Brown Belt
Some one was saying getting hit over and over to the head can cause injuries. Saying some fighters getting knocked out can cause brain injuries.
If so how safe is MMA, boxing, Muay Thai and kickboxing so on and other martial arts getting hit to the head over and over?
I know there been a number of Muay Thai and boxing fighters that have got a brain concussion. But what do these many brain concussions over and over effect the person in some way?
Does the brain heel over time on its own? Have some boxers have to quite boxing if its gotten really bad? How do you know it is bad?
Why do amateur fighters are more at risk than say professional fighters? Have there been any champions have had any problem and have to quite fighting?
If so how safe is MMA, boxing, Muay Thai and kickboxing so on and other martial arts getting hit to the head over and over?
I know there been a number of Muay Thai and boxing fighters that have got a brain concussion. But what do these many brain concussions over and over effect the person in some way?
Does the brain heel over time on its own? Have some boxers have to quite boxing if its gotten really bad? How do you know it is bad?
Why do amateur fighters are more at risk than say professional fighters? Have there been any champions have had any problem and have to quite fighting?