Is it just me?

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I can't find any prose about the grading, perhaps it's a guest from a different style just presenting the belts? Are there any facts about this anywhere?
I frankly don't care if he showed up dressed in overalls and work boots if he is a good teacher.

Also, if this is TKD, which is Korean, he could have showed up like this too.

But then what do I know, I'm a Traditional CMA guy and we don't have uniforms... Hell we don't even have colored belts for rank.
Nope, the guys name is Jerry Jensen... he is an instructor associated with the IBBF. And yes they teach TKD but their system has went the way of you pay you pass. This was sent to me because I knew the guy.... its a shame he used to be a serious practitioner. Obviously not anymore. The head of this organization advertises 15th Degree Black Belt... (he adds all of his ranks together).

I can't find any prose about the grading, perhaps it's a guest from a different style just presenting the belts? Are there any facts about this anywhere?
Hmm...not sure if I see a huge problem with the guy.

He is not wearing a uniform that is is tight/sexualized, or visibly dirty. I don't see him interacting with the children in a way that wasn't professional or age-appropriate.

He teaches with the park district, which charges $27/month for kids and $32/month for adults.

Hardly seems like the money grubbing type unless I'm missing something. WF LRFall Winter.pdf
It has nothing to do with money grubbing... it has more to do with making yourself look like a clown instead of a Master Instructor.

Hmm...not sure if I see a huge problem with the guy.

He is not wearing a uniform that is is tight/sexualized, or visibly dirty. I don't see him interacting with the children in a way that wasn't professional or age-appropriate.

He teaches with the park district, which charges $27/month for kids and $32/month for adults.

Hardly seems like the money grubbing type unless I'm missing something. WF LRFall Winter.pdf
LOL, I dind't realize what he was wearing (I was amazed at the the length of the belts on them kids....)

But since I lost my innocence:

What is that staff thingie in the picture? Must be some holy relic or something.
If what is taught works and he's not charging a fortune I can't see a problem, it might be it means a lot to the kids, who knows, we don't! I don't think we are here to criticise the way others dress, it seems a trivial thing.
ether he is the new Hugh Hefner of TKD or he works part time at Panda express take out.
LOL, or he went to Korea to have a special awards Dobock made and he ended up with the equivalent of John Trapper's pin stripe suit from MASH :)

(and I have no blessed idea what the staff thing is, I find it weird....)
The kids look like they are learning respect and show good spirit. That works for me.

Dave O.

p.s. that pic with folks bowing to the staff etc. Now thats some serious scary stuff. The Guru cults of the past coming back to haunt us.

And of course for the adult crowd. Is she bowing to his staff?
p.s. that pic with folks bowing to the staff etc. Now thats some serious scary stuff. The Guru cults of the past coming back to haunt us.

And of course for the adult crowd. Is she bowing to his staff?

Nope, she's kneeling in front of it. :rolleyes:
This TKD forum ... I'm smelling something here ... won't put my finger on it ... smells like ... like ... another site.

It is my understanding ( I could be wrong ) that Koreans dress nicely for tests, sometimes not even in a uniform, rather a more formal traditional type of clothing or a suit and tie. Master Corona has dressed in something quite less ... uh ... decorative, but not a dobuk as the rest of the class were wearing.

So this is this guy's style. I bet he wears flashy ties, too. So what?

I'm with Carol. And I promise that if I ever meet any one of you I will not poke fun at any facial mole, scar, disfigurement, weird tattoo, odd piercing, bad taste in clothing or booger hanging out your nose.

I'm out.
The belts our kids get are long too, we can't afford to buy different sizes, we don't charge much for gradings so we buy a size that fits most people, the kids can always take them off or wrap them around three times. It's not that important. The clothes the chap was wearing aren't my taste either but then a lot of things aren't and I don't think my taste is shared by a lot of others, it's really unimportant in my opinion. Shesulsa has hit the point exactly, this thread is quite mean spirited really. I bet those who graded don't care and it's they who are important, so congrats to them and well done.
The kids look like they are learning respect and show good spirit. That works for me.

Dave O.

p.s. that pic with folks bowing to the staff etc. Now thats some serious scary stuff. The Guru cults of the past coming back to haunt us.

And of course for the adult crowd. Is she bowing to his staff?

I was told - I did not did that image up - that that is a master's ceremony of the ATA. I don't know...but the silk robes and the patches are pretty. The staff thing....I was hoping somebody here would know.

But seriously folks, it's about time for a few people to lighten up a bit. Seems to me the last year or 2 the interaction between people has taken on a somewhat aggressive under current. it would certainly help to unwad some panties and not take oneself too serious and not seeking for offense with every statement given.

Sooooooo, I dug this up for you (could not find Korean, sry)

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This TKD forum ... I'm smelling something here ... won't put my finger on it ... smells like ... like ... another site.

It is my understanding ( I could be wrong ) that Koreans dress nicely for tests, sometimes not even in a uniform, rather a more formal traditional type of clothing or a suit and tie. Master Corona has dressed in something quite less ... uh ... decorative, but not a dobuk as the rest of the class were wearing.

So this is this guy's style. I bet he wears flashy ties, too. So what?

I'm with Carol. And I promise that if I ever meet any one of you I will not poke fun at any facial mole, scar, disfigurement, weird tattoo, odd piercing, bad taste in clothing or booger hanging out your nose.

I'm out.

In a system that stresses tradition there is something to be said about a plain white dobok. Maybe it is just me. When people start to move away from that then it begin to get watered down. People start wearing tshirts and warm up suits, red , blue, black, red/black striped, US flag doboks...etc. where does it end. I don't know this person but he doen't look Korean to me and it really didn't look like a formal testing. If he wanted for it to appear professional, then start with a more formal enviroment and belts that will not put those kids eyes out the first kick they throw. Just because I practice TKD doesn't I see myself as Korean
. Maybe his outfit would affend koreans if they saw him in it. Maybe that is some type of custom that they have when they wear it.
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