Information on Dr. Gyi???

tradrockrat said:
Uh...1692. The Salem trials were in 1692. ;)

He did this. And now we find that this man may have lied all along. I think we can be forgiven for demanding that he lay the rumors to rest - one way or another.

This could have been easily dealt with several years ago if Gyi had just pulled out one single bit of paperwork or proof that he served - an ID, discharge papers, anything. To date he has not. Why won't he put this to rest? It doesn't make sense that a soldier would let it go this far and risk dishonoring all that he believes in. All I want is a yes or no and one piece of proof.
I agree, it doesn't make sense. It also doesn't make sense that artists that pride themselves on martial arts as a way to grow and develop into better people would be willing to ignore the stuff that makes people question Gyi's claims. Especially now, with soldiers dieing in real combat, honoring veterans with the truth would be the best tribute out there.
Im just posting what I find with Mr. Gyi and the military involved. Im not screening anything. If you actually read some of the stuff I posted though you will find that some irate veterans have notified the Army and the Marine Corps regarding Mr. Gyi and he has been removed from their websites and training programs. I believe that one person stated that the DOD opened an investigation on Mr. Gyi regarding some of his claims. Again thats all second hand info.

As to the military investigating guest instructors, why would they? Unless they are going to be exposed to operational secrets or restricted areas I doubt that anything past a cursory criminal history check would be conducted...if even that much.
Dennis Edward, United States Army contacted me an said that they, (United States Army Physical Fitness School) have pulled Gyi's stuff off of the web site. They were contacted by someone who felt Gyi was a phony.

He says they took a look at your web site then decided to remove Gyi off their site as soon as possible!

Tgace said:
As to the military investigating guest instructors, why would they? Unless they are going to be exposed to operational secrets or restricted areas I doubt that anything past a cursory criminal history check would be conducted...if even that much.

I would think that some kind of background check on him or what he teaches would be done to make sure the training is worth while.
Is he STILL teaching on military posts?
I recently had contact from the Department of Defense. The DOD has investigative branches which "Protect America's Warfighters." Gyi is currently under their microscope and will be for the rest of his life. In addition to a recent visit to Gyi's home by DOD's agents, there is still an exhaustive investigation of Gyi, teaching Marine Corp officers in Virginia while impersonating himself first as a Marine Corp Sergeant then as a General. The DOD has copies of tapes supplied of the entire training. Another "Homeland Security" agency is investigating summer military camps held in Athens Ohio by Gyi and American Bando Association. Last year 2 current U.S Army men attended the summer camp and reported to the FBI.
I'll be damned.

I never saw that pic before. Doc NEVER wore anything like that around the ABA tournaments or training camps - EVER.

I think thats the get up he wore to the now infamous Marauders Reunion that started the whole controversy.
The owner of the POWnetwork website is mentioned in this website....,13190,Defensewatch_030204_Fakes,00.html
Why do people lie about service in the military? B.G. "Jug" Burkett co-author of Stolen Valor: How The Vietnam Generation Was Robbed of its heroes and its history, has studied the phony war-hero phenomenon. He feels some fakers are compulsive liars who convince themselves that their lies are true. He believes most fakers are trying to boost their weak egos, but some have other reasons such as winning political office, or improving their image. Burkett says it's rare, even when confronted, that fakes will come clean. They simply want to believe it themselves.

There is substantial documentation proving that military frauds and fakes are an epidemic on a national scale, as confirmed by several volunteer organizations. A group called AutheniSEAL has researched reports of impostors who have claimed to have been Navy SEALs. Thus far the organization has uncovered over 10,000 fakes. The POW Network, operated by Chuck and Mary Schantag out of Skidmore, Mo., has documented over seven hundred cases of phonies claiming to have been POWs in Vietnam. That's more than the total that were finally released from captivity in 1973.
WMAA said:
I would think that some kind of background check on him or what he teaches would be done to make sure the training is worth while.
Just in from someone with experience on the matter....


The military does no background check what so ever for guest instructors. Even if you are contracted through MWR they don't.
I know because I was contracted on 3 seperate bases to teach and none of them did a check.



Just thought I would add this as well.........they do no "research" into your claims to rank or certificates either. I know this from experience as well. On all 3 bases I taught at I was required to submit some sort of rank certificate to "verify" my ability to teach.

Read carefully.

Dr. Gyi's mastery of the Kukri is not on a strictly conceptual level, but rather has been established in actual battles where his life and the life of his comrades were at stake.

In general, the war experiences served to shape Dr. Gyi's development as a martial artist. He was able to understand the importance of organization, preparation and strategy for success in battle. These factors are necessary in major conflicts such as those that occur in wars, yet they are equally important in contests between two opponents.

World War II left physical and psychological scars on Dr. Gyi; he was wounded several times and lost several close family members. Yet, he gained considerable knowledge through the war that would influence the Bando system and many martial artists.

Dr. Gyi is able to explain both the "how" and the "why" of effective fighting strategy, based on decades of real combat travails. World War II and subsequent war experiences (e.g., Korea and Vietnam) were proving grounds for the empty-hand and weapons-oriented techniques that he learned in early life...
Now how can someone say that they can separate these claims from the art? They are being touted as the "proof in the pudding" so to speak.
Now how can someone say that they can separate these claims from the art? They are being touted as the "proof in the pudding" so to speak.

Tgace - That was exactly my question when I decided to stop paying my dues to the ABA and cease training with them.

16 years I had been told that this stuff works because if it didn't Gyi would have been dead a dozen times over. A classic example of false logic we all ignored because we trusted the source. Now the truth is that some of it has worked for many people, myself included, but the fact remains that the Bando as practiced by the ABA is touted as a Combat Tested Art that was developed and refined under combat conditions. If Gyi didn't fight, the entire system is a lie. Even if it can and does work, it's still a lie.
tradrockrat said:
Tgace - That was exactly my question when I decided to stop paying my dues to the ABA and cease training with them.

16 years I had been told that this stuff works because if it didn't Gyi would have been dead a dozen times over. A classic example of false logic we all ignored because we trusted the source. Now the truth is that some of it has worked for many people, myself included, but the fact remains that the Bando as practiced by the ABA is touted as a Combat Tested Art that was developed and refined under combat conditions. If Gyi didn't fight, the entire system is a lie. Even if it can and does work, it's still a lie.
"Tell me the company you keep, and I will tell you who you are." -Anon

I judge you a wise man Trad.
I don't know about wise, but I do believe that the only things we have complete control over are our actions, and that our actions define us as who we are. I am still polite and cordial to Gyi whenever we (rarely) meet, but I have no desire to associate with the ABA.
tradrockrat said:
I don't know about wise, but I do believe that the only things we have complete control over are our actions, and that our actions define us as who we are. I am still polite and cordial to Gyi whenever we (rarely) meet, but I have no desire to associate with the ABA.
But you no longer are in bed with a liar and a sham because you know that you would be guilty by association. Good choice.

Why would anyone with any honor continue to associate with someone this messed up, let alone continue doing business with them.

If this is how he lies in martial arts and military matters, I don't want to know how he might be able to lie on his business accounts.
This is a little off topic, but it does illustrate the frustration many have felt about the "liquidity" of honor and tradition in the ABA

For my whole life I heard several "traditions" about Bando that were held to be inviolate.

1. Bando is always taught for free - Non-profit
2. Bando is only taught to Adults - it's too combat oriented for children
3. No-one is EVER taught the Kukri or an animal technique until they reach Brown belt at a minimum! - Usually, you had to wait until Black belt because wer're talking about the soul of Bando here. Imagine giving a Samurai Sword to a novice or a seminar attendee. It was something earned, not given.

In the last ten years since Gyis retirement from teaching:

1. Gyi teaches seminars that he charges for. No one else in Bando is supposed to do this. Instructors may teach Bando in their school, as long as it is a free class offered to members who are paying dues to train in a different art.
2. There are children EVERYWHERE in the ABA now, and I personally don't mind this at all, but it was a huge bone of contention when I arrived on the scene with 12 years experience at age 20. I'm talking official complaints by senior members attempting to take my belt rank from me, etc. Now those same members own schools where they teach children themselves.
3. Last, but most important - Gyi teaches a Kukri clinic sponsored by Soldier of Fortune magazine in Las Vegas.

I'd personally love to make a living teaching Bando in a school setting to children, young adults, and adults -- but to this day it is still not allowed.

Do as I say, not as I do?
Free lessons? Dude move into WNY! Be glad to meet ya. :)

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