


Just a quick question for people. What rule of thumb do people follow regarding jewellry in the school being worn during class?

I personally have had both my ears pierced but I never wear them in almost at all anymore because it was a pain in the butt either taking them out during boxing or grappling or having them ripped out.

The only thing I wear and refuse to take off is my wedding ring. (Personal reasons)

Originally posted by GouRonin

Just a quick question for people. What rule of thumb do people follow regarding jewellry in the school being worn during class?

I personally have had both my ears pierced but I never wear them in almost at all anymore because it was a pain in the butt either taking them out during boxing or grappling or having them ripped out.

The only thing I wear and refuse to take off is my wedding ring. (Personal reasons)


I've had both my ears peirced, but I rarely wear them either. I'll put them in sometimes when I'm going out of town or something, but I hated taking them out all the time. I used to wear my wedding ring regardless, but with knuckle pushups, and the extensive grabs we do, I've taken it off for my fingers as well as my buddies. Also, it was getting quite "nasty" looking after all the knuckle and fingertip pushups! I leave it on and ask my partner if it bothers them though now, if it does, I'll take it off for them.

As a general rule, I forbid the wearing of jewelry. I make an exception for someone that does not wish to remove their wedding band. My statement regarding that is, " Do what your heart and your conscience tell you to, but I can't help but thiink your spouse would rather you take it off than risk damaging it or yourself."
Originally posted by Seig
As a general rule, I forbid the wearing of jewelry. I make an exception for someone that does not wish to remove their wedding band. My statement regarding that is, " Do what your heart and your conscience tell you to, but I can't help but thiink your spouse would rather you take it off than risk damaging it or yourself."

I'll be cold and dead before they get it off me and even then I'll make sure I die so that they have to cut my finger off to get it off me.
Originally posted by GouRonin

I'll be cold and dead before they get it off me and even then I'll make sure I die so that they have to cut my finger off to get it off me.

Such a romantic.
Wedding rings are ok. I do have a problem with large engagement rings, the stone and setting can catch on to many things.
Earrings , wear them at your own risk in my school. A chain of any kind aroud the neck, will get ripped off or used to drag you aroud the room.
Didn't think about womens wedding rings, they could get damaged themsleves. Good point.

Originally posted by 7starmantis
Didn't think about womens wedding rings, they could get damaged themsleves. Good point.

Mine is just a band but I see your point for sure. When I was in university I punched a guy with my class ring on. The ring rode up and peeled a layer of flesh off my knuckle to the bone almost. After that if you saw me turning my class ring around you knew fists were going to fly. I had learned my lesson...sorta...
Originally posted by Rob_Broad
Such a romantic.

I know. On my birthday my wife wakes me up with a punch in the mouth while she's wearing my hockey helment and gear with a baseball bat in the other hand.

It makes the rest of the day so much more fun.
Originally posted by GouRonin

I know. On my birthday my wife wakes me up with a punch in the mouth while she's wearing my hockey helment and gear with a baseball bat in the other hand.

It makes the rest of the day so much more fun.

:rofl: And I thought my wife and I had the weirdest relationship!!

I used to turn my class ring around when I knew punches were coming too! It was our "signal". If we started turning our rings around.............

Originally posted by GouRonin

I know. On my birthday my wife wakes me up with a punch in the mouth while she's wearing my hockey helment and gear with a baseball bat in the other hand.

It makes the rest of the day so much more fun.
Gou gets busted in the mouth a lot.:rofl:
Originally posted by GouRonin

I know. On my birthday my wife wakes me up with a punch in the mouth while she's wearing my hockey helment and gear with a baseball bat in the other hand.

It makes the rest of the day so much more fun.

At no point in my earlier post or in any of the other posts in this thread did it ask you for visuals.
Originally posted by Rob_Broad
At no point in my earlier post or in any of the other posts in this thread did it ask you for visuals.

I didn't even go into when we play, "The speeding motorist and the angry traffic cop."
Originally posted by GouRonin

I didn't even go into when we play, "The speeding motorist and the angry traffic cop."

Aww, good god man!! No more please!!


start a new forum for that crap dude.

well, a vet probably costs less anyway....
Originally posted by GouRonin

I'll be cold and dead before they get it off me and even then I'll make sure I die so that they have to cut my finger off to get it off me.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Gou found a saint of a women to spend time and even to marry him. I am sure he does not wish to jinx the relationship for any reason.

Gou I wish you and your Birthday wishes from your wife lots of luck :) .


PS: I am buttering up Gou's wife, for my stay in September. I hear she is a great cook. Yum Yum!
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
PS: I am buttering up Gou's wife, for my stay in September. I hear she is a great cook. Yum Yum!

Dude, she doesn't read this chat board. Nice try though. But she'll feed you anyway I am sure. Just give her the old "starving puppy dog" eyes. Works for me.

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