is this wrong of me?

I miss CARtoons.

I don't think it's wrong. People should learn to drive their vehicles. They should also learn to parallel park, not tailgate, and fix oil leaks.

But a lot of them don't. I want to write them: "How does it feel to be an idiot?"

I just got back into the office, after exchanging words with some idiot who decided to pull a u-turn on one of the city's busiest arterials, almost running me over as I crossed the street. He honked his horn and flipped me off and I returned the gesture.

He parked, got out of the car, and walked into a store.... Forgetting to feed the meter.

So I told the passing meter maid, who promptly wrote a ticket. I hope they boot his truck.

Illinois drivers....
In Wisconsin, we called 'em FIBs.
I've driven an 18 wheeler in all of the 48 contiguous states. Illinois drivers, FIBs... no matter what you call them there are far too many idiots out there that honestly think they are some how immune to traffic laws and common courtesy no matter where you go. At exit 42 on I-77 in West Va this week I witnessed a bobtail (just the tractor of an 18) roll over because four cars tried to merge onto the interstate as he rolled by. He had a car on his right so he couldn't get over. The cars continued to attempt to merge until a wreck ensued. Hell of a mess. No one got hurt too bad. You couldn't tell what kind of truck it was after it was all over. This instance was very much like the situation in the OP in that folks had no common courtesy with a motor vehicle. And folks wonder why I'm bustin' my *** trying to get out of the trucking industry.
Yeah, I did a lot of work in Overland Park also. Spent about six months living in the Marriott Courtyard there a couple years back. I love Jack Stack. Lots of big parking spots!

if you're back in the area before i move in june, look me up, i'll take you to some of the mom & pop bbq joints. jack stack is pretty good, but a bit over rated imo. i don't fully trust any bbq place with cloth napkins.

I feel your pain, but the phrase "tilting at windmills" comes to mind. You're not going to change their minds, and you're not going their behavior. Either they don't care what you think and will enjoy the fact that they've upset you, or they weren't aware - in which case you've just called some well-intentioned but oblivious person a "****face". Way to pass it on.

the thing is, it actually makes me feel better. if i don't do it it eats at me the rest of the day. nobody likes getting nasty notes, especially if they deserve them if i get one person think about their parking my crusade was worth it.

wait, you didn't double park a grey F-350 at legends the other night did you? sorry bro.

Agreed... it's like taking your bad mood and making sure everyone else is feeling the same way... wars, riots and shooting rampages get started that way sometimes. Haven't you seen Falling Down?

one of my favorite bad day movies, right alongside taxi driver.

lately, when i come across a vehicle that's double parked, i've been leaving a note for the driver on the windsheild. it is usually politely worded, like "learn how to park, ****face" or "thanks for taking up two spots at a crowded festival, jerk".

now i don't get all vigilante about it, stalking the outer limits of wal-mart looking for the guy who parked his classic car in two spaces in the far corner of a half-empty lot. i'm talking about the guy who just can't bring himself to buy a van or even a four door car, so he buys some sort of gigantic truck or suv that has never been off road or hauled anything bigger than some groceries then drives it to a crowded mall, concert, or street festival & just decides he needs that added security of two spaces. for god's sake, if you can't park it in one spot, take a different vehicle or get used to walking to the far end of the lot. jethro & the clan don't need to pile into the 4 door long bed F-350 to go shovel buttered baked potatoes & steak with ketchup into their faces at outback. your dad had to suck it up & buy a station wagon, it's damn well good enough for you.

thanks for listening.

Leave a note that says, "Sorry I hit your car." Let them panic in a search for non-existant damage.
now a ranger, that's a nice, parkable truck.

;););)Hey, easy on the FIB stuff.

No worries, I was born and raised in the cornfields of Illinois until age 12. I only noted that when I lived in Wisconsin, the cheese-heads referred to Illini as 'FIBs'.

I remember a billboard for the state lottery they used to have on I-94 near the border that said "Buy your lottery tickets now, they're going faster than an Illinois tourist!" Zing!
Just giving Mr. Mattocks a hard time. :ultracool

Oh, and I know all about what Michiganders say about them hoosiers, my father-in-law runs a Charter boat out of St. Joe, MI so I get to hear it all the time up there.:lol: