HEY! NON US MTers: What is on YOUR keyboard?

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
Reaction score
Sanger CA
Tez and I had an interesting exchange via PM's about differences in keyboards. The qwerty letters were the same but, on her UK Keyboard the octothorpe ( # ) was not over the 3 as it is here in the US. In it's place was the £.

What differences are on your keyboards? I am now very curious.
You mean the pound was in place of the......pound? :lol:
whoa.....so do British computers have a Pound sign AND a dollar sign? Where is our pound sign?

In Korea, the keyboards all had the english letters AND Korean letters on the keys. There was a toggle switch on the "language bar" in windows where you could switch the keyboard from Hangul to English. Each of the numbers had some alternate characters too, so that you could make the won symbol and other Korean symbols.

Boy does it take a long time to learn a hangul keyboard...

I've also seen keyboards that had English, Korean, Katakana and Hiragana....now those keys are PACKED.
North of the border we've got the same as you.

Take the good bits from the UK and the good bits from the States and you get Canadians! Everything else will get you...nah don't wnat to start a flame war...
The Japanese keyboard has about the same arrangement as U.S. keyboards, but also has the kana symbols (Japanese phonetic alphabet) overlaying the english alphabet. You can switch to Japanese written in kana or in kanji (if you know the reading).

whoa.....so do British computers have a Pound sign AND a dollar sign? Where is our pound sign?
you have to go to the Character Map to find the odd characters £ is ALT + 0163...
My top row is

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - =
! " £ $ % ^ & * ( ) _ +

bottom row

\ z x c v b n m , . /
| Z X C V B N M < > ?
When you type Quarter Pounder, does it come out "Royale with Cheese"?
When you type Quarter Pounder, does it come out "Royale with Cheese"?

nah, the Royale here is a chicken sandwich but you don't get cheese with it lol! what you have to ask for is a Quarter Pounder with cheese!
nah, the Royale here is a chicken sandwich but you don't get cheese with it lol! what you have to ask for is a Quarter Pounder with cheese!

*sigh* what kind of world do we live in when you can't even count on the accuracy of Tarantino movie quotes?
*sigh* what kind of world do we live in when you can't even count on the accuracy of Tarantino movie quotes?

Cuz its like the imperial system of pounds and inches, like, came from England or somethin' :D