How would you potentially handle the following situations?


Purple Belt
Apr 14, 2007
Reaction score
Maybe this will be fun...anyway I'm going to list a few scenarios and my responses. I'm hoping that others will take the same scenarios and describe theirs. This thread is about honesty and true reactions. Let us not get too out of hand!
Note: My background in MA is TKD and Gracie JJ.

Someone insulting you on the basis of studying martial arts
I would ask them if they have ever studied a martial art and invite them to class. No further comments would be made.

Confronted by an unarmed thief who is physically abusive
This is where it starts getting sticky. I would not give him(or her I suppose) the satisfaction of me pleading or begging. I would use a take-down and restrain him until the police arrive. If that is not possible, I would still take him down and get out of there. I do not feel any need to maim or break anything in this situation.

Confronted by an angry drunk at the bar
I honestly don't feel the need to prove anything. If I can get out there without any sort of contact then great. A drunk would likely provide an opportunity to practice my jiu jitsu Haymaker defense though. Regardless, I still see no need in giving any major injuries.

Confronted by an armed thief, punk...whatever
When someone points any sort of weapon at me, that's it. I will use every resource to ensure that the person is unable to attack me or anyone else. Knives, guns etc.. are a sign that he/she seeks to do major damage to my being, so I feel the need to do the same.

That's it. What would you do? Add more situations if you want.
Someone insulting you on the basis of studying martial arts

Tell them something to the effect of, You're right-must be why you don't study them, huh? and walk away.

Confronted by an unarmed thief who is physically abusive

Run away.

Confronted by an angry drunk at the bar

Buy him a drink, and leave.

Confronted by an armed thief, punk...whatever

Give them what they want, and/or kill them.

At least, that's what I've done when those things happened to me.
Maybe this will be fun...anyway I'm going to list a few scenarios and my responses. I'm hoping that others will take the same scenarios and describe theirs. This thread is about honesty and true reactions. Let us not get too out of hand!
Note: My background in MA is TKD and Gracie JJ.

Someone insulting you on the basis of studying martial arts
I would ask them if they have ever studied a martial art and invite them to class. No further comments would be made.

Who cares, they are gay!

Confronted by an unarmed thief who is physically abusive
This is where it starts getting sticky. I would not give him(or her I suppose) the satisfaction of me pleading or begging. I would use a take-down and restrain him until the police arrive. If that is not possible, I would still take him down and get out of there. I do not feel any need to maim or break anything in this situation.

If they abuse me, then is time to take them down pull guard and rip their arm off.

Confronted by an angry drunk at the bar
I honestly don't feel the need to prove anything. If I can get out there without any sort of contact then great. A drunk would likely provide an opportunity to practice my jiu jitsu Haymaker defense though. Regardless, I still see no need in giving any major injuries.

Spin him around in a circle and laugh uncontrollably.

Confronted by an armed thief, punk...whatever
When someone points any sort of weapon at me, that's it. I will use every resource to ensure that the person is unable to attack me or anyone else. Knives, guns etc.. are a sign that he/she seeks to do major damage to my being, so I feel the need to do the same.

Give them your money, and hopefully walk away. If youre not so lucky hopefully he only shoots/stabs you in an area without any vital organs.
That's it. What would you do? Add more situations if you want.

And then DLTD pass to side control, mount, and kill them with my lethal GnP...hahaha
Someone insulting you on the basis of studying martial arts

I do not view this as a threat. Depending on other variables, I may do as you and invite them to sign a waiver and get on the mats in order to foster understanding, or I may shrug it off and ignore it depending on my mood.

Confronted by an unarmed thief who is physically abusive

Again, depending on other possible variables....If given the opportunity to escape the situation with no injury I would leave; otherwise, I'd be physically abusive back...but even more so.

Confronted by an angry drunk at the bar

Actually been here once or twice. :cheers:
Depends.... The "talkers" I just talk to and empathize with. They quickly become your friend and will buy you a drink to be their theropist for a while and listen to their drunken drivel. Small price to avoid a fight.

The "touchers" ....well...they get "touched" back so that they don't touch again.

Confronted by an armed thief, punk...whatever

Been here as well. Environment plays a huge roll in this scenario. Are there things around you that can be used as a "shield" against their weapon? Things to buy you time to escape? Things to use as a weapon to defend with?

You can't second guess yourself in this situation, more than others, your life is really on the line. You can't hesitate and/or give them any chances or your next stop could be the morgue.

The #1 concern is getting out of this situation in one piece, by any means necessary.

If getting out of this scenario can be easily achieved by giving them what they want, then that would be a good way to go.....but do you know that they won't kill you anyway?

Of course, where a weapon is involved the best mindset to be in is "kill or be killed." You have to seriously consider that they intend to kill you becuse they do have a weapon. I don't know about you, but I failed mind-reading 101 and my judgement about the situation is based on what I can see....which in this case is somebody holding a lethal weapon on me. At that point it becomes "them or me."
Maybe this will be fun...anyway I'm going to list a few scenarios and my responses. I'm hoping that others will take the same scenarios and describe theirs. This thread is about honesty and true reactions. Let us not get too out of hand!
Note: My background in MA is TKD and Gracie JJ.

Someone insulting you on the basis of studying martial arts
I would ask them if they have ever studied a martial art and invite them to class. No further comments would be made.

No physicality, tell them "duly noted", and walk away. Who the hell cares what they think?

Confronted by an unarmed thief who is physically abusive
This is where it starts getting sticky. I would not give him(or her I suppose) the satisfaction of me pleading or begging. I would use a take-down and restrain him until the police arrive. If that is not possible, I would still take him down and get out of there. I do not feel any need to maim or break anything in this situation.

On the assumption of a minimum of witnesses, they sirprised you, and I don't know the person, kick to the balls, and/or throat or eye shot, bulldog to the ground, stomp on their heads and their balls and walk away. Or something similar.

Confronted by an angry drunk at the bar
I honestly don't feel the need to prove anything. If I can get out there without any sort of contact then great. A drunk would likely provide an opportunity to practice my jiu jitsu Haymaker defense though. Regardless, I still see no need in giving any major injuries.

Preferably, attract the bouncer and let him handle it, it's his job. Worse case scenario, block or at worst, a takedown should suffice. Outside the bar, see number two.

Confronted by an armed thief, punk...whatever
When someone points any sort of weapon at me, that's it. I will use every resource to ensure that the person is unable to attack me or anyone else. Knives, guns etc.. are a sign that he/she seeks to do major damage to my being, so I feel the need to do the same.

If I am unalone and get the weapon away from you, you're going to the hospital if you're lucky.
Someone insulting you on the basis of studying martial arts

Ignore or agree with them and walk away.

Confronted by an unarmed thief who is physically abusive

Depends. I would most likely use distance and timing to bridge the gap by moving off the line of attack. Striking and most likely use a pin or choke.

Confronted by an angry drunk at the bar
Buy him a drink and myself one. If he really wanted to fight break Bottle or glass over his head and run.

Confronted by an armed thief, punk...whatever

I would give him what he wants. If I am going to be attacked with a weapon regardless Try using distance,timing,off the line of attack,kicking out the knee,controling the weapon hand. Doing what ever I can to survive.
Maybe this will be fun...anyway I'm going to list a few scenarios and my responses. I'm hoping that others will take the same scenarios and describe theirs. This thread is about honesty and true reactions. Let us not get too out of hand!
Note: My background in MA is TKD and Gracie JJ.

1)Someone insulting you on the basis of studying martial arts
I would ask them if they have ever studied a martial art and invite them to class. No further comments would be made.

2)Confronted by an unarmed thief who is physically abusive
This is where it starts getting sticky. I would not give him(or her I suppose) the satisfaction of me pleading or begging. I would use a take-down and restrain him until the police arrive. If that is not possible, I would still take him down and get out of there. I do not feel any need to maim or break anything in this situation.

3)Confronted by an angry drunk at the bar
I honestly don't feel the need to prove anything. If I can get out there without any sort of contact then great. A drunk would likely provide an opportunity to practice my jiu jitsu Haymaker defense though. Regardless, I still see no need in giving any major injuries.

4)Confronted by an armed thief, punk...whatever
When someone points any sort of weapon at me, that's it. I will use every resource to ensure that the person is unable to attack me or anyone else. Knives, guns etc.. are a sign that he/she seeks to do major damage to my being, so I feel the need to do the same.

That's it. What would you do? Add more situations if you want.

1) I do my best, although it doesn't always work, to avoid the martial arts subject with the majority of people. Why? Because after a while, I get tired of the stupid things that are said...the do you have to register your hands comments, the Bruce Lee imitations, etc. I've come to just ignore folks like that. If someone is really sincere about their questions, I have no issues with that, and I'll take the time and talk about anything they would like to know. :)

2) Of course, we always need to make that honest effort to talk the situation down. However, we know that doesn't always work, so IMO, once the attempt to touch me is made or it actually happens, then its on. What would I do? Depends on what he does. If I can pre-empt his shot, then thats what I'd do. If a lock finds its way into the mix, thats fine too. :) If it means giving the guy an elbow to the head and a boot the the groin, then so be it. IMHO, if I'm minding my own business, and someone tries to do what you describe, then they get what they deserve. :)

3) I don't go to bars, so hopefully that would be something that I wouldn't face. However, if I was presented with that, I'd say the first and most important thing to do, is be aware of whats going on around you. A packed bar, you have no idea if this guy is alone or with 10 other people and if he is with others, you may not know who they are. You could end up getting sucker punched or worse. I think I'd try to talk the guy down. If it meant buying the guy a round to avoid a fight, fine. Some may look at that as being a coward, but thats fine by me. Isn't there some saying around somewhere that says the real winner of a fight is the person who doesn't have to fight, or something along those lines? ;) If that didn't work, again, depends on whats happening.

4) If I can pick up an equalizer, I'm going to do it. He just upped the ante himself, by pulling out a weapon, so if I can grab something to throw at him, or use as a shield, I'm doing it. :) If that wasn't an option, I think that gaining control of the weapon arm is key. Control, then work on a disarm or employ the use of knees, stomps, etc. and then work for a disarm.
Someone insulting you on the basis of studying martial arts

Laugh it off, perhaps with a self-depricating comment, and change the subject to something lighter.

Confronted by an unarmed thief who is physically abusive

Fight back, depending on how physically abusive he is. If its mild a mild push, I'd get off his centerline and block his attacks. If its a haymaker at my face, I'm prepared to block and hit back. If its a guy attacker, I'd consider what options I have for weapons (carried or improvised)

Confronted by an angry drunk at the bar
Walk away silently without giving him any more attention.

Confronted by an armed thief, punk...whatever

That's a threat to my life, therefore....whatever it takes. I tend to favor evasion over direct confrontation, but if a situation leads to a confrontation then.........that's why I train.
Maybe this will be fun...anyway I'm going to list a few scenarios and my responses. I'm hoping that others will take the same scenarios and describe theirs. This thread is about honesty and true reactions. Let us not get too out of hand!
Note: My background in MA is TKD and Gracie JJ.

Someone insulting you on the basis of studying martial arts
Ignore them because they're just being ignorant.

Confronted by an unarmed thief who is physically abusive
Wait for an opening and take 'em down by however/whatever means needed and what openings that presents itself, then call 911
Confronted by an angry drunk at the bar
Hate to give a lame answer on this one but I absolutely DO NOT go into bars anymore. Had my fill, had my share and had enough of that scene. If confronted on the street by an angry drunk... see above answer for unarmed thief.

Confronted by an armed thief, punk...whatever
Same with unarmed thief but a lot more careful and focused on the weapon... that is if they're intent to use it on me even AFTER I've given them what they wanted... wallet, watch ... whatever.

That's it. What would you do? Add more situations if you want.

Try this and understand that it actually happened to me...

Standing at the bus stop, around 10:30 pm alone on a "deserted street" waiting for the last bus to come. You observe two males some two and half blocks away down the street in the direction that the bus is supposed to come... walking towards you. :shrugs: nothing wrong with that... it's a free country right? Still you watch them... as they get a block away one of them peels off from the other and crosses the 4 lane street and parallel's his partner on the opposite sidewalk. They're both still walking casually towards you. When the man on your side reaches you, you see his partner suddenly sprint across the street towards you as the man closest to you walks past behind you and turns and raises his arm to level with your head, it's semi-dark (street lamp is across the street from your corner) and you can't quite see what's in his hand ... (ball is in your court now).....
Ignore them because they're just being ignorant.

Wait for an opening and take 'em down by however/whatever means needed and what openings that presents itself, then call 911

Hate to give a lame answer on this one but I absolutely DO NOT go into bars anymore. Had my fill, had my share and had enough of that scene. If confronted on the street by an angry drunk... see above answer for unarmed thief.

Same with unarmed thief but a lot more careful and focused on the weapon... that is if they're intent to use it on me even AFTER I've given them what they wanted... wallet, watch ... whatever.

Try this and understand that it actually happened to me...

Standing at the bus stop, around 10:30 pm alone on a "deserted street" waiting for the last bus to come. You observe two males some two and half blocks away down the street in the direction that the bus is supposed to come... walking towards you. :shrugs: nothing wrong with that... it's a free country right? Still you watch them... as they get a block away one of them peels off from the other and crosses the 4 lane street and parallel's his partner on the opposite sidewalk. They're both still walking casually towards you. When the man on your side reaches you, you see his partner suddenly sprint across the street towards you as the man closest to you walks past behind you and turns and raises his arm to level with your head, it's semi-dark (street lamp is across the street from your corner) and you can't quite see what's in his hand ... (ball is in your court now).....

I would immediately turn and secure the extended arm and working my way around to his back, if it is any sort of weapon then i would have made the right move. If it were some sort of odd misunderstanding, then no one is hurt. If the other guy is rushing to aid his partner, then his partner has to be laid out. He would only be rushing to his partner if his partner had a weapon, so I would be prepared to meet him as well. If the guy running across the street was actually running to help me, then neither he nor I would have anything to worry about.

buuuut, the correct answer is????? :)
Someone insulting you on the basis of studying martial arts.

Ignore them

Confronted by an unarmed thief who is physically abusive

Take him down and THEN run

Confronted by an angry drunk at the bar

Let the bouncer know..Remember jerks in bars ALWAYS seem to travel in packs

Confronted by an armed thief, punk...whatever

Weapon control or disarm and then whatever else I wish to do..
Someone insulting you on the basis of studying martial arts
Ignore them

Confronted by an unarmed thief who is physically abusive
Defend my self as possible, rapid retreat if available, comply if no choice.

Confronted by an angry drunk at the bar
I don't go into bars. However, if I did, attempt to de-escalate, attempt to remove myself from the situation, notify management if possible, defend if possible, rapidly fly through nearest window if thrown that way. ;)

Confronted by an armed thief, punk...whatever
Defend my self as possible, rapid retreat if available, comply if no choice.
Someone insulting you on the basis of studying martial arts

I 've never had this happen to me so its very hard to say what I will do.

Confronted by an unarmed thief who is physically abusive

I once had a guy who was unarmed and physically try to push me out of the way to get to my girlfriend, so he was trying to be a thief, I'm not much on being disrespected and usually take it personally so i immediately shoved the guy and he ran at me, I think to tackle me, but I punched him in the solar plexes. It ended there.

Confronted by an angry drunk at the bar

I usually take it outside if he wants to take it that far.

Confronted by an armed thief, punk...whatever

I've been attacked by pipes, and bats before but never a gun. I usually tried to not get hit by the object and if I can get them to drop theirs or find something that can even it up. if they have a weapon I always look for a way out or a way to make it mine advantage. It all depends

someone insulting you on the basis of studying martial arts
Shrug and ignore it.

confronted by an unarmed thief who is physically abusive
Push him away and tell him "HEY! I am going THIS way, you are going THAT way!" then walk away. If he follows the back kick in an option.

confronted by an angry drunk at the bar
Discretely trip him to the floor and leave.

confronted by an armed thief, punk...whatever
Run/give him what he wants/use deadly force
Standing at the bus stop, around 10:30 pm alone on a "deserted street" waiting for the last bus to come. You observe two males some two and half blocks away down the street in the direction that the bus is supposed to come... walking towards you. :shrugs: nothing wrong with that... it's a free country right? Still you watch them... as they get a block away one of them peels off from the other and crosses the 4 lane street and parallel's his partner on the opposite sidewalk. They're both still walking casually towards you. When the man on your side reaches you, you see his partner suddenly sprint across the street towards you as the man closest to you walks past behind you and turns and raises his arm to level with your head, it's semi-dark (street lamp is across the street from your corner) and you can't quite see what's in his hand ... (ball is in your court now).....

Duck, get behind the guy and push him into the other guy running toward us. Then run away.

If he is swinging at me and too quick for me to get behind, I`ll block, grab the arm and use him as a shield against the other guy, keeping him off balance and raining punches on him.
Ever been challenged at a Holdiay gathering in a house full of people you know and the aggressor is the host??? I was and it aints pretty..
Originally Posted by bigfootsquatch
someone insulting you on the basis of studying martial arts

Ignore them at all cost

confronted by an unarmed thief who is physically abusive

Put him down and get out of the place

confronted by an angry drunk at the bar

Walk away anf tell management or the bouncer

confronted by an armed thief, punk...whatever

Secure the weapon if at all possible and then him as well, try to get out if possible. If I have no choice give it to him and hope that I do not have to kill him.
I would immediately turn and secure the extended arm and working my way around to his back, if it is any sort of weapon then i would have made the right move. If it were some sort of odd misunderstanding, then no one is hurt. If the other guy is rushing to aid his partner, then his partner has to be laid out. He would only be rushing to his partner if his partner had a weapon, so I would be prepared to meet him as well. If the guy running across the street was actually running to help me, then neither he nor I would have anything to worry about.

buuuut, the correct answer is????? :)
There is no real correct answer on technique except defense by however method you've personally trained in.
The hairs were standing on the back of my neck when I saw the two "part ways" and began paralleling each other. I knew what they were up to. I watched them interact from two blocks away (the street was largely deserted) and so while they approached I prepared myself for their attack and searched for avenues of escape. The one on the opposite side of the street was there to cut off that avenue of escape, should I (like a frightened deer being stalked by wolves) decide to bolt in that direction (watch nature documentaries on the hunting habits of lions in the wild and compare that these guys were doing it the same way... they're animals/predators and the mentality is all the same). The guy on my side of the street is actually the distraction. He takes my attention and gets it to be focused on him and what he's holding (what turned out to be a gun) in his hand (to freeze/immobilize with fear -- which is the standard reaction of a lot of sheeple), so that the guy who is across the street can bum-rush me, tackle me hard because I don't see him coming and won't know what hit me. It's an effective variation of the two man mugging tactic it's fast and brutal.
Maybe this will be fun...anyway I'm going to list a few scenarios and my responses. I'm hoping that others will take the same scenarios and describe theirs. This thread is about honesty and true reactions. Let us not get too out of hand!
Note: My background in MA is TKD and Gracie JJ.

Someone insulting you on the basis of studying martial arts
I would ask them if they have ever studied a martial art and invite them to class. No further comments would be made.

Confronted by an unarmed thief who is physically abusive
This is where it starts getting sticky. I would not give him(or her I suppose) the satisfaction of me pleading or begging. I would use a take-down and restrain him until the police arrive. If that is not possible, I would still take him down and get out of there. I do not feel any need to maim or break anything in this situation.

Confronted by an angry drunk at the bar
I honestly don't feel the need to prove anything. If I can get out there without any sort of contact then great. A drunk would likely provide an opportunity to practice my jiu jitsu Haymaker defense though. Regardless, I still see no need in giving any major injuries.

Confronted by an armed thief, punk...whatever
When someone points any sort of weapon at me, that's it. I will use every resource to ensure that the person is unable to attack me or anyone else. Knives, guns etc.. are a sign that he/she seeks to do major damage to my being, so I feel the need to do the same.

That's it. What would you do? Add more situations if you want.

Background is mainly Judo/Silat.

1)Someone insulting you on the basis of studying martial arts

Never happens since most people I never tell. If it did,Take either humorous or serious approach as needed to bring it to a screeeching halt, 'cuz people who do such things are testing you--"If i can get away with "this", how about more...". Only recent situation where this happened went like this:

Them: "So, you do martial arts, huh?"
Me: "Yep".
Them: "So I gues you could probably kick my *** then, huh?"
Me: "Yep".

2)Confronted by an unarmed thief who is physically abusive

Chuck him on his head.

3)Confronted by an angry drunk at the bar

Go over to the bouncer and go "Hey, he's hassling me" and ask if the bouncers will let me leave by the rear entrance.

4)Confronted by an armed thief, punk...whatever

Neutralize the weapon long enough to kill them.
Try this and understand that it actually happened to me...

Standing at the bus stop, around 10:30 pm alone on a "deserted street" waiting for the last bus to come. You observe two males some two and half blocks away down the street in the direction that the bus is supposed to come... walking towards you.


:shrugs: nothing wrong with that... it's a free country right? Still you watch them... as they get a block away one of them peels off from the other and crosses the 4 lane street and parallel's his partner on the opposite sidewalk.


They're both still walking casually towards you. When the man on your side reaches you, you see his partner suddenly sprint across the street towards you as the man closest to you walks past behind you and turns and raises his arm to level with your head, it's semi-dark (street lamp is across the street from your corner) and you can't quite see what's in his hand ... (ball is in your court now).....

Grab wrist with right hand as soon as it is raised.( assumes right hand grabbing his right, weapon arm--body is therefore outside muzzle's line of fire or blade's edge/point arc radius.) Weapon is obvious by now even if concealed prior.

pull that arm straight with right hand,use natural rightward twist to break that elbow with my left elbow.(Whether or not I actually *break* the elbow at this point is irrelevant--The pain will be enough to make him think about other things besides his weapon)

Use his forward broken balance to my advantage as his head comes within reach, slap left hand on top of skull, slap/continue into strike on jaw with left hand, use natiural LEFTward twist to snap neck.

Retrieve weapon and use as necessary on partner, either to end him if within range/reach, or to command him to stop and get out of here with my voice/expression/posture with weapon leaving no doubt as to what will happen if I am not obeyed RIGHT NOW.

Get clear.

Call lawyer.

Call cops.

Puke guts up.
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