I am one Proud Kenpo Mama!!!!!

Kenpo Mama

3rd Black Belt
Jul 23, 2003
Reaction score
Long Island
That's right both of my "men" tested for their black belts today! It was quite an event! Please join me in congratulating pete (a well known martial talk contributor) and my wonderful husband of some 18 years and my totally awesome son Philip (age 12 - received his junior black belt).

In separate tests they both showed tremendous skill and perserverance. They have shown true dedication to the art. My son philip started training when he was 6 years old and is turning 12 next week. He is a young dedicated martial artist from which we can expect great things. He fufilled all requirements with a mature demeanor and made this Kenpo Mama tuly proud!

Pete's test was well over 3 hours long and he was a non-stop dynamo! He performed 170 self defense techniques on live dummies as well as executing his sets and forms to the highest caliber. His personal form based upon Tai Chi Applications in Kenpo was outstanding! I was fortunate to be his uke for his Brown 2 techs and his personal form and he was totally rockin'!

The sparring section lasted continuously for 20 minutes and was incredibly intense! Oh not to mention the no-mind section - true skills in action!

Do i sound proud, well yes i am! Here are a few pics of today's event!


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Congratulations to both of them! I remember my kenpo junior black belt test like it was yesterday (4 years ago now...) and it's not easy.
Your studio looks cool by the way!
Congratulations to them, and to you. My wife tells me that behind every good man there is a great woman. :)

Here is the group picture from today's test! And pete with instructor Steve Cordaro from Black Dragon Kenpo Karate.


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Congrats to Pete and Philip, that's fantastic you tested together. Kenpo Mama, looks like you have a right to be proud. TW
Congratulations to you all! :partyon:
Congratulations to both of them! Thats some days workout for the family.
Kenpo Mama said:
That's right both of my "men" tested for their black belts today! It was quite an event! Please join me in congratulating pete (a well known martial talk contributor) and my wonderful husband of some 18 years and my totally awesome son Philip (age 12 - received his junior black belt).

In separate tests they both showed tremendous skill and perserverance. They have shown true dedication to the art. My son philip started training when he was 6 years old and is turning 12 next week. He is a young dedicated martial artist from which we can expect great things. He fufilled all requirements with a mature demeanor and made this Kenpo Mama tuly proud!

Pete's test was well over 3 hours long and he was a non-stop dynamo! He performed 170 self defense techniques on live dummies as well as executing his sets and forms to the highest caliber. His personal form based upon Tai Chi Applications in Kenpo was outstanding! I was fortunate to be his uke for his Brown 2 techs and his personal form and he was totally rockin'!

The sparring section lasted continuously for 20 minutes and was incredibly intense! Oh not to mention the no-mind section - true skills in action!

Do i sound proud, well yes i am! Here are a few pics of today's event!
Yeaaaaaayyyyy Pete, you da man baby, congrats on a job well done. Now the hard part begins LOL. Take care bro and talk at ya soon.

DarK LorD
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Congratulations to your family!! Well done!

- Ceicei
Kenpo Mama,

Please extend my congratulations to Pete and Phillip. Job well done! Give them both a big hug for me.

Talk to you soon.
Congratualtions to them both!!
I was there -- and I'm proud to have Pete as a training partner. Learned a whole lot from you and look forward to learning more on the next leg of the journey with you.

Congrats Pete and Phil. KT
Pete has asked me to post a few more pics of the test which include several Martial Talk Contributors, first is CB2379 (Chuck) being the victim on "Crash of the Eagle", 2nd - Kenpo Tiger enjoying the infamous "Backbreaker" technique and then there's me - yours truly - dummying for "Circling the Storm". The last picture show "aliveness in training" with pete and his sparring buddy Mike C. Now that's KENPO!


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