Training Schedule



As a beginner in the field of MA, I've been looking at a number of styles to start. The one that really sticks out to me is AIkido. In our area I found a dojo that teaches Yoshinkan Aikido...brilliant!!

The down side is that they only have 1 1/2 classes a week. By this I mean, they meet 2x a week, but one class is pure Aikido (2 hours Monday and 1 hour Sunday), and the other is Aikijutsu (2 hours Wednesday and 1 hour Sunday). They feel that cross-training between the two is beneficial in overall development ans also more from a self-defense aspect...and as a result they cross-train between the two, instead of just focussing on one art.

Now I'm quite happy with this, since both styles interest me, and I get to say I train in 2 MA styles (childish I know :p)..which BTW are graded seperately. I'm just concerned that cross-training may result in me progressing in Aikido (my primary interest) at a slower pace, even though Aikido and Aikijutsu complement each other well.

The alternative is to go to another dojo and train Aikido straight, 2x a week. But then I lose out on the Aikijitsu which I dont know too much about, but which sounds pretty interesting.

What're your thought? Please help.
I think you should look at your own words.

Originally posted by Koga-Shinobi
As a beginner in the field of MA, I've been looking at a number of styles to start. The one that really sticks out to me is AIkido. In our area I found a dojo that teaches Yoshinkan Aikido...brilliant!!


Originally posted by Koga-Shinobi
I'm just concerned that cross-training may result in me progressing in Aikido (my primary interest)

My primary interest.

Sounds like you have the answer you want. However, most people know what the answer they want is even before they ask the question.

Sounds to me like there are other issues here at work. But, that's for you to deal with.
I'm a little confused why you are so concerned with 2 days a week as opposed to one day like it's messing up some sort of schedule that everyone knows 2 days a week is the magic number. And I think you are also under the impression that training 2 arts at once is detrimental to them both?

2 hour classes is equivalent to many other martial arts schools that do 1 hour classes twice a week. And you'd be doing 2 hours in both arts plus another hour each! Thats tons of training and if I were you I would be ecstatic that they offer 2 arts and learn all I could.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
The reason I commented on the time, is that a number of places I've looked at have 2 classes a week, 2 hours each. So I was just comparing that with the Aikido/Aikijitsu classes. Being a newbie, I dont know very much what the norm is. So I was under the impression that 1 class a week was too little to actually be efficient/effective training schedule.

Thanks for the insight, I really appreciate it.
Take all the classes you can get or manage and practice in between times. You'll progress sure enough.