Holy Cruella de Ville, Batman!

:( :( :(

Couldn't even read the story after reading the headline :wah:
What an incredible waste-that puppy is the best tasting dog there is-makes a perfect soup or stew. Shame they had to shoot it so many times and waste all that perfectly tender good meat, but I don't see what the big deal is.....
... I don't see what the big deal is.....

Of course you see what the big deal is, don't you? I think you mean you don't agree with the big deal people make of it, and perhaps you thought you might create a little havoc in the process of disagreeing.

I understand your point, of course. A dog is an animal, not a human. As apex predators, we have eaten dog, cat, hamster, as well as all of the other animals we've domesticated, at various times or under various conditions. And in many ways it is unseemly that we send people to prison for abusing a pet - when if they performed the same act on a cow or an octopus or some other animal, it would not even be a crime. Animals are ultimately property, in the eyes of the law. Even the word 'inhumane' refers ultimately to humans.

However, as you are aware, we humans have formed a special cross-species bond with dogs and cats. Right or wrong, we anthropomorphize our pets, and it hurts many of us to seem them treated cruelly. There may be no good and logical explanation for it, but it's how many of us feel.

I'm a pretty peaceable guy, but if someone kicked one of my dogs, I'd bust his jaw. I cried like a baby when my pet cat and companion of 14 years died. It is what it is. So yeah, stories like that make my gorge rise in my throat and make me angry at the people who would do such a thing.
Well at least she didn't try to skin the puppy while it was alive. That'd been worse.
Of course you see what the big deal is, don't you? I think you mean you don't agree with the big deal people make of it, and perhaps you thought you might create a little havoc in the process of disagreeing.

I understand your point, of course. A dog is an animal, not a human. As apex predators, we have eaten dog, cat, hamster, as well as all of the other animals we've domesticated, at various times or under various conditions. And in many ways it is unseemly that we send people to prison for abusing a pet - when if they performed the same act on a cow or an octopus or some other animal, it would not even be a crime. Animals are ultimately property, in the eyes of the law. Even the word 'inhumane' refers ultimately to humans.

However, as you are aware, we humans have formed a special cross-species bond with dogs and cats. Right or wrong, we anthropomorphize our pets, and it hurts many of us to seem them treated cruelly. There may be no good and logical explanation for it, but it's how many of us feel.

I'm a pretty peaceable guy, but if someone kicked one of my dogs, I'd bust his jaw. I cried like a baby when my pet cat and companion of 14 years died. It is what it is. So yeah, stories like that make my gorge rise in my throat and make me angry at the people who would do such a thing.

Nah. I've eaten dog, and said more than once, that every time I've had dog, I had seconds. People think that's some kind of joke; it's not.

On the other hand, I love my dogs. They're wonderful, well trained and valuable animals. I actually had a hiker pull a gun on one of my dogs-ask the Sandoval County Sherrif's office about that one-guy was in the hospital for a week.

On the other hand-and I've said this before-as much as I love my dogs, if it came to it, and we were hungry-not "starving," but hungry- I would put a bullet in one of their heads, gut it, skin it, and butcher it up. Cook one of the hindquarters for dinner with beans, and put the rest up in the freezer or smoke it for jerky. End of story.

And, while I'm not breeding dogs now, I have been known to have a puppy or two from past litters wind up in the stew pot. Yum.

They killed a dog-that belonged to them. Only atrocity that I can see is that they did it so sloppily, and the only outrage is that they did it just for the pelt, which I can pretty much never countenance, except for coyotes-and I feed their meat to the dogs.

Someday, maybe I'll get around to telling the story of the Zen macrobiotic, vegan hippie at Sundance, and how he wound up dining on puppy stew. (Though it's just not as funny in English as Lakota...)

Boy, was his wife pissed! :lfao:

Wow, that's some cartoon level villainy right there! Hurt a dog, you and I have a problem, hurt a cat, I don't care so much.

My feeling on felines border on comedic, and I'm trying to be serious, so I'll reserve comment-except for this: why in the world would you have a pet that would be scheming to eat you if it were only a little larger?
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Nah. I've eaten dog, and said more than once, that every time I've had dog, I had seconds. People think that's some kind of joke; it's not.
On the other hand, I love my dogs. They're wonderful, well trained and valuable animals. I actually had a hiker pull a gun on one of my dogs-ask the Sandoval County Sherrif's office about that one-guy was in the hospital for a week.
On the other hand-and I've said this before-as much as I love my dogs, if it came to it, and we were hungry-not "starving," but hungry- I would put a bullet in one of their heads, gut it, skin it, and butcher it up. Cook one of the hindquarters for dinner with beans, and put the rest up in the freezer or smoke it for jerky. End of story.
And, while I'm not breeding dogs now, I have been known to have a puppy or two from past litters wind up in the stew pot. Yum.
They killed a dog-that belonged to them. Only atrocity that I can see is that they did it so sloppily, and the only outrage is that they did it just for the pelt, which I can pretty much never countenance, except for coyotes-and I feed their meat to the dogs.
Someday, maybe I'll get around to telling the story of the Zen macrobiotic, vegan hippie at Sundance, and how he wound up dining on puppy stew. (Though it's just not as funny in English as Lakota...)
Boy, was his wife pissed! :lfao:

My feeling on felines border on comedic, and I'm trying to be serious, so I'll reserve comment-except for this: why in the world would you have a pet that would be scheming to eat you if it were only a little larger?

I hear that man, I just don't like cats at all. Never met one that was decent enough to change my opinion.

As for eating dogs, never have, never thought of it. Grew up in a family of mostly Hindus so no meat for the most part.

Dude, you gotta tell that hippy story!
Nah. I've eaten dog, and said more than once, that every time I've had dog, I had seconds. People think that's some kind of joke; it's not.

I don't think it's a joke. I think you're aware that some of your practices horrify others and you delight in describing it in detail for maximum effect.

I've lived among the "I'm weirder than you can possibly imagine" crowd all my life. Hell, I was born into a crazier family than that, you trying to impress me that lame-*** stuff? When I was twelve, my dog nipped a neighbor girl on the ankle. My dad blew him apart with a shotgun, after making me go get the shotgun and load it for him. My dog's name was 'Skippy'.

Your dog-eating isn't interesting, isn't amusing, and doesn't horrify me. It's banal.
I hear that man, I just don't like cats at all. Never met one that was decent enough to change my opinion.

That's okay with cats, they universally don't like men who don't like them. That is, if they deigned to notice at all.

"And God said to Adam, you shall have dominion over all of the animals on the Earth....except, of course, for cats."-Genesis whatever.
I don't think it's a joke. I think you're aware that some of your practices horrify others and you delight in describing it in detail for maximum effect.

I've lived among the "I'm weirder than you can possibly imagine" crowd all my life. Hell, I was born into a crazier family than that, you trying to impress me that lame-*** stuff? When I was twelve, my dog nipped a neighbor girl on the ankle. My dad blew him apart with a shotgun, after making me go get the shotgun and load it for him. My dog's name was 'Skippy'.

Your dog-eating isn't interesting, isn't amusing, and doesn't horrify me. It's banal.

Well, yeah-that's more of the idea than "I'm weirder than you can possibly imagine," though one of my personal mottos is "Weird, and proud of it"- killing and/or eating dog is pretty banal. I'm not looking to outrage anyone or gross them out: it's simply a part of some cultures that I've grown up with-when my grandfather made succotash, sometimes he'd put a little piece of dog in the pot. I have relatives in Wyoming who greet me with something that pretty much means "If I had known you were coming, I'd have killed a puppy."

It's not that I "don't agree" with the big deal people are making of it, it's that I don't see what the big deal is, except, of course, that they shot the dog 10 times.

Honestly, if they'd managed to do it with a single shot, and then skinned it for a belt, would they then still have been charged with "animal cruelty?" Is it cruel that they killed the dog, or is it the manner in which the dog was killed? Or is it that they did it for the pelt, and it was just "a little, defenseless puppy?" I mean, I really don't see how skinning the puppy could be considered "cruel": the puppy was dead. Ten shots, on the other hand, is unecessary, wasteful and sloppy, and might be construed as "cruel."

That's okay with cats, they universally don't like men who don't like them. That is, if they deigned to notice at all..

Good Cat Haiku, #24
Really I love cats
it's just that I can never
finish a whole one
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I think its a matter of perspective really.

Some people have pet cow's but it doesn't stop most of them from eating a hamburger, or a steak...

Some people have pet chickens, pigs, even turkeys but it doesn't stop them or the masses from eating such.

So really dogs & cats are cute animals but do they mean more to you than that person pet cow or pig does to them??

Just a perspective.

Personally in China I've ate dog meat (different varieties bbq, hot pot, etc...)

But I have a pet dog that I love as well.

So take it for what its worth but don't judge someone else based on your own standards.

But thats a really sad story.