I wonder how The Kid is doing today....


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
In Pain
Saturday I was cleaning house and I found a pack of stickers I had forgotten about: eyes and moths to put on mundane objects.

So I grabbed the pack, selected some eyes and a mouth (with tongue sticking out) and stuck them on the inside of the kid's trombone bell....

I think I got the orientation right, so when he plays.....

of course, had he practiced hsi instrument over the weekend, it should not be the band director likely to see the face first....


Oh to be a fly on that wall...
due to a fire drill he noticed the stickers before he started playing....not before asking his band mates 'Who did this?' though!

Oh, on the upside, I can get him to put the horn up now real easy: 'It's X o'clock. Do you know where your horn is?'


I think I will give it a few days before I do the next thing....I saw a cute little catarpilar plush at the dollar tree...and one of them silly flowers with the bendable stem....

Oh the possibilities!
(I wonder if confetti will cause problems...)

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