How to confront someone lying about knowing martial arts?


Blue Belt
Aug 21, 2016
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First of all, should I? This 14yr old kid claims to take Kung Fu AND Boxing yet couldn't show me a thing about what he's learned. Couldn't show me any of his belts or certificates and claims to have both, belts and certificates. I dedicate my life to something and then someone is going to lie about knowing this stuff.... in my opinion i should confront him and he is wrong for doing that. Any opinions? Thx

What's the point? If he's lying he knows he's lying and is obviously insecure about himself that he's got to lie who cares if he wants to lie let him it's not hurting you it's not hurting anyone close to you. Then it'll become just a silly argument. Something like this

You're lying

No I, not

Yes you are

No I'm not

And so on and so on honestly does it matter that much to you is it really that important ?
What's the point? If he's lying he knows he's lying and is obviously insecure about himself that he's got to lie who cares if he wants to lie let him it's not hurting you it's not hurting anyone close to you. Then it'll become just a silly argument. Something like this

You're lying

No I, not

Yes you are

No I'm not

And so on and so on honestly does it matter that much to you is it really that important ?

Thanks for ur opinion. Not like it'll make a huge difference but it's because of people that lie that'll make real martial artists seem unlegit

Yes, he's wrong. No, you don't need to confront him. You aren't the martial arts police. As you go through life, you may encounter a fair number of people who lie about or exaggerate their martial arts training. It's not your job to tell them how full of crap they are.

Look at it this way. Now you know that this kid is willing to lie about stuff in order to try impressing others. That means you know to take other things he says with a grain of salt. It's useful when people give you advance warning about their character that way.
Firstly how do you know he's really lying? He doesn't want to show you? Okay cool he's not a show off if someone asked me to randomly start showing stuff I'd say no. Didnt show you his belts or certificates? Well what do you expect him to do pull them out of ***. I very much doubt he carries them everywhere.

Even if he is lying like headhunter says who cares it's not a lie that's hurting people or upsetting anyone.

I've had that before people who obviously know 0 about it but say to me oh I'm a black belt I train ufc (literally had that before) you know what I say every time? I say "cool man that's awesome if you ever want to train let me know" and I end the conversation and talk about something else.
Thanks for ur opinion. Not like it'll make a huge difference but it's because of people that lie that'll make real martial artists seem unlegit

Nah. Everybody already knows that some people will lie to impress others. Some people will claim to be expert martial artists. Others will claim to be rich or in the military or have a famous uncle or have sex with lots of beautiful women or be in the CIA or whatever they think is impressive. That doesn't make the general public think of rich people or military service members or famous people or whoever as less legit.

What could make people think less of martial artists is when actual martial artists who train behave badly - for example, by picking fights with insecure 14-year old kids.
Yes, he's wrong. No, you don't need to confront him. You aren't the martial arts police. As you go through life, you may encounter a fair number of people who lie about or exaggerate their martial arts training. It's not your job to tell them how full of crap they are.

Look at it this way. Now you know that this kid is willing to lie about stuff in order to try impressing others. That means you know to take other things he says with a grain of salt. It's useful when people give you advance warning about their character that way.

Ha that's very true. And thanks. Good way of putting it.

Nah. Everybody already knows that some people will lie to impress others. Some people will claim to be expert martial artists. Others will claim to be rich or in the military or have a famous uncle or have sex with lots of beautiful women or be in the CIA or whatever they think is impressive. That doesn't make the general public think of rich people or military service members or famous people or whoever as less legit.

What could make people think less of martial artists is when actual martial artists who train behave badly - for example, by picking fights with insecure 14-year old kids.

Well u have a point. Wouldn't pick a fight with him though. Would've just told him that I know he's lying

I would just leave it alone. If you start taking time out of your day to expose every lie you hear people tell, you will never have time to train and be a REAL martial artist.
Firstly how do you know he's really lying? He doesn't want to show you? Okay cool he's not a show off if someone asked me to randomly start showing stuff I'd say no. Didnt show you his belts or certificates? Well what do you expect him to do pull them out of ***. I very much doubt he carries them everywhere.

Even if he is lying like headhunter says who cares it's not a lie that's hurting people or upsetting anyone.

I've had that before people who obviously know 0 about it but say to me oh I'm a black belt I train ufc (literally had that before) you know what I say every time? I say "cool man that's awesome if you ever want to train let me know" and I end the conversation and talk about something else.

Ha well that's the way to do it. He is clearly lying though lol it is quite obvious. Innocent till proven guilty tho haha

I would just leave it alone. If you start taking time out of your day to expose every lie you hear people tell, you will never have time to train and be a REAL martial artist.

That was my plan. I though that at first. But this guy never stops talking about it and it's very obvious he's lying because he doesn't know what style Kung fu he's taking. It's not like I was testing him... I just asked a question and then I started to realize how much he lies about it not knowing a single thing

If you have been training long enough and have a decent skill level, and his bragging bothers you enough, I would say get into a fighting stance and ask him to show you what he knows right there. Or to shut him down, you could ask him to show some moves in front of a bunch of people. Calling him out when he is already bragging doesn't really waste TOO much of your time.
If you have been training long enough and have a decent skill level, and his bragging bothers you enough, I would say get into a fighting stance and ask him to show you what he knows right there. Or to shut him down, you could ask him to show some moves in front of a bunch of people. Calling him out when he is already bragging doesn't really waste TOO much of your time.

FYI to Kempodisciple, it was a joke.
Someone is lying about their knowledge/skills in something...
I simply say; "oh, must be interesting... for you" and shift the conversation to something else or move on.
If you have been training long enough and have a decent skill level, and his bragging bothers you enough, I would say get into a fighting stance and ask him to show you what he knows right there. Or to shut him down, you could ask him to show some moves in front of a bunch of people. Calling him out when he is already bragging doesn't really waste TOO much of your time.

Thanks I'm going to do that

Thanks for ur opinion. Not like it'll make a huge difference but it's because of people that lie that'll make real martial artists seem unlegit

Again my friend who cares if a bunch of non martial artist thinks martial arts are unlegit then so what? Look I get it when your young you want everyone to think what you do is the best thing ever and you want everyone to be impressed with it I get it I do. But when your older people's opinion means less and less. Now days I don't hang out in the martial arts circle much and most of my friends either don't care about martial arts same way I don't care about football or basketball or they think it's all bs but those guys are my friends and I don't care if they hate what I do.
I enjoy what I do and I'm proud of what I've done in my life and wouldn't take any of it back and that's all that matters if you love what you do then that's good enough that's why I don't go round having a go at people who train in mcdojos I mean I hate the instructors who run places like that but Id never tell a student they're learning rubbish because if they're having fun and enjoying themselves what right do we have to say anything same with liars if they're happy living in their little fantasy world good for them
Again my friend who cares if a bunch of non martial artist thinks martial arts are unlegit then so what? Look I get it when your young you want everyone to think what you do is the best thing ever and you want everyone to be impressed with it I get it I do. But when your older people's opinion means less and less. Now days I don't hang out in the martial arts circle much and most of my friends either don't care about martial arts same way I don't care about football or basketball or they think it's all bs but those guys are my friends and I don't care if they hate what I do.
I enjoy what I do and I'm proud of what I've done in my life and wouldn't take any of it back and that's all that matters if you love what you do then that's good enough that's why I don't go round having a go at people who train in mcdojos I mean I hate the instructors who run places like that but Id never tell a student they're learning rubbish because if they're having fun and enjoying themselves what right do we have to say anything same with liars if they're happy living in their little fantasy world good for them

Lol you have a good point. It's just that this kid was my friend and friends shouldn't do that but thx
