Last Poster #6

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Considering not going to work today...coughing, sneezing, headache and no energy what-so-ever.
Might just stay home and do taijiquan all day
You're a more active patient than I am, Xue. When I feel like that, I just sit around and whine until someone brings me hot whiskey.
You're a more active patient than I am, Xue. When I feel like that, I just sit around and whine until someone brings me hot whiskey.
And soup. And sandwiches. And more hot whiskey. And another blanket. And a cat. And a phone. And a tablet.
I was more wondering who, exactly, has a rack of cats - much less a spare rack of cats??

Sue and I have been passing a GI bug back and forth. Stayed home sick tonight. Have to get better before vacation, because puking through your regulator, while possible (don't ask me how I know...) is no fun.
Sue and I have been passing a GI bug back and forth. Stayed home sick tonight. Have to get better before vacation, because puking through your regulator, while possible (don't ask me how I know...) is no fun.

My thoughts go out to you, brother. I am on vacation as of ninety minutes ago.
Sue and I have been passing a GI bug back and forth. Stayed home sick tonight. Have to get better before vacation, because puking through your regulator, while possible (don't ask me how I know...) is no fun.
Get better. That's an order.

There, that should take care of things.
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