Red Sun

Green Belt
Jul 19, 2016
Reaction score
The videos above are for effective fighting with a knife. Knife fighting itself has become to flashy and complicated. Holding a knife in your hand either regular grip or ice pick grip and squeezing hard is step one. Then you just need to fight as hard and as effectively as you know how. If you do fancy movements because you think you are cool, you will just lose. Punch, cut, rip, tare and stab. That is real knife fighting, nothing fancy just straight forward and brutal. Nothing nice about a knife in a fight.

These videos are for combative's which is fighting for your life. There is a difference between combat and a martial art that you train in for self development and discipline. Sure fancy movements are fun to train, but they just won't work for real.

You're absolutely right about all of that! It's just that we don't have to purchase a video course to learn how to bumrush someone with a knife! I (or anyone else here) could easily just make a 5 minute reality check out of a bunch of liveleak videos, and the result would be the same.

(I'm being slightly pedantic. Of course you're teaching a bit more than 'just' rushing in with a knife in the entire course.)

I'd be willing to help put it together.
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El Oso de Dios!
Lifetime Supporting Member
Mar 5, 2005
Reaction score
Where the hills have eyes.,and it's HOT!
This is my first time on a forum. Never did it before. Didn't know there was a certain way of doing things.

My apologies
If that's all that you got out of my post, fine-not to say that there's only one way of doing it, but it might provide some context for what you say.

(Taking down the referenced content, or making it "private?" Poor form, btw....)


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
Some reference to the legalities of knife carry in various jurisdictions would be prudent on your part, at the very least to avoid being included in litigation or criminal action if one of your follows your instruction and winds up in court. That folder you're pulling out of your pocket? Illegal to carry in California, and, depending on how it's carried, a concealed weapon in New Mexico.

Carrying a knife for any reason other than proper work/leisure activities is illegal in the UK. Carrying one for use as a weapon definitely illegal will get you arrested and locked up.


El Oso de Dios!
Lifetime Supporting Member
Mar 5, 2005
Reaction score
Where the hills have eyes.,and it's HOT!
Carrying a knife for any reason other than proper work/leisure activities is illegal in the UK. Carrying one for use as a weapon definitely illegal will get you arrested and locked up.
Yeah, but if I happen to use the knife that I carry around to cut fruit, open boxes and other tasks for self-defense purposes?
Here in the U.S., you might just be golden.

I'd never carry a knife for self-defense purposes, but I carry one every day.(Even on the days I'm carrying a pistol for self-defense purposes.)


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah, but if I happen to use the knife that I carry around to cut fruit, open boxes and other tasks for self-defense purposes?
Here in the U.S., you might just be golden.

I'd never carry a knife for self-defense purposes, but I carry one every day.(Even on the days I'm carrying a pistol for self-defense purposes.)

That's fine here, chefs, fishermen, plus lots of other jobs I can't think of lol carry knives everyday here. Here you tend only to be stopped if you look shifty, are known to the police or are committing a driving offence such as dangerous driving or drunk driving, when you will be searched and they will pick you up for everything little thing they can find but then that's tough, you shouldn't drink and drive, no sympathy. If you have good reasons to carry a knife and are minding your own business you won't be bothered. For some reason people who carry knives just for self defence ( here they tend to be young males who are feeling their oats) tend to look as if they want to get them out at any time and make it easier for the police to spot them.

Chris Parker

Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Please fill me with your wisdom...

Hmm… if you were being sarcastic, you might want to spend some more time reading around the forum… just sayin'…

The videos above are for effective fighting with a knife.

Er… no, they're not.

Knife fighting itself has become to flashy and complicated.

What are you basing that observation on? What knife fighting experience do you have? How many knife fights have you been in, or seen, that have one or both combatants doing techniques that are "too flashy and complicated"? Or are you looking at FMA reflex and co-ordination drills, such as Hubud, and thinking that's knife fighting?

Holding a knife in your hand either regular grip or ice pick grip and squeezing hard is step one.

No, it's not. For one thing, it's not a particularly good piece of advice when it comes to grip… for another, when coupled with the actions you were showing, the actual strikes with the knife, due to the fact that you weren't allowing for it at all, put the weapon into a structurally weaker position, which would add more stress to your grip, and increase the chances of losing your weapon, as well as significantly reducing any effect you may have had.

Then you just need to fight as hard and as effectively as you know how.

So you don't actually have anything to teach specific to knife combat, then? It's just "fight hard!", is it? No particular tactics that are more suited to bladed encounters? Just "do what you already do", and hang the idea of your system, which you say is so much better than everything else, is the "system we've been waiting for", is something you "can't believe you got to create", actually having anything to offer in this very dangerous arena?

If you do fancy movements because you think you are cool, you will just lose.

Please tell me you don't think any actual knife combative system, outside of movie-fantasy, actually does anything because they think they're "cool"… honestly, I have a real hard time trying to figure out what you think reality is…

Punch, cut, rip, tare and stab. That is real knife fighting, nothing fancy just straight forward and brutal. Nothing nice about a knife in a fight.

Once again, what do you know of "real knife fighting"?

These videos are for combative's which is fighting for your life.

Ha! Might want to try something with a bit more reality, understanding, and combative application, then…

There is a difference between combat and a martial art that you train in for self development and discipline.

And you would be aware because…?

Sure fancy movements are fun to train, but they just won't work for real.

Where does this idea of "fancy moves" come from? I train in a number of systems, including modern and classical, with highly combative-based (DefTac) approaches, self defence approaches, and pure "kill them" approaches among them… and in none of them are anything I would regard as "fancy moves"… even in the systems and training practices for "self development" or discipline (honestly, more the former than the latter where I'm concerned…).

This is my first time on a forum. Never did it before. Didn't know there was a certain way of doing things.

My apologies

Okay. What Elder was talking about there is a basic etiquette… but it's perfectly understandable if you weren't aware. What I would suggest, though, is to take some time getting to know the personalities here… as Tony said, a number of us have been at this a lot longer than you… even longer than you've been alive, in cases… and we have developed some rather honed senses for what would or wouldn't pass muster… as well as having seen many of the same personality types and issues come through the forums over the years.

To that end, I'd re-iterate Elder's comment below:

(Taking down the referenced content, or making it "private?" Poor form, btw....)

Very poor form, honestly… particularly with no explanation.

To finish, I'd like to point out that I know this has come across as relatively harsh… but you're purporting to give people life-saving skills… methods of fighting with lethal weapons and intent… and these things get taken very seriously. Still, it may appear to be a bit over-zealous… but I do feel it's warranted here. I visited your Facebook page for your "WW3 Combative's", and among the heavy handed marketing ("Did you know that WW3 Combatives can teach you to hit 5 times harder? That's guaranteed Knock Out Power!") and the basic ideas packaged as ground-breaking differences ("In WW3 Combatives, we teach you alignment and structure!" - in relation to a poster talking about aligning the wrist for a punch… really? You think no-one else has come up with this before?!?), there are the far more worrying posts… such as one saying that "Pokemon GO" actually stands for "Pokemon Global Offensive", and is all about the FBI tracking everyone through the GPS, and is designed to get maximum people in one area for a bomb attack… and many other paranoid lunacies.

Yeah… you're who I want teaching real world combat… maybe if you visit the real world once in a while?


Senior Master
May 16, 2014
Reaction score
why cant i watch the videos?

oh .. i see , they were blocked due to peoples critique.
wish i had seen it to make some comparisons from what i do.
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Senior Master
May 16, 2014
Reaction score
ok so i did watch this..

first thought,,,your hands are down for almost every sequence and you distancing range for the stand up never changes you are at a constant outside range.
at 2:54 your doing boken stuff on the heavy bag,,,looks cheesy.. sorry,
in a lot of your strikes, both hand and weapons you are really over doing the follow through movements. trying to understand why you would let your arms and body posture open up like that.
what makes what you are teaching combatives? it looks like common martial arts mixed together.
i am not trying to bash, just looking for a comparative to what i do.

Dirty Dog

MT Senior Moderator
Staff member
Lifetime Supporting Member
Sep 3, 2009
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Pueblo West, CO
You will learn every possible strike the body is capable of in a fight or flight situation.

Really? Every single one? In what, 30 days?

These lessons will be hard wired to your DNA because it is natural for your body.

WTF??? You're doing genetic manipulation through someones DVD player???
Or, are you just posting nonsense?

All you need to do now is throw in a set of Ginsu knives, to go along with your Secret Ninja Mind Control Techniques.
I do not know you. For all I know, you might actually be a competent martial artist. But your web site and the video above don't really do much to make me think that's the case.
Bluntly, some of the stuff you're claiming on your web site is utter nonsense.

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
And don't do that sort of one leg up mount you will get swept.

The head snap takedown after the knee is straight on. Although if for example you wanted that throw then you would want a series of throws to back it up depending on where they end up.

Look the idea is there. Just need to clean up the little 10% technical issues. And if you are trying to get that into a persons head in 30 days it has to be leaner.
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Black Belt
Jun 19, 2016
Reaction score
Texas, USA
What are you basing that observation on? What knife fighting experience do you have? How many knife fights have you been in, or seen, that have one or both combatants doing techniques that are "too flashy and complicated"? Or are you looking at FMA reflex and co-ordination drills, such as Hubud, and thinking that's knife fighting?

That's actually the one thing he said I would agree with, at least to some extent. Even within FMA, or perhaps especially in FMA, there is a tendency to add and add techniques so they can say "we have that also" whenever someone posts some flashy video. And, there are certain FMA systems, and certain camps within other FMA systems, that have gotten pretty darn flashy in their knife work.

His stuff is not the answer, at least from what I can tell since he made his videos private (bad form BTW), but that particular premise is not too far off in my view.


Black Belt
Jun 19, 2016
Reaction score
Texas, USA
Media Removed

What you are doing is potentially very dangerous. This isn't a sport.

You have little, if any, real background in bladed weaponry, particularly short weapons such as knife. If you want to teach knife, then go out and learn it from a competent instructor in a system that actually has solid material, and not just a bunch of techniques to tack on to what you already do either, but the strategies and tactics which correspond to it, and the footwork required to pull it off without getting yourself killed in the process.

If you are not willing to do that, stop pretending, and just teach what you actually know.


Founding Member
Oct 29, 2001
Reaction score
Kennewick, WA
This is my first time on a forum. Never did it before. Didn't know there was a certain way of doing things.

My apologies

FYI your youtube channel title is WW3 Combative's Reality based Marital Systems. You might want to look at your typos.


Green Belt
Jun 22, 2016
Reaction score
The videos above are for effective fighting with a knife. Knife fighting itself has become to flashy and complicated. Holding a knife in your hand either regular grip or ice pick grip and squeezing hard is step one. Then you just need to fight as hard and as effectively as you know how. If you do fancy movements because you think you are cool, you will just lose. Punch, cut, rip, tare and stab. That is real knife fighting, nothing fancy just straight forward and brutal. Nothing nice about a knife in a fight.

These videos are for combative's which is fighting for your life. There is a difference between combat and a martial art that you train in for self development and discipline. Sure fancy movements are fun to train, but they just won't work for real.
I work in a maximum security prison where some of the inmates have actually killed with a knife. They make knives themselves out of other items and they knife fight for real. What your video shows doesn't look anything like what the inmates do. How many knife fights have you actually been in?

Honestly, it looks like most of the video was shot in your mom's basement. You worry me.

Sent from my iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk

Red Sun

Green Belt
Jul 19, 2016
Reaction score
Since a few of us have brought up the 'prison style' comment, i went on youtube and looked at a couple of prison stabbings.
(I don't think we're allowed to link to Liveleak or other sites?)

...i see them rushing at people throwing haymakers. :meh:

Chris Parker

Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
ok so i did watch this..

first thought,,,your hands are down for almost every sequence and you distancing range for the stand up never changes you are at a constant outside range.
at 2:54 your doing boken stuff on the heavy bag,,,looks cheesy.. sorry,
in a lot of your strikes, both hand and weapons you are really over doing the follow through movements. trying to understand why you would let your arms and body posture open up like that.
what makes what you are teaching combatives? it looks like common martial arts mixed together.
i am not trying to bash, just looking for a comparative to what i do.

I'm not sure that the OP is going to come back… and, as the initial videos in the first post are now not viewable, I'm going to go through the above linked clip with a fairly fine-toothed comb to highlight the mechanical issues (and others) that I was seeing in the original clips, as they're present here (along with a number of others)… this may take a bit…

First comment: the vast majority of times when I'm watching a clip here, I have my sound running through my system… which also has my TV etc running through it… which means that I, most commonly, watch the clips without sound, and base much of my initial comments on the simple body movement I see. If it's something I feel I need more clarification on, then I watch it again with the sound… which is what I did with the original clips. Now, in those clips, it was slightly illuminating (although did nothing to assuage the problems seen), however this clip has no audio from Joe, just a rather annoying song throughout it… pity.

Okay, to the actual content itself…

From about 0:09-0:23 (yeah, I said it'd be a fine toothed comb…), we get a look at some basic stepping drills. Okay, fair enough. However, I note that the body simply isn't moving with the legs, leaving a larger than necessary amount of time out of balance, and unable to move should an attack be launched. Additionally, there is little in the way of solidity to the stepping, with your weight being held back and too high, which leaves you susceptible to being rushed and overwhelmed.

0:23-0:29, you're showing a hammer fist, first simply with your hand (light), then with a slight (but mis-timed) drop, and an increased penetration, overly emphasised by you dropping your own hand out of the way… which, frankly, shows little to nothing about any power generation at all, or any improvement that you're offering. The third example is a step, drop, and strike… again completely mis-timed and poorly co-ordinated, with an overly exaggerated drop, leaving your head wide open, and without a guard. Sure, if you hit, it'd have some effect (not as much as you think), but if it missed (and, with the wind-up, the lack of speed, and more, that's likely), you're wide open to be hit back. In other words, you're contravening all the basic principles of how to hit in the first place.

0:30-0:53 "Strikes With Every Part Of The Body"… well, firstly, you're not using "every part of the body"… but we'll let that go, you may teach striking with the earlobes on the full DVD… and we'll just focus on the actual striking methods shown. They're terrible.

Every single strike is done in an overly committed fashion, leading to poor balance, lack of control, lack of defensive capabilities, and lack of power on the strike itself. This is coupled with the poor distancing seen throughout (both too close and too far), a lack of ability to put power into the strike, leading to it coming back into your body. In the kicking actions, there is a tendency to again have no defensive aspect (guard) at all, as well as a tendency to not transmit your body weight into the strikes by holding your hips back. All of this leads to poor striking, lack of power, and more.

0:54-1:19 "Many Different Takedowns Minimal Body Contact" Hmm… again, a myriad array of mechanical issues, from poor positioning to weak grips and so on…

1:20-1:40 "Ground Work Designed For The Street". Uh… nope. The whole thing. Nope.

The first thing you do is a forward break fall… which has your hands out to the sides (leaving your face free to fall straight to the ground if more force was applied), your knee impacting the ground, and more. Do this on concrete, and you're going to potentially injure your knee, elbows, and face… so… maybe learn to fall first? The rear fall you follow with is not quite as bad, but would still lead to potential injury to your hip and elbow.

I like the idea of a ground fighting position to kick from… but your position is fairly easily passed, due to the way you're holding your high leg. And, with your position, you'd be in some real trouble. Next is you rolling over an "attackers" ankle… look, do I have to point out how silly this is? A simple step back from the guy above would stop that pretty easily…

1:41-2:10 "Just Get Up" Er… huh? The first sequence has you give up your back for a choke almost immediately, and, even when you do manage to stand, you're still trapped with one leg clamped between both of the opponents… maybe learn what you're doing first? We then get a series of actions from between a persons legs (not really a guard), which is wonderful if someone's just lying down and not, you know, fighting you… When we do move onto a position where you're in your opponent's guard, it's frankly terrible. The legs are too low, which makes your escape easier, but unrealistic, and robs the opponent of the actual control that position affords. We also see the half-kneel that drop bear was commenting on… not only are you open to a sweep, you're too high, which gives you some balance issues, your right foot is flat on the ground (rather than being up on the ball of the foot), which leaves you in a less mobile, less powerful position, and more. Really, this is all fairly useless.

2:11-3:00 "Offensive Weapons Defensive Weapons and Disarms". I'm going to break this down to individual weapons…

This section begins with some parts of the original knife clips… beginning with some supported stabbing actions. Look, I'm not going to go into detail on an open forum as to exactly how the issues I see can be fixed, for what I hope are obvious reasons, but I will point out the problems as I see them. This thrusting action, for example, are very shallow, with minimalist penetration if the other guy is wearing anything remotely heavy (such as a jacket, leather or otherwise), which will lead to more superficial injuries than anything realistic. This is followed by a "hooking" action, and a "pushing" cut… look, in certain circumstances I can see a use… but those situations are highly specific, and again, there is a sacrifice of a powerful response to allow for such actions.

Next is some stick work… and, again, it's frankly terrible. The strikes are whippy, which is good for speed, however they're kept far too close to your body, leading to no power, no penetration, and little effect other than a sting and an annoyance. The fact that you combine shortened strikes with an over-reach (leaving your body and head exposed and open) is impressive… you've both under extended and over extended at the same time… and what the hell is that helicopter lunacy at 2:39?!?

Weapon defence… you start with a knife defence that sees you ignore the knife in favour of some low-level striking, and getting stabbed for your lack of awareness (seriously, check out what happens at 2:43… no control of the weapon or weapon hand, and you wear it…), followed by some pistol disarms… hmm. You do get that one of the main things with a pistol disarm is to get the barrel pointing away from you, yeah? Cause you rather constantly pull it across your body, or point the thing directly at your face… that, combined with the fact that your not moving against anything close to even a realistic threat with a gun, and the way you have no actual disarming principles other than "pull it out of his hand" (badly), and I would heartily advise that anyone watching and thinking about your product base their assessment on the fact that, when it comes to the most serious of situations, weapon defence, everything you do would get you killed. Often by your own hand.

At 2:54 we see you using a bokuto (wooden sword) on a punching bag… dude, put the thing down, you're embarrassing yourself. You have no idea of grip, posture, cutting mechanics, or anything related to sword usage… and what do swords have to do with modern combatives anyway?!?!

3:00-3:10 "The Evolution of Combatives" Uh… nope.

So, with a three minute video so replete with problems, issues, and more, and with your rather odd belief that what you're presenting is in any way new, an improvement, or even good in the first place, I went back to your website to see what exactly your background was, and honestly, the entire thing screams "beginner". Why you think you're in a position to offer something of major value is beyond me… but, for the record, here is your list:

Trained and Certified In:
Jeet Kune Do (mostly self taught, 1 year class taught)
Judo (green belt)
Tekken Ryu Jujutsu (green belt)
Ninjitsu Mind Techniques
Multiple Types of combatives
The Self Defence Training System (Professional Instructor)
Wing Chun Kung Fu (Level 4 Student, Level 3 Instructor)
Pressure Point Defensive Tactics (International Coach)
Open Circle Fighting Method (Coach)
WW3 Combatives (creator)

So, what do we have here? Someone who is "mostly self taught" in JKD, holds a beginner's rank in Judo and Tekken Ryu Jujutsu (itself a modern creation), certified in three systems that look to be weekend seminar certifications, trained in "multiple types of combatives" (whatever that might mean), some Wing Chun (which again appears to be rather beginner in rank), and… had to save this to the end, because, seriously, what the hell?!!?… "Ninjitsu mind techniques". Dude… what?

All of this is them combined to make your own combative system… not a good sign. Of course, there is more than you added to create this concoction… and one thing that leapt out at me is this: Ancient Swiss Medical Qigong. Once again, seriously? What the hell?!?! Ancient SWISS Qigong? Dude… is there any part of you that believes this yourself?!?

That's actually the one thing he said I would agree with, at least to some extent. Even within FMA, or perhaps especially in FMA, there is a tendency to add and add techniques so they can say "we have that also" whenever someone posts some flashy video. And, there are certain FMA systems, and certain camps within other FMA systems, that have gotten pretty darn flashy in their knife work.

His stuff is not the answer, at least from what I can tell since he made his videos private (bad form BTW), but that particular premise is not too far off in my view.

Except he wasn't talking about the methods of various systems, he was talking about knife fighting itself… hence the question as to his experience and understanding of what knife combat actually (realistically) entailed itself...


Green Belt
Jun 22, 2016
Reaction score
Since a few of us have brought up the 'prison style' comment, i went on youtube and looked at a couple of prison stabbings.
(I don't think we're allowed to link to Liveleak or other sites?)

...i see them rushing at people throwing haymakers. :meh:

Yup. Looks like what I've seen. FWIW, as a general rule, most brawlers seem to use western boxing as the basis for their fights. That's great for karateka because many of these crooks won't know how to deal with someone who knows proper technique.
I liked the clip where the officer remained cool, ordered everybody to get back on their runs, and just walked over and gassed to 2 men fighting. That was textbook professional! He handled that perfectly.

Sent from my iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk