Height adjustment

I'll take your word for that. Don't suppose you have the series on DVD and are willing to mail it to me so I can watch it? OK, OK, I'm kidding. But seriously, I got to buy that series.

Firefly - The Complete Series

Serenity (Widescreen Edition)

there ya go! Totally worth every penny, this is one of the BEST science fiction series ever made. And the movie was prett good, I really enjoyed it, and it tied up a lot of loose ends that the premature cancellation of the series left hanging.

"are you Alliance?"
"hmmm... I never thought of myself as one, but yeah I guess I am, sortof... I have a hell of a roar"
"no, I said, are you Alliance"
"oh, no, I'm not Alliance, I thought you said something else"

ROFL that scene alone made me love that show.
People should try to make each movement their own. Understanding the concept behind the movement is really important. There are difficulties with being bigger then the average bear also. I'm 6'1", 230pds and I can not dance around like folks who are moving..umh...less mass then me. I'm forever getting yelled at to not use strength and use movement to make things happen! Beleive it or not but us big folks have to adjust to height issues when dealing with other folks. You can see us coming!!!

I've had people jump on me, just make sure you get away before the big fella can toss you to the ground!!!! Also the famous kick to the family jewlery DOES NOT ALWAYS WORK!!!! No two people do each thing the same way and you should always be adjusting things for what is happening right then.
Firefly - The Complete Series

Serenity (Widescreen Edition)

there ya go! Totally worth every penny, this is one of the BEST science fiction series ever made. And the movie was prett good, I really enjoyed it, and it tied up a lot of loose ends that the premature cancellation of the series left hanging.

"are you Alliance?"
"hmmm... I never thought of myself as one, but yeah I guess I am, sortof... I have a hell of a roar"
"no, I said, are you Alliance"
"oh, no, I'm not Alliance, I thought you said something else"

ROFL that scene alone made me love that show.

We're getting REALLY far off topic, but cool beans. I'll have to get it. granted I was thinking of buying of it at Walmart or Shopko.

Please, return to the original topic.

-K. Lane/ tkdgirl
-MT Moderator-
Sorry TKDGirl.
I defer you to my earlier post before I started the side conversation with Rich Parson, JKS9199, and DavidCC.
Yes. I am always moving in 3 dimensions. To me, I do it without giving it much thought. Moving along the vertical axis is often as important as moving along the horizontal axis.
I like this type of technique too. One of the simplest situations I ever had as a bouncer: Drunk guy decides to throw a haymaker at me when I ask him to leave the premises, one of those old school John Wayne punches that come from somewhere out in the Midwest, and you can see coming for about 20 minutes... :p
I dropped to one knee, and the guy basically spun himself to the floor due to his punch not finding a target and being a bit inebriated. I just collected him from the floor and ran him out the door before he had a chance to figure out what happened.
We switch partners a lot. We aim toward the opponents chin area for a high technique with hands and floating ribs with a high kick. Solar plexus/abdomen/floating ribs with a mid hand technique and groin with a mid kick. Groin with low hand technique, knees and shins with a low kick. When your opponent is 6'6", his floating ribs are plenty high! The contrast of shorter and taller opponents gives us a little fluidity and adjustment for hight.