My instructor wants us to increase the intensity of our form. He wants 100% effort.
I notice when i increase the intensity of my form my techniques are worse. The technique is not done correctly. How do i fix this?
I notice the first part of my form is good but the second half is not that good becuase I get tired. how do I finish my form without slowing down at the end? What type of exercise can I do?
The best exercise is the activity itself.
Also, you need to define "intensity". Sanchin kata is an intense form, but it is done VERY slowly with dynamic tension in some styles. Does he mean with "intent"?
I will give you a training progression that will help with everything you are going to need for your form.
1) Go 1/4 speed/power and while doing this you want to be as perfect and precise as possible and picturing what you are actually doing. Picture the attack coming in and your opponent's reaction to him when you block/strike etc.
2) After you can perform it at 1/4 speed perfect then increase it to 1/2 speed/power. Still picturing
3) After you can do it perfect at 1/2 speed, increase it to 3/4 speed/power. Still picturing
4) Perform it at 90-95% speed/power. When you "try" to do it as fast as possible, you will be putting stress on your performance and it will degrade under the added pressure.
5) Do it as fast as possible and then make notice of the areas that were not the way they should be. Either transitions, balance etc. Then work on these areas at a slower speed until perfect and keep increasing the speed.
There are no short cuts to it. There is no such thing as practice makes perfect. But, there is Perfect Practice makes Perfect. Another method to speed up the process (still have to go through the process) is to use visualization. Picture yourself doing it perfectly, picture those trouble spots as perfectly executed. If you can't see it, you can't do it. Your mind/body have to know what the goal is to achieve it.