Inferior guy pulled a knife on me , how do i overcome shame ?

Pedro sanchez

White Belt
Sep 6, 2023
Reaction score
Hi everyone .

So a year back , i was snacking in a public market , when a young guy in he's early 20s joined the snacking ; Then this clumsy young adult came in and was probably on recreational drugs , with 2 long scars across his cheeks.

After this , the young guy suggested politely to the other young adult to sit down , the latter refused thinking he don't need his permission.

So the drugged guy kept throwing a chair 3 times at the young guy , then I moved away , and he kept doing that until I told him why you're doing this .(wrong idea I know )

So now I became the victim after he pulled a knife when he realised i am stronger than him .

So i dodged his attacks until I told him to stop " I was just talking , i dont want to fight" , and i eventually just paid the snack and ran away .

What is the worse that can happen to me psychologically in this situation , specially that I have schizophrenia ?
Hi everyone .

So a year back , i was snacking in a public market , when a young guy in he's early 20s joined the snacking ; Then this clumsy young adult came in and was probably on recreational drugs , with 2 long scars across his cheeks.

After this , the young guy suggested politely to the other young adult to sit down , the latter refused thinking he don't need his permission.

So the drugged guy kept throwing a chair 3 times at the young guy , then I moved away , and he kept doing that until I told him why you're doing this .(wrong idea I know )

So now I became the victim after he pulled a knife when he realised i am stronger than him .

So i dodged his attacks until I told him to stop " I was just talking , i dont want to fight" , and i eventually just paid the snack and ran away .

What is the worse that can happen to me psychologically in this situation , specially that I have schizophrenia ?
Are we more qualified than your psychiatrist to answer this question? Are we even more qualified than YOU?
By the way, the use of the word "inferior" in the title is kind of disturbing. Do you feel superior to him because he might be a drug addict? It seems to me that you both have problems, the only difference is that you have access to behavioral healthcare and he probably doesn't.
By the way, the use of the word "inferior" in the title is kind of disturbing. Do you feel superior to him because he might be a drug addict? It seems to me that you both have problems, the only difference is that you have access to behavioral healthcare and he probably doesn't.
In some languages there are words that denote one is better mannered, or behaved, but can only be translated into English as being "better" than someone. Judging by OP's name, and his minor errors in his grammar, I imagine that is why he is using these words
In some languages there are words that denote one is better mannered, or behaved, but can only be translated into English as being "better" than someone. Judging by OP's name, and his minor errors in his grammar, I imagine that is why he is using these words

I meant inferior physically. Because he is a shorty and i am taller and heavier than him , so first thing he did is he pulled his knife without hesitation.

Actually these type of persons are not just inferior but also nasty and pure cowards.

Also felt he took advantage of my mental state as a schizophrenic.

If I was mentally pure , I would have reacted differently.

This is why i hate my illness , it can make me vulnerable in the wrong place with the very wrong people.
I meant inferior physically. Because he is a shorty and i am taller and heavier than him , so first thing he did is he pulled his knife without hesitation.

Actually these type of persons are not just inferior but also nasty and pure cowards.

Also felt he took advantage of my mental state as a schizophrenic.

If I was mentally pure , I would have reacted differently.

This is why i hate my illness , it can make me vulnerable in the wrong place with the very wrong people.
I don't think you're giving the whole story. There's definitely some pertinent information being left out.

A guy who is allegedly on drugs walks in. Your friend asks him to sit down. Why? Was the man engaging in suspicious behavior, other than appearing to be under the influence? Was your friend inviting him to the table for a friendly interaction?

Why did the man get angry? Was it REALLY over being offered a seat?

Is the man a stranger? If so, how does he know your situation? Does he know your condition because he's NOT a stranger? If this is the case, were there interactions prior to this that led up to it that you're not telling us?

Finally, if you have a particular mental health diagnosis and he's under the influence of drugs - there's a lot of factors at play, especially what specific drugs he's using - but there's a high probably that he wouldn't have the upper hand that you're attributing to him. And then the next question is this: is there a possibility that he may have perceived you to be the aggressor and was merely trying to protect himself? I'm a fairly big guy myself, and when I express a grievance to someone about something, I do it in a non-confrontational tone and posture so that they won't think I'm trying to intimidate them with my size (it's not something that I have to do consciously; it comes naturally).
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Is the man a stranger? If so, how does he know your situation? Does he know your condition because he's NOT a stranger? If this is the case, were there interactions prior to this that led up to it that you're not telling us?

OK OK, I will explain clearly.

First , the three of us don't know each other .

Second , where i live these types of people are usually the first perpetrators , they take hallucinatory pills in order to attack people for money and get by without charges because law doesn't punish " stoned " individuals . So basically they are above the law " in proving grounds" i mean in real life . And cops don't risk their life confronting them .

Another point is , I am totally in control of my schizophrenia and have no reason to feel paranoid or have any type of delusion of grandeur to act superior or speak in an aggressive tone.

Lastly , this person again don't know me , but i felt overwhelmed and helpless after he pulled his knife , when in fact i got all the power to end the situation to my advantage , at least emotionally.

Now , it's been a year after this event and I feel calm now.

I just want to know from experienced people in knife fights , how to avoid these situations in my case as a person treating schizophrenia.
In some languages there are words that denote one is better mannered, or behaved, but can only be translated into English as being "better" than someone. Judging by OP's name, and his minor errors in his grammar, I imagine that is why he is using these words

I am not native English speaker .
This is a martial arts forum. What you've posted in this and other threads has nothing whatsoever to do with martial arts.

You need to seek psychiatric help from psychiatric professionals. Not from a bunch of random strangers on a martial arts forum.
I meant inferior physically. Because he is a shorty and i am taller and heavier than him , so first thing he did is he pulled his knife without hesitation.

Actually these type of persons are not just inferior but also nasty and pure cowards.

Also felt he took advantage of my mental state as a schizophrenic.

If I was mentally pure , I would have reacted differently.

This is why i hate my illness , it can make me vulnerable in the wrong place with the very wrong people.
Don't be so hard on yourself -- it doesn't lead to better mental health.

Also, while we all have the right to defend ourselves, try to understand what might have been behind the other guy's actions -- he might have been mentally ill as well. So just as you want others to be compassionate if you do something because of your illness, others might need that compassion as well.

Nobody is mentally pure. We all have something going on in there, more or less, and most of us only look normal because we haven't been pushed far enough. Who knows what a life on the street might do to some of us?

Anyway, I'd wager that very few (if any) of us on this forum has clinical psychological qualifications, and even if they did, they could not comment responsibly on the schizophrenia component of your situation, or what's behind your shame, because they're not your therapist.

All they can comment on is how the average person could avoid getting into a knife fight. To that end, based on your account of the incident:

and he kept doing that until I told him why you're doing this .(wrong idea I know )

... you know what you did wrong. You intervened.

Learn to be invisible. Boring. Not of any interest.
As an old guy (63), that's all I can say.
Anything involving an edged weapon where nobody gets hurt should be taken as a win.
Best outcome is not be stabbed and not to be forced to fight off someone attacking with a knife. Running away is also smart no need to give that person a second chance to stab or slash.

One day everyone will reach a point where running away won't be an option. That day will suck.