ITF certificate


Master Black Belt
Jan 26, 2002
Reaction score
Thornton, Colorado
I left my TKD school before I ever got my ITF certificate. Is there a way to get it without having to go through my old school.
I had a bad falling out there and want nothing to do with it.

I still have my USTF certificate but with all the recent garbage going on there I'm not so sure it's a good thing to have.

Oh, it's been since 1987 that I tested for black.

Hmmm, if there's a way.... I will do it for you. I'm part of ITF Canada, the ones not affilated with USTF in any way. Master Choi would be the one signing your certificate and it would still be an ITF certificate. I'm just not sure if he would go for it. Do you really want me to look into it? I don't know how much it would cost but it would definately cost something.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Sure why not. After all that I've been reading about ITF-Vienna I don't think I want anything to do with that bunch either.

I would hope it wouldn't be too expensive I don't know how much these things cost now. When I took the test it was $125 (back in 1987).

And if you were wondering, yes I was with Sereff when I got promted. So you can see why I want nothing to do with going back there.

Ok I'll ask about what is possible. Basically you just want a first degree certificate because you never got one under USTF even though you were tested and passed right?

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Correct. I left before recieving it due to philosophical reasons. That would mean I wanted to train with other people as well and Sereff told me I was "bastardizing" TKD, so I said see bye.

I have only seen him once since then and talk about cold. I did get to see my old instructor Fred Ackard, now a 7th and he would talk to me, but he was always a good guy.

"Bastardize TKD" What a load of poo. A martial artist should learn as much as possible not limit himself to one way of thinking. Why would a master think otherwise? Guess it has alot to do with power and money.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
I think Sereff can't stand me cause when I left his "star" left with me. He had enough of the politics too. In fact it was his "star" that introduced me to kenpo. His "star" has since gone on to run his own school (which I teach at) and pretty much rules the tournament scene in Colorado. He's much happier with out all the politics, especially now with what's going on in the ITF. :confused:

Originally posted by Klondike93

I left my TKD school before I ever got my ITF certificate. Is there a way to get it without having to go through my old school.
I had a bad falling out there and want nothing to do with it.

I still have my USTF certificate but with all the recent garbage going on there I'm not so sure it's a good thing to have.

Oh, it's been since 1987 that I tested for black.


USTF HQ holds on to certifcates forever it seems. I would imagine yours is there. The oldest one I knew of was over 20 years.
How does he go about getting it kickerfour? Sounded like they dont want him to have it.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

How does he go about getting it kickerfour? Sounded like they dont want him to have it.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

He "bought" it and paid for it. Pick up the phone and ask for it.
Uhm... Mr. Martin, that would be great if that was how the world worked but I've been in 2 federations now that would withold certificates unless you were on thier good side. In GTF after I left there was no way they were going to give me my students certificates even though I had paid for them 2 years earlier and was still waiting for them while I was still affiliated with them (one of the reasons I left GTF) And in ITF I paid out eight thousand dollars starting over 2 years ago for certificates which I am finally just receiving now but only because Master Choi is making the certificates. Basically that money was stolen from me by the old ITF. I'm just glad to have recently joined an organisation that is going to make me my frickin certificates for once.

I know this is just going to tick you off but it's the god given truth. Can you imagine my frustration to be part of a federation that witholds certificates I PAID for only to join another organisation that witholds certificates I PAID for?

Why don't you do a nice thing and get Klondike93's certificate for him if it's that easy? I'm totally being serious here, no sarcasm intended. If you've got the power and ability to get that certificate please do. Klondike93 would rather not deal with them directly from what he said earlier but it would be a really great thing if you could handle it and mail him his certificate.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

Why don't you do a nice thing and get Klondike93's certificate for him if it's that easy? I'm totally being serious here, no sarcasm intended. If you've got the power and ability to get that certificate please do. Klondike93 would rather not deal with them directly from what he said earlier but it would be a really great thing if you could handle it and mail him his certificate.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

All that he has to do is send me an email and I will try. That is all that I can do. I don't know if he really wants it or not at this point and I don't know if I can get it for him -- not knowing who he is but it is worth a try.

Robert Martin
Originally posted by kickerfour

He "bought" it and paid for it. Pick up the phone and ask for it.

Ok I'll give that a try, but I don't think it's going to do any good.

Been a long time and there were hard feelings when I left them.

The only reason I have been thinking of getting it is the only BB certificate I have is from the USTF and they don't have a very good reputation right now. If all this stuff I've been reading about them and the old ITF is true, I don't want that to be my only means of proving my training in TKD.

Everyone from both ITF's has the ITF certificate that you would be getting from Mr. Martin. Only the past couple years worth might be coming from ITF Canada if your in ITF Canada. My point is it wouldn't matter that you were in USTF because it's the same ITF certificate that everyone else has regardless of current affiliation. The only difference between the 2 certificates now is the old ones are signed by General Choi and the new ones by Master Choi. So if Mr. Martin can get it for you great! If not I'll try through ITF Canada.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
I've been working so much and training for a tournament at the end of the month and haven't had much time to call them and look into it.

With the General passing, I might just wait a little longer, then pay them a visit.

Thanks for reminding me about it.


You might also try contacting Master Doug Arnold ([email protected]) or Master Choi Jung Hwa (Gen. Choi's son) at and explain your situation. Perhaps Master Choi will assist you in rectifying your issue. Master Arnold is also Pres. of YOMCHI TKD and is helping me with a similar issue.
