Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to DEFCON 2

Insanity. If they attack a ship, do you all think that China would come down on our side?
Yea this is just what we need another stupid *** war.

I say **** or get off the pot to ALL of 'em.

Between the the Mideast Jihadist nutjobs, Those nutty NorKs that now have Nutty Nukes, those nutty Mexican druglord nutjobs bringing their problems to us, and our current nutjob Administration right here at home, frankly I wish they'd all just ****in' quit stallin' and get this ****in' world overwith already. I'm tired of it.
Yea this is just what we need another stupid *** war.

Not so sure this is a bad one to get involved in. This guy is a nut case.
China and Russia are pissed at N.K. I think they will talk him down...
Will be very interesting to see how the Obamanation Disciples react if and when Obama has to decide to bring armed forces against North Korea.

Personally I say do not waste any time or resources trying to do the Iraq thing, just drop a few million fliers around the country warning the civilians to make their way to the borders then just carpet bomb the place right up to each border and the demilitarized zone and be done with it.
North Korea stated that those who are opposing their nuke tests are being hypocrites. Well in a way they're right, problem is the NK's attitude of being a belligerent schoolyard kid wanting to play with the big boys. That and they've sponsored terrorism and just plain have been outspoken to the U.S. ... probably still mad after the tie in the Korean *ahem* Police Action.

Far as my opinion goes on China and their stance? Whell, China and NK are allies. Have been for years. Whose side are they going to be on? It is (hoped) that China can realize the mess that a war would cause, they may talk the kid down and point out that they're messing with the wrong guys.


I agree, just what we need another stupid war.
But then again it might just be a rumor.
It's called 'brinksmanship'. The classic was the Cuban missile crisis in the early 60s. That time the US was threatening a nuclear war with Russia and as kids we were terrified. The Russians were the first to blink. Now we have the Nth Koreans, led by megalomaniacs, following the same path. Who will blink this time?
  • China doesn't like what's going on. It's bad for business.
  • Russia is embarrassed to be associated with them.
  • Japan is nervous.
  • South Korea has a kind of schizophrenic attitude but doesn't want to become part of Kim Jong Il's ant hive.
  • The UN dithers but take a really dim view of tantrum-prone narcissistic toddlers who want to start nuclear wars.
On the whole I think we are on the same side as world opinion on this one. If shooting starts I think it will be much better defined than the "Endless War" we got involved in in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Seeing as how I live within range of some of the Dear Leader's purported long-range missiles I really hope it gets squashed before he starts lobbing things on ballistic trajectories.
After having lived in South Korea with the military......I really don't think that we have anything to worry about from the Chonger.
  • China doesn't like what's going on. It's bad for business.
  • Russia is embarrassed to be associated with them.
  • Japan is nervous.
  • South Korea has a kind of schizophrenic attitude but doesn't want to become part of Kim Jong Il's ant hive.
  • The UN dithers but take a really dim view of tantrum-prone narcissistic toddlers who want to start nuclear wars.
On the whole I think we are on the same side as world opinion on this one. If shooting starts I think it will be much better defined than the "Endless War" we got involved in in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Seeing as how I live within range of some of the Dear Leader's purported long-range missiles I really hope it gets squashed before he starts lobbing things on ballistic trajectories.


Afghanistan and Iraq havn't been going on all that long. And as wars go is sure isn't bloody like say, WW2 or Vietnam or... hahaha, the Korean War.

Now the Korean War NEVER ENDED. All that was signed was an armistice. A cease fire. The Korean war never ended. And that's the true 'Endless War'. And our soldiers are still in South Korea, something like 50+ years later.

Now isn't it time to end that war?

I say we bomb the **** out of them.
I say we bomb the **** out of them.

D*** right!!!! It is about time we reminded the world why they should stop screwing with us. And I am tired of paying for a bunch of nukes that we never get to use.
I say we bomb the **** out of them.
Yeah sure... we did Japan that way... lookit what happened?

Problem is that Japan didn't have what North Korea does... a HUGE ally. Japan's only ally was the Nazi's ... they were defeated and thus Japan was left alone to fight off everyone else.

Do we really want to start lobbing those nuclear weapons? Even if we go conventional... it'll boil down to nuclear sooner or later. The clapper doesn't seem like the kind of guy who will say "ow! ok, you win!" at the first hit of a bb pellet.

Afghanistan and Iraq havn't been going on all that long. And as wars go is sure isn't bloody like say, WW2 or Vietnam or... hahaha, the Korean War.

Now the Korean War NEVER ENDED. All that was signed was an armistice. A cease fire. The Korean war never ended. And that's the true 'Endless War'. And our soldiers are still in South Korea, something like 50+ years later.

Now isn't it time to end that war?

Yeah, where the hell is our Exit Strategy?
  • China doesn't like what's going on. It's bad for business.
Luckily it appears at this point China is not all too pleased either because it is bad for business and I have a feeling they too do not think Kim Jong Il is all that stable and Beijing is WAY too close to North Korea if it has nukes AND a delivery system. If Kim Jong Il ticks off China enough China is in a heck of a position to sanction the hell out of them not to mention it is considerably better for the west if China handles it than if we do, ESPECIALLY if you are talking militarily. But then it remains to be seen what China will do, if it does anything at all.