Is it just me?

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But isn't part of being a good teacher setting standards, guide lines and requiremnets? I was shown by my (Korean) grand master how to wear and care for my uniform properly. It was understood that it was part of the art. And we learned it by the standards he set for himself.

Does the uniform make the teacher?

My Korean TKD teacher (this is pre-Olympic by the way when TKD still had close in fighting, joint locks and takedowns) came in one day and taught us in street cloths because he was running late. It did not mean that we could do the same thing, we knew better. We were required to wear what was required. He still was the same teacher, he still was worthy of our respect and he still was respectful of the art and his teachers. And he is still teaching and he is even back teaching in Korea from time to time. And if I were still training TKD I would still go to him and I would not care if he came in to teach in street clothes or overalls or anything else because he was a good teacher. However admittedly generally he would not teach in anything other than the required uniform but it did not make him any less of a teacher the day he wore street clothes.
Did I read your profile right? You're a 5th Dan Kukkiwon? Would you have your students read what you just wrote about someone you don't know? And you're trying to give ME a lesson in setting an example for other people??

Would the Kukkiwon be proud of how you're talking about someone else's clothing? This is the AWESOME organization that is the Kukkiwon?

Is this the legacy you leave and the example you set for others on this board and in your life?

I think my student would poke fun at me If I showed up wearing something like that.
I buy belts all the time, one price for any size. If you would like I will PM you with about five different locations that you could oder them from. Or a place that sells eyes patches for kids.

Cheers but it would be expensive to order from the States I think. We are a club not a school, we keep costs down to a bare minimum, members like it that way, the size of the belt really doesn't matter tbh.

TBH = to be honest.
You guys win! I'm sorry.... I sould have acted better.
I think my student would poke fun at me If I showed up wearing something like that.

So give him the traditional response and give him 100 pushups and horse stance for 30 minutes. Or go change. I DON'T CARE ... and really, neither should you.

So ... are you gonna answer my questions there?
Your right... I should be able to wear anything I would like. I'm still a good instructor.
Okay, I'm leaving the kindergarten area for a while.
You guys win! I'm sorry.... I sould have acted better.

Beaten down by the gripe.....tsk tsk tsk....

So it's official, we can't be astonished about the odd wear, we can't vent when wronged...

And following this exchange of 'my position is better than yours' for as long as I have, I am reminded that not only I am spending too much time on the Computer.

frankly folks, being all that righteous is no better than poking fun at what this gentleman is wearing.

(and just consider, if your Instructor showed up in a clown suit, would you REALLY be all that respectful in that class - not regarding the fat that he/she could probably kick your butt to the moon)

So, I am out for the day, I don't do well with this 'my rude is better than yours'
Some one please tell me why my rep power is "0". I don't get it. I like you guy's!
As a (non-Korean MA note) my first Sifu dresses appropriately (at least appropriate based on what a Westerns view is of what a stereotypical CMA teacher should look like) and he requires all his students to wear black pants and a school t-shirt (which he makes and sells) and he has great certificate ceremonies…but he is teaching crap and ripping of the westerner. On the other side is my Taiji Sifu who teaches in street clothes and was a long time student of Tung Ying Chieh and my Sanda Sifu who taught in whatever he happened to be wearing at the time. However neither dress in silk PJs to teach like my first Sifu does these days and they don’t have any certificates, testing nor belts either
Beaten down by the gripe.....tsk tsk tsk....

So it's official, we can't be astonished about the odd wear, we can't vent when wronged...

And following this exchange of 'my position is better than yours' for as long as I have, I am reminded that not only I am spending too much time on the Computer.

frankly folks, being all that righteous is no better than poking fun at what this gentleman is wearing.

(and just consider, if your Instructor showed up in a clown suit, would you REALLY be all that respectful in that class - not regarding the fat that he/she could probably kick your butt to the moon)

So, I am out for the day, I don't do well with this 'my rude is better than yours'

If the guy is a bad teacher and/or selling belts it does not matter if he shows up in a clown costume or a dobok. On the other hand if he is good it does not matter either, and running someone down for his choice, good or bad on the clothes he/she wore is just poking fun. Now if you say, as one previous poster did, that he is selling belts then that, at least to me, would be more the point and what he is wearing makes no difference. The biggest TKD schools near me are all from the same source and DAMN they look official but they sure as hell are selling belts.

A well dressed or poorly dressed charlatan is still a charlatan. and what the guy is wearing, although I do think it is silly, is FAR from a clown outfit.

What is a charlatan? And I can't beleave that what I have chosen to use as my new dobok, YOU of all people would refer to it as a clown suit! YOu should be ashamed of your self mister!
from where I stand this guy is far from a smart dresser.

So what? So we need to harp on how wrong it is to be amused by his attire?

And further more, judging from the bows you can't really honestly proclaim he is a good teacher either. It's neither here nor there and considering 'the tradition' it's odd and raises questions. (personally I am more appalled at the belt length of the way they are not getting in the way, and i am venturing a guess that my belts are not that long...)

The assumption that the instructor in question has 'sold out' is over the top, but with the experience I have, from several walks of life, I would not surprised if he had forged his on brand of MA there in his little corner of the woods and in turn could produce a group of students who dismiss instructors not putting on a costume for awards.
I am affended and sicken, now I will spend my time perparing for class> Tonight we are learning to make animals out of ballons! Good Day Sir!
What is a charlatan? And I can't beleave that what I have chosen to use as my new dobok, YOU of all people would refer to it as a clown suit! YOu should be ashamed of your self mister!

And you are a sexist pig, calling me mister!!:lfao::lfao:

No wait, I need to put this in: :wah: :waah:


(not my fault that you pull up a picture of yourself while I am typing, now is it?!)


Can we discuss the merits of balloon animals and balloon swords over a cold one?
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