Health Nazi's

Well, in essence, it is not the government that pays the bills, it's the tax-payer. For me, under our health care system, I know that some of my money is being used to treat those that got themselves into a state of ill health through their own choices.

But I also know that they have been paying their share towards the NHS as well as paying tax, more than likely, on the very things that have caused their condition.

So, at the end of the day, as long as it is not bankrupting the system, I am inclined to say it is none of my business how they got to be 'ill' and I do not begrudge them the cost of their care. After all, I used to smoke a lot and I still drink a fair bit (more than the recommended limits at any rate). It would be hypocritical to expect to be treated by the NHS, should I fall ill, if I took the position that people who 'harm' themselves by their choices should pay for their mistakes out of their own pocket.

If the government represents the collective will of the people, then why couldn't the government tell you what to eat and drink and how to exercise? In a democratic society, if the majority decide what collective good will be served by their tax money, why couldn't they just decide that what you consume and how you exercise is simply part of the collective good?

In real terms, the food we eat and lack of exercise is bankrupting the system. One of the major reasons health care costs are going up is because people are getting sicker and sicker. So, from the collective taxpayer's point of view, perhaps we need the health nazis to save us from ourselves and promote the collective good?
The gov'ts represent the wealthy, not the people. All western societies, or societies in general are oligarchies. Any "revolutionary" society quickly falls back into old tendencies and predictable patterns. You want democracy, the closest you can get is Switzerland.
The big people always push the little people around. What bothers me is the PC sanctimony and the ignorant judgement of your character.
For you to know your place is what they want. They don't even realize who they're working for.
The gov'ts represent the wealthy, not the people. All western societies, or societies in general are oligarchies. Any "revolutionary" society quickly falls back into old tendencies and predictable patterns. You want democracy, the closest you can get is Switzerland.
The big people always push the little people around. What bothers me is the PC sanctimony and the ignorant judgement of your character.
For you to know your place is what they want. They don't even realize who they're working for.

I can see the headline...

"Experts from Monsanto declare that GMO food is the healthiest available. The Government agrees and forms mandate."
Soon as they finish contaminating the rest of the food supply, then outlaw Organics as 'unproductive' and 'unproven'.....
sfs98200, you are mistaken. They will go after those companies...eventually. The health nazis ( no further comments from me on the nazis...this time) will not stop. First it was butter on popcorn, then portions of chinese and mexican food, then twinkies, and smoking, and second hand smoke and now soft drinks. Just give them time and they will go after all of it. They are like the terminator, they'll keep coming until there isn't anything left to ban...
not terminator remember the future in Demolition Man is is coming soon
I will be a grammar Nazi put my hands on my hips and say - why is there an apostrophe in the word Nazi's in the thread title? Hmm?? ihre papiere, bitte! show me your papers! where are your papers!! You are Englische???
To be fair, Mark, Ms. McKeith's appearance is far more attributable to the occasion the picture was taken, her genetics and background, and comparing her to Ms. Lawson is completely unfair, in spite of their relative closeness in age. Ms. Lawson is from a wealthy background, and Ms. McKeith grew up in a council estate-public housing of some sort, what we call "projects" over here. As you probably know, her Scottish background also makes her a target for dermalogical sun damage, whereas Ms. Lawson's Semitic background and darker coloring makes her somewhat less a target. In any case, I think they caught Ms. McKeith on a bad day :lfao: :


And, while she's hardly someone I'd look to as an authority-especially with her lack of credentials-the diet she advocates is healthy and sound.
I did realise that the pictures were chosen specifically to emphasise the differences, mate (remember that is someone else's post on a thread on a food science forum).

It just struck me as a wonderfully illustrative way to get the point across they were trying to make.

I think the shot they used for Dr. McKeith was from reality TV thing, so she looks a little haggard to say the least :D.
I will be a grammar Nazi put my hands on my hips and say - why is there an apostrophe in the word Nazi's in the thread title? Hmm?? ihre papiere, bitte! show me your papers! where are your papers!! You are Englische???

Nicht verstehen ...

I could try and claim that I did that in order to separate the term that I was using from any association with the real Nazi Party ... but, yeah, yer got me. Not even I am perfect it seems ... {prepares brush and ink, lays tanto on the tatami}
He wants to ban any soda over 16 oz city wide. He's an ***.

What a crock this is the state of governemt and politics today. What needs to happen is better education and programs that creat a desire to exercise and eat healthy benefits that actually pay people to persue being healthy. Suke, A Holistic approach says not only but also which means everything with in moderation the worst thing people do is say this is really bad for me and eat it? it will be. Has this Mayor nothing better to do? This is another case of a person with to much money and to much time on his hands running around doing random acts of lunacy? Why dosn't pass a law saying The Trump Hair Cut is illegal and everyone must have short hair? At least barbers and hair solons would have increased income and The Donald would shrink from TV and the media?
I kind of like the government telling me what to do. It's worked so well up to now.

In the sixties they gave us Nam, we gave them Zig Zags.
In the seventies they gave us Watergate and gas lines, we gave them Disco.
In the eighties they gave us the second largest stock market crash and Iran-Contra, we gave them Madonna and house parties for the Jamaican Bobsled Team.
In the nineties they gave us the Gulf War and Rodney King, in return we gave them Rap.
The 2000's gave us Terrorism. In response - The TSA.

"I'm from the government and I'm here to help." - Ronald Reagan.