Arizona landowner sued by illegal aliens


Senior Master
Jan 24, 2004
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Springfield, Missouri
This disgusts me...Roger Barnett, an Arizona rancher, is being sued because stopping illegals at gunpoint on his own land and turning them over to the Border Patrol is apparently considered to be "conspiring to violate their civil rights."

"This is my land. I´m the victim here," Mr. Barnett said. "When someone´s home and loved ones are in jeopardy and the government seemingly can´t do anything about it, I feel justified in taking matters into my own hands. And I always watch my back."
I personally find nothing in that statement to disagree with...
The fact that this lawsuit is even taken seriously and allowed to go forward is, IMO, evidence of just how ****ed-up our system is. :mad:

one story,2933,490084,00.html

another story

Andy Moynihan

Senior Master
MT Mentor
Jun 9, 2006
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People's Banana Republic of Massachusettstan, Disu
You want civil rights?

Here's civil rights:

I'm very seriously considering pushing my congressmen( or rather my new ones if/once I ever make it to Texas since there's no way my useless MA ones would do it) to endorse a bill which would make illegals a LOT less brazen:

An *illegal* alien? who commits a crime on *US* soil? During which a *US* citizen is injured or killed?

Automatic death sentence to be carried out on the day of conviction, no appeal, no delay.

They don't fear the police, they fear neither judge nor jury, all they can be taught to fear now is their VICTIMS, or an ironclad punishment like this with NO HOPE of lawyering around.

THAT'll wake 'em the **** up.

Too bad no one's got the testicular fortitude to ever enact this and that's why we're gonna KEEP having these unnecessary problems.


Have the courage to speak softly
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Sep 15, 2006
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Staffordshire, England
This is indeed the sort of upside-down-rationality that fires peoples blood.

I can see that, in remote areas, the knowledge that such foolishness can be carried forward by the 'rule of law' could be the cause of someone making use of their gun and their shovel.

If the law does not serve those it is supposed to protect then it will be ignored - that is the big danger that grows from such things. It's a form of social devolution brought on by the law not fulfilling the 'contract' that society expects of it :(.


To him unconquered.
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Sep 7, 2006
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Columbus, Ohio
A thief breaking into your basement, tripping over the tons of stuff you've inevitably left lying around at random (what else are basements for, eh?) and breaking his jaw can, in numerous jurisdictions, sue you for negligence and other crap, even if the police find him lying there with all his burglar tools. This is just more of the same ********.


Senior Master
Mar 20, 2004
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This disgusts me...Roger Barnett, an Arizona rancher, is being sued because stopping illegals at gunpoint on his own land and turning them over to the Border Patrol is apparently considered to be "conspiring to violate their civil rights."

I personally find nothing in that statement to disagree with...
The fact that this lawsuit is even taken seriously and allowed to go forward is, IMO, evidence of just how ****ed-up our system is. :mad:

one story,2933,490084,00.html

another story

If I was a judge, I would allow this case to go forward in my courtroom. I would smack down the law once and for all that when you are here illegally, you have no rights when it comes to someone stopping you from illegally entering the country.

Round 'em up and give them one free pass and take them back, if you are found in the US again illegally we will feed you to bears! LOL


Staff member
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Jun 21, 2003
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Cromwell,CT, an ILLEGAL person, who SNEAKS into the US, instead of going thru the proper channels, sues some LEGIT citizen because he was defending his own land??? Man, if that isn't ****ed up, I don't know what is!!!!

Now, I'm not up on my gun laws, so maybe one of our resident gun/law experts can chime in, but isn't the state of AZ one in which gun laws are less strict than other states? So if thats the case, then IMHO, unless I'm missing something, this homeowner did nothing wrong.

Man, the laws are seriously screwed up. As exile said, some dirtbag could break into my house at 2am, uninvited, injure himself and sue me...on what grounds???? Who the **** told this guy to enter MY house uninvited??

Stay in your own country and if you feel the need to come to our country, do it legally!

I also find it interesting that the article states that the rancher violated their civil rights. can you have rights in a country that you enter illegally in the first place?

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
Welcome to Amerika. Remember, they get all those nice govmt programs that you don't qualify, but get to fund and they don't.

On the plus side, I've seen reports that due to our collapsing economy, many are leaving. Can't find work. Good.


Goin' with the flow
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Sep 5, 2006
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Ossining , NY
I thought that the laws of a country were supposed to protect it's citizens, and I thought civil rights were the rights given the citizens of a country. They should be thrilled that he turned them in and dindn't just bury them across the border. :rpo::rpo:


Master Black Belt
Dec 10, 2008
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I thought that the laws of a country were supposed to protect it's citizens, and I thought civil rights were the rights given the citizens of a country. They should be thrilled that he turned them in and dindn't just bury them across the border. :rpo::rpo:

Silly Poster, dont you know Civil rights as interpreted by the left leaning politicians are those things that guarantee votes and allow the left to maintain a hold on power. If you interfere with their rights to create more voting base, then you are the illegal one...... /sigh

on a serious note though, this is disgusting. Is our country ever going to wake up out of the funk we are in and actually apply a little common sense?


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
Is part of the theory that he couldn't have known for certain that they weren't U.S. citizens? A person defending his own land out in the middle of nowhere, far from help, needs to be allowed considerable leeway...

Andy Moynihan

Senior Master
MT Mentor
Jun 9, 2006
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People's Banana Republic of Massachusettstan, Disu
This is indeed the sort of upside-down-rationality that fires peoples blood.

I can see that, in remote areas, the knowledge that such foolishness can be carried forward by the 'rule of law' could be the cause of someone making use of their gun and their shovel.



Do they seriously think that by filing this suit the've garnered sympathy or advanced their cause?

All THIS has done is show us the error of SPARING any such persons in the future.

Deaf Smith

Master of Arts
Apr 25, 2008
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Attorneys for the immigrants — five women and 11 men who were trying to cross illegally into the United States — have accused Barnett of holding the group captive at gunpoint, threatening to turn his dog loose on them and saying he would shoot anyone who tried to escape.

So I'm not an illegal. I go onto that man's land in Arizona. I am tresspassing! He throws down on me and holds me for the cops. That's ok, right? But if I'm an illegal.... why I have RIGHTS!

Yes this is making right into wrong and wrong into right. Such games we play with the law.

I think these illegals know the suit will not pass muster, but they force the rancher to get a lawyer! That's $$$. And if forced enough times they can bankrupt him. I think that's their strategy.


Andy Moynihan

Senior Master
MT Mentor
Jun 9, 2006
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People's Banana Republic of Massachusettstan, Disu
Yes, and costly it could be if the judge has no common sense and doesn't chuck the suit.

I do not think, the next time he must do this with a similar group of such people( for it seems in his area this is a common occurence), that he will repeat the tactical error of sparing their lives.

I think it will cease to be so commonplace after one or two such disagreements.


To him unconquered.
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Sep 7, 2006
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Columbus, Ohio
So I'm not an illegal. I go onto that man's land in Arizona. I am tresspassing! He throws down on me and holds me for the cops. That's ok, right? But if I'm an illegal.... why I have RIGHTS!

Yes this is making right into wrong and wrong into right. Such games we play with the law.

I think these illegals know the suit will not pass muster, but they force the rancher to get a lawyer! That's $$$. And if forced enough times they can bankrupt him. I think that's their strategy.


I think a fund established to offset this man's legal fees would net quite a bit toward his defense. I'll contribute myself, if it comes to that.


Senior Master
MT Mentor
Oct 26, 2003
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Springfield, Missouri
This disgusts me...Roger Barnett, an Arizona rancher, is being sued because stopping illegals at gunpoint on his own land and turning them over to the Border Patrol is apparently considered to be "conspiring to violate their civil rights."

I personally find nothing in that statement to disagree with...
The fact that this lawsuit is even taken seriously and allowed to go forward is, IMO, evidence of just how ****ed-up our system is. :mad:

one story,2933,490084,00.html

another story

Personally I've got a slightly different take on illegal immigration.

I feel that people should be able to travel without restrictions to any place they wish. I don't think they should be required to show papers or proof that they have a right to be there any more than I think I should have to show proof that I have a right to be here.

However, I don't think that should give them the right to trespass on private property. If you are on private property without the permission of the land owner you may be in violation of his rights. If you are on private property against the wishes of the land owner you have violated his rights as surely as theft, fraud, or assault does.

If I as a private business owner want to emply mexicans, I should have the right. If my customer's don't like it, they should shop somewhere else. If I want to rent a home to someone, their nationality shouldn't enter into it, only their ability to abide by their contractually agreed to responsibilities. The government shouldn't have a damn thing to do with it. I also don't think the government should be giving out "free" money to anyone though either.

If we truly had a system that rewarded hard work and initiative our country would only appeal to people interested in those things. Frankly, we'd probably have more emigration than immigration under those conditions. Unfortunately the government gives out money like candy to people who choose not to work hard to succeed in life, and that encourages failure and draws all the wrong kinds of people into our country. It's almost enough to make a person wonder if that was their intention all along...

Regardless, no one should have the right to invade another's private property. The owner of that property has every right to use force to protect himself and his land, and the criminal being allowed to sue him is disgusting. My only hope is that the only reason this is being heard is to uphold the rights of the property owner.


Gordon Nore

Senior Master
May 26, 2007
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On the plus side, I've seen reports that due to our collapsing economy, many are leaving. Can't find work. Good.

Here's the $64 thousand question. If all these illegal workers are crossing the borders to work in the United States, who is hiring them? Whoever is doing the hiring doesn't care about immigration law, labour law, the tax payers, or fellow citizens and legal aliens who are hurting for work. They way I figure it, there have to be far fewer bosses hiring illegals than there are workers crossing the border.

Why not catch the bosses, seize their assets, and lock them up?


Senior Master
Jan 13, 2007
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Upstate New York.
Here's the $64 thousand question. If all these illegal workers are crossing the borders to work in the United States, who is hiring them? Whoever is doing the hiring doesn't care about immigration law, labour law, the tax payers, or fellow citizens and legal aliens who are hurting for work. They way I figure it, there have to be far fewer bosses hiring illegals than there are workers crossing the border.

Why not catch the bosses, seize their assets, and lock them up?

Here's the just shy of $1 trillion answer: the corporations who own our government.

Now, here in upstate New York, we are far closer geographically to Toronto than we are to the Rio Grande..... so how is it you can find work sites around here where everyone looks like they just bussed in from Yuarez? Answer, because they did just bus in from Yuarez. The corporations lure them across, bus them all over the country and abuse them relentlessly. They don't have to pay these guys union scale, don't have to give them benefits or cover them for anything - a huge savings over competitors who hire American union workers and have the benefits and insurance in place.

Hey, if you can't offshore the job, bring the offshore laborers here! Your bail out bucks at work, suckers.

Gordon Nore

Senior Master
May 26, 2007
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Here's the just shy of $1 trillion answer: the corporations who own our government.

The corporations lure them across, bus them all over the country and abuse them relentlessly. They don't have to pay these guys union scale, don't have to give them benefits or cover them for anything - a huge savings over competitors who hire American union workers and have the benefits and insurance in place.

Hey, if you can't offshore the job, bring the offshore laborers here! Your bail out bucks at work, suckers.

This is the part of the discussion that Lou Dobbs leaves out every night. Americans seem to be mad as Hell at someone who wants to break into the country to work, but where's the outrage for the profiteers?

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