His job was to rape young girls before their execution

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
Disgusting. I don't even know what to say. If this story is true, I don't know how we can even consider making nice with Iran.


In the Islamic Republic it is illegal to execute a young woman, regardless of her crime, if she is a virgin, he explained. Therefore a "wedding" ceremony is conducted the night before the execution: The young girl is forced to have sexual intercourse with a prison guard - essentially raped by her "husband."
Disgusting. I don't even know what to say.

Indeed. These are the same morality police that prevented young girls from exiting a burning building because they were not properly clothed to be around strange males. This sort of religious belief is a powerful sickness.

If this story is true, I don't know how we can even consider making nice with Iran.

We've made nice with worse for worse reasons. We have been friends with, and even supported and installed, myriad dictators and strongmen. World politics is an ugly thing.
Few can despise the Satanocracy in Iran more than I do..... yet even I would need something more than a story from a disaffected and disgraced militia man before I'd believe this is the national policy there.
Welcome to the mind of radical Islam. In addition to this sort of moral outrage, they also want you and I dead.
Few can despise the Satanocracy in Iran more than I do..... yet even I would need something more than a story from a disaffected and disgraced militia man before I'd believe this is the national policy there.

I think that it is good to question such extraordinary claims. Here is a news clipping from 1985 that says the same thing:


Here's one from 2003:




So it appears to be a recurring theme, and it comes from a variety of sources, not just one militiaman.

However, it does seem so far out there that I perfectly understand your doubt. In this case, I'm beginning to think there is truth to it.
Welcome to the mind of radical Islam. In addition to this sort of moral outrage, they also want you and I dead.

Part of the problem is identifying just who 'THEY' is. Even the word 'radical' sits in a position of subjectivity. What a mess.

Oh, and I hate that this thread put this pre-execution rape idea into me brain! Blah!
And everyone gives me a hard time about wanting to use some of our nuclear arsenal on such people.

I understand that we will have some colateral damage and that cannot be avoided, but it cannot be worse then what the girls are going through.

And yes, they want us dead. But we will sit around and do nothing while they perform these atrocities and kill off our people. When will this country wake up and see how the world is? It is time for the West to take a stand and do something.

*rant off*
And everyone gives me a hard time about wanting to use some of our nuclear arsenal on such people.

I understand that we will have some colateral damage and that cannot be avoided, but it cannot be worse then what the girls are going through.

And yes, they want us dead. But we will sit around and do nothing while they perform these atrocities and kill off our people. When will this country wake up and see how the world is? It is time for the West to take a stand and do something.

*rant off*

The minute you nuke the crazies, and there are way too many to get them all, you isolate yourself. All the moderate Muslims in the world suddenly scream for your blood. So instead of 20% hating you, you’re now up to 99%.

Nope, it’s always better to be involved in nice quite covert operations. Give the opposition intelligence, $$, and whatever else they need, whenever they ask for it.

Just wait, Iran will be a fully functional democracy within the decade. Sadly there may be a **** load of internal blood before its over.
Support atheism. It cures most of these problems. Zealotry in the name of the Abrahamic religions is a problem nearly world-wide.
And everyone gives me a hard time about wanting to use some of our nuclear arsenal on such people.

Perhaps because Iran is maybe 5% such people, and 95% everybody else?

I understand that we will have some colateral damage and that cannot be avoided, but it cannot be worse then what the girls are going through.

"Some" collateral damage? There are 66 million people in Iran. If we apply the above formula, that's about 62.7 million collateral damage "units." I'd say that goes beyond "some", and tells you why you get a hard time suggesting this solution.

Also, it would be worse than what the girls go through. I'd take rape and execution to dying from radiation poisoning. You have no idea how horrible it is.
Another example of the disease that is organized religion leading to opression, murder, rape, phedophilia and general cruelty inflicted upon the human race.
good luck with the atheism thing...tell me how that works out for ya.
Blaming religion and pretending all would be well without it is blinkered. People would merely find something else, Pol Pot, Stalin and Ceausescu and many others did.
The raping of virgins before their execution/murder has been around since Roman times, in this case though perhaps it's excuse for inflicting yet another torture on somebody.