, no mis-scans, no drifted votes. Just nice n smooth. Probably why I ad to wait 5 minutes, and not 5 hours. LOL!
At least twice I can remember going to bed on 11/4 believing one candidate won but awoke three days later to the final tally for the other candidate.

I'm not counting chickens where there are eggs.
I'm just looking through the ballot inititives.
2 states voting to ban same-sex marriages. Looks like it's going to pass in at least 2 of the 3. Seperate but unequal returns. At least 1 state looks to be rejecting continuing Affirmative Action laws.
i'm not excited obama is winning, just relieved that palin isn't getting in the white house. really, really relieved.

i'm not excited obama is winning, just relieved that palin isn't getting in the white house. really, really relieved.


I've just recalculated EC's. All Obama needs is California. Even if McCain takes every other state, he can't win.

Congratulations Barack Obama.
This, folks, is history.

Though I voted Democrat, I raise a glass to the Republicans who treated this election with a fair and just eye, and voted based on truth and love of country.
Obama would never have gotten here without the press on his side like they were, that being said, I am happy a black man has been elected, it proves what I have been saying all along, the REAL racism in this country isnt in the white population. They have moved past it.

Plus, this effectivly puts jackson and Sharpton out of business.

So i am HAPPY that a black man got elected President, I am just terrified that it was THIS back man.
Great concession speech by John McCain. Very classy and definitely had his country in mind.
Yep. Unless you're gay, in which case it's ok to discriminate.
Just ask Florida and Arkansas.

Sorry, some parts of this election are currently turning my stomach.

Nothing to do with Obama though. I don't agree with him or his plans, but I wish him all the best.