I would never want to be without my....

Cell phone stun guns have a unique design that gives you a tactical advantage unlike any other type of self defense weapon on the market today. It is a stun gun disguised as a cell phone to create a low-key and unnoticeable appearance for personal protection. The attacker won't even notice that you have a powerful self defense weapon in your hand and ready to use. A surprise counter-attack is crucial for a successful escape. With the help of an 800,000 volt (Firestorm Cell Phone Stun Gun) or 900,000 Volt (Immobilizer Cell Phone Stun Gun) stopping power, the effectiveness of the surprise attack is increased. The unique design of the cellular phone stun gun maximize your ability to stop the assailant. Cell phone stun gun is definitely one of the best self defense weapons created for personal protection of our time.
i would never want to be without my mind...which is my most powerful and infact nuclear weapon
i would never want to be without my mind...which is my most powerful and infact nuclear weapon

Is this your profile pic by any chance?
Cell phone stun guns have a unique design that gives you a tactical advantage unlike any other type of self defense weapon on the market today. It is a stun gun disguised as a cell phone to create a low-key and unnoticeable appearance for personal protection. The attacker won't even notice that you have a powerful self defense weapon in your hand and ready to use. A surprise counter-attack is crucial for a successful escape. With the help of an 800,000 volt (Firestorm Cell Phone Stun Gun) or 900,000 Volt (Immobilizer Cell Phone Stun Gun) stopping power, the effectiveness of the surprise attack is increased. The unique design of the cellular phone stun gun maximize your ability to stop the assailant. Cell phone stun gun is definitely one of the best self defense weapons created for personal protection of our time.
hmmm, presuming you've tried the product.....otherwise tasers are quite effective at bringing down the aggressor.
That's not a Taser, or one of the very few similar products. It's basically a cattle prod. They're not overly effective.

Taser, Inc. is making a http://www.taser.org/taserc2-2.html; if you're going to get something in that line, spend the money, go through the class, and carry it. I still don't consider it a great personal self defense tool, even though it's a great arresting tool. It's an incapicitating tool -- not a stop or disable tool. When the cycle is over, what're you gonna do? The Taser C2 gives you 30 seconds to run...
That's not a Taser, or one of the very few similar products. It's basically a cattle prod. They're not overly effective.
Of course it isn't a "Taser" that's a copywrite name; it IS a stun gun of 'taser' type.
Actually the product description says: "This Firestorm Cell Phone Stun Gun is powered by two lithium batteries you can find at any Target or WalMart. This may not sound like much of a power source, but these batteries generate 800,000 Volts of pure stopping power."
***The basic idea of the stun gun is to disrupt this communication system by delivering a high voltage (very fast) combined with a low amperage (low intensity) charge to temporarily disable an attacker for several minutes. The high voltage allows the charge to quickly pass through clothing and skin, When you press the stun gun against an attacker and hold the trigger, the electricity stored in the stun gun is dumped into the assailant's nervous system and the normal body signals get mixed up with noise. The muscles and brain are no longer able to communicate because the messages are no longer understood. The result is temporary confusion and imbalance. Alternatively, stun guns can generate current with a pulse frequency that mimics the body's own electrical signals telling the attacker's muscles to do a great deal of work rapidly. But the work is not directed toward any particular movement. The rapid work cycle instantly depletes the attacker's blood sugar by converting it to lactic acid. The attacker is left unable to produce energy and too weak to move.***

This higher the voltage, the quicker the stop. This means that your attacker will be down for the count faster the more punch you pack in your personal stun gun. 800,000 Volts also ensures that the stopping power goes through thin shirt or sweater your attacker may be wearing.

It's an incapicitating tool -- not a stop or disable tool. When the cycle is over, what're you gonna do? The Taser C2 gives you 30 seconds to run...
You've sort of answered your own question. Thirty seconds allows you to disable the incapacitated person and in some cases, to actually leave the scene safely.
Further, having seen demos (no I didn't volunteer) the subjects really can't do much for several minutes after being stunned, other that try to stand up.:angel:
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Brand names aside, a Taser and a Stun-gun are two different things...

A Taser shoots out probes connected to the unit by a wire, the probes embed themselves in the target and deliver the charge. Depending on the unit, they have an effective range of 15-20 feet or so.

A Stun-gun must be pressed against the target meaning that you must be close enough to touch you assailant. I've been hit with a stun-gun and while it was uncomfortable, it wasn't incapacitating and I sure as heck didn't go down.

jsk9199 said:
That's not a Taser, or one of the very few similar products. It's basically a cattle prod. They're not overly effective.

Taser, Inc. is making a ; if you're going to get something in that line, spend the money, go through the class, and carry it. I still don't consider it a great personal self defense tool, even though it's a great arresting tool. It's an incapicitating tool -- not a stop or disable tool. When the cycle is over, what're you gonna do? The Taser C2 gives you 30 seconds to run...
Of course it isn't a "Taser" that's a copywrite name; it IS a stun gun of 'taser' type.
Actually the product description says: "This Firestorm Cell Phone Stun Gun is powered by two lithium batteries you can find at any Target or WalMart. This may not sound like much of a power source, but these batteries generate 800,000 Volts of pure stopping power."
***The basic idea of the stun gun is to disrupt this communication system by delivering a high voltage (very fast) combined with a low amperage (low intensity) charge to temporarily disable an attacker for several minutes. The high voltage allows the charge to quickly pass through clothing and skin, When you press the stun gun against an attacker and hold the trigger, the electricity stored in the stun gun is dumped into the assailant's nervous system and the normal body signals get mixed up with noise. The muscles and brain are no longer able to communicate because the messages are no longer understood. The result is temporary confusion and imbalance. Alternatively, stun guns can generate current with a pulse frequency that mimics the body's own electrical signals telling the attacker's muscles to do a great deal of work rapidly. But the work is not directed toward any particular movement. The rapid work cycle instantly depletes the attacker's blood sugar by converting it to lactic acid. The attacker is left unable to produce energy and too weak to move.***

This higher the voltage, the quicker the stop. This means that your attacker will be down for the count faster the more punch you pack in your personal stun gun. 800,000 Volts also ensures that the stopping power goes through thin shirt or sweater your attacker may be wearing.

Brand names aside, a Taser and a Stun-gun are two different things...

A Taser shoots out probes connected to the unit by a wire, the probes embed themselves in the target and deliver the charge. Depending on the unit, they have an effective range of 15-20 feet or so.

A Stun-gun must be pressed against the target meaning that you must be close enough to touch you assailant. I've been hit with a stun-gun and while it was uncomfortable, it wasn't incapacitating and I sure as heck didn't go down.


Taser uses a patented electrical pulse or signal, which has the effect of causing all of the muscles to contract. I'm only aware of one other company with a similar product -- and it hasn't been shown to work as reliably or effectively. Most commercial stun guns -- and I'm almost willing to bet this one isn't anything special -- simply deliver a series of shocks. Even the Taser's models in the contact or drive stun mode only deliver a shock; you need to spread over some muscle groups to get the Neuro Muscular Incapication effect.
errr id like to say something clever...
but can i just say uzi?
are we killing or just severely hurting the person/ppl in the situation?