Journey to a new style...

Oh wow...did not even know that Flat Earther crap.

See what I mean? Who cares what that guy has done his whole life. Forget him. He's dead weight today, November 2 2023.

Joe Rogan? Jury is out. My metric is Brad Pitt in World War Z. .

Movimiento es vida.
You want a good apocalyptic read? Try Earth Abides. Very good. Starts out in the Trinity Alps Wilderness which is where I am actually headed in 14 hours. My best friend and training brother has an off grid solar/hydro cabin on 220 acres of wild and scenic forest lands on one of the only wild undammed rivers in California. Nearest privately owned land is 6 miles as a crow flies. Going to swim the river at midnight in the rain. It’s Rivendell in real life.
Oh wow...did not even know that Flat Earther crap.

See what I mean? Who cares what that guy has done his whole life. Forget him. He's dead weight today, November 2 2023.

Joe Rogan? Jury is out. My metric is Brad Pitt in World War Z. .

Movimiento es vida.
You gotta be pretty dumb or just really liking the Kool aid to buy that flat earth er stuff. I explain it like this, ok well we have this thing called math…
Gasshuku/karate camp this weekend! Very excited, through another group that teach the same style as us, should be exhausting and amazing, 9:30am-4:30pm on both days. Have already arrived at my accommodation, can't wait!
Gasshuku/karate camp this weekend! Very excited, through another group that teach the same style as us, should be exhausting and amazing, 9:30am-4:30pm on both days. Have already arrived at my accommodation, can't wait!
Really go for it, _Simon_
Gasshuku finished!! A wonderful weekend with incredibly friendly and welcoming people each sharing a wealth of knowledge. Met some kindred spirits, and such a variety of people with different backgrounds and experience. Learned heaps!

Lots of fundamentals training, movement drills, structure/alignment focus, even zen walking, power generation, kata and application, and sparring. At least 11 hours of training over the weekend, so veeery sore, tired and shins full of bruises haha (I enjoy kicking alot in sparring so bound to happen haha). Sad that the purpose built space and dojo will be sold soon but honoured to have shared in its last camp.
Gasshuku finished!! A wonderful weekend with incredibly friendly and welcoming people each sharing a wealth of knowledge. Met some kindred spirits, and such a variety of people with different backgrounds and experience. Learned heaps!

Lots of fundamentals training, movement drills, structure/alignment focus, even zen walking, power generation, kata and application, and sparring. At least 11 hours of training over the weekend, so veeery sore, tired and shins full of bruises haha (I enjoy kicking alot in sparring so bound to happen haha). Sad that the purpose built space and dojo will be sold soon but honoured to have shared in its last camp.
Sounds like an amazing weekend.