Korean Swords


2nd Black Belt
I recently returned from a trip to Seoul, Korea, where I was able to spend a good deal of time in the lower floor of the Korean War Memorial Museum, viewing early Korean swords and armaments.

I have posted all the sword pictures, with titles and descriptions, in an album on photobucket. If you would like to view the swords, please visit the slide show at:
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v333/areagan/Korean Swords 2008/?albumview=slideshow

You can hit the 'stop' button at the bottom of the page to advance through the pictures slowly. Hovering with your mouse over a picture's caption will make the entire caption viewable on screen. Comments/corrections/additions are welcome.

Unfortunately -- you've got it set to require a password, or I'd love to look at the swords!
Nice pictures all around.

I do have to wonder on a couple of the pieces if they are actually authentic to the periods described. This is always an issue with Korean documentation as the history is some times changed.
Name one culture that never suffers from revisionist history ???

Still, the integrity and historical accuracy of this display stands the tests of peer-review and cross-checking with other sources.

Speaking of which .... while doing research on this topic, I came across a link for a video presentation of the swords display in the Korean Military Academy Museum. Their display covers swords of roughly the same time period, and the video includes the types of earlier stones daggers and bronze swords that I ommitted from my picture-taking.

I will add additional links to museum displays, as I find them.