Home practice



I practice once a week at the school because lack of time. Does anyone knows what and how to train more at home (solo). Ie Sui Lum Tao etc.
I practice footwork then I practice more footwork and a little more footwork.Than I practice SNT normal and then standing on one leg and than the other leg. I work on Chum Kiu and I also run through the blocks,punching and kicking. On the kicking I start out kicking slowly similar to the way they do Tai Chi to build proper balance.
i think a mirror is good for forms when you just learn them
so you can check everything to the proper reference points

assuming you style has all the refference points...i guess that would depend on your style

by the way what style do you do?
I practise mostly forms, (SLT, Advanced SLT, CK, BJ), and wooden dummy exercises at home. I supplement this with walking, cycling and weights as well as rounds on a punching bag and sand bags etc.
Whenever I can, I get together with a few training partners for a little chi sao and technique practice. :hammer:
My personal home training routine involves conditioning, strength, and flexibility mainly. I will practice one technique each night and one of my forms (WTF TKD). I recommend not getting to technical in home training. There are few individuals that can train at an high intensity level day after day, so keep it simple and fun. You can sweat blood at the training facilities, just sweat at home.

"It''s not the destination, but the journey that builds character."