Happy 2006!!!!!!

Don Roley

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Sep 25, 2002
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Here in Japan it is already after midnight. Welcome to 2006 everyone!
Well, you're a little ahead of us, but Happy New Year to you! I know your in for an interesting one and I wish you the best of success in you endeavors.
I still have quite a few hours to go before the New Year, but Happy New Year to you Don!! I hope that its a good one!! :cheers:
well Happy New Year and one of my new resolution is Never drink until I have a Drink in hand. It just make since not to drink while I was'nt holding one.
Well, you're a little ahead of us, but Happy New Years to you!
And Happy New Years to Everyone!
Its ironic that I just cracked my first beer and read this post. I've got a long way to go...
Andrew Green said:
Drink some Sake for us (we'll kick a soke for you :D )

I wish we could get good sake up here. The best I can find is fuki sake. Terrible.
I'm glad that is over.

I went to my in-laws house for the day. I used to think that my father- in- law was senile. Now I wonder if withdrawing into himself is just his way of dealing with the harpy he married. The Japanese are not big on divorce.

Anyone ever eat fruitcake outside of the Christmas season? The answer is of course no. We eat it not because it tastes good, but because it is a tradition. And so we gag it down just to say that we are taking part in a traditional meal of the holidays.

Well, I had a traditional meal for the Japanese New Year holidays.:barf:

Ugh!!! If you ever get a chance to try osechi ryori find some excuse, any excuse, to pass. I get nailed with the stuff every year.

Oh, and the big thing on Japanese television is a marathon. All day, people running as motorcyles pace them. This is more boring than golf as far as I am concerned. If they had a few guys with knives that jumped out at random point in the route, it would be a heck of a lot more interesting. Could you imagine the commentators for that event?

"Yes, it looks like Aneha, Koizumi and Matsumoto are still jogging. Isn't that increadible?"

"Yeah Bob. In hour three of this 12 hour marathon all the runners still seem to be still jogging. And of course the drink stands.... Bob! Look!!! Behind them one of the knifers is moving out of the crowd and coming up behind them."

"Do you think we should warn the joggers?"

"And ruin the fun? The knifer is moving up...... he's pulling back his arm for the strike......

"Oh the humanity!!!!!!!

"Can we get a close-up of that blood spurt?"

"And as the knifer puts the finishing touches on Aneha, the other two scamper off to safety, perhaps relieved that there is one less competitor to deal with."
Don Roley said:
I'm glad that is over.

I went to my in-laws house for the day. I used to think that my father- in- law was senile. Now I wonder if withdrawing into himself is just his way of dealing with the harpy he married. The Japanese are not big on divorce.

Anyone ever eat fruitcake outside of the Christmas season? The answer is of course no. We eat it not because it tastes good, but because it is a tradition. And so we gag it down just to say that we are taking part in a traditional meal of the holidays.

Well, I had a traditional meal for the Japanese New Year holidays.:barf:

Ugh!!! If you ever get a chance to try osechi ryori find some excuse, any excuse, to pass. I get nailed with the stuff every year.

Oh, and the big thing on Japanese television is a marathon. All day, people running as motorcyles pace them. This is more boring than golf as far as I am concerned. If they had a few guys with knives that jumped out at random point in the route, it would be a heck of a lot more interesting. Could you imagine the commentators for that event?

"Yes, it looks like Aneha, Koizumi and Matsumoto are still jogging. Isn't that increadible?"

"Yeah Bob. In hour three of this 12 hour marathon all the runners still seem to be still jogging. And of course the drink stands.... Bob! Look!!! Behind them one of the knifers is moving out of the crowd and coming up behind them."

"Do you think we should warn the joggers?"

"And ruin the fun? The knifer is moving up...... he's pulling back his arm for the strike......

"Oh the humanity!!!!!!!

"Can we get a close-up of that blood spurt?"

"And as the knifer puts the finishing touches on Aneha, the other two scamper off to safety, perhaps relieved that there is one less competitor to deal with."

Well Don, it sounds like you had a wonderful time! :uhyeah:

Can I get a translation for osechi ryori? You've peaked my curiosity.

MJS said:
Can I get a translation for osechi ryori? You've peaked my curiosity.

I don't think there is a translation for it anymore than there is for kabuki, natto or jujutsu. It is a traditional lay out for new years in Japan. The shrimp is about the only thing I can stomach, and that always gets grabbed first.


  • $osechi1.jpg
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Thanks Don. Not really sure what everything is in that pic. but I think I'd be more inclined to grab the shrimp too!

Well, I'm trying to identify all those items, there, Don, and I'm having a bit of difficulty ....

Shrimp, grapes? are those carrots? cauliflower and some kind of sliced cucumber? The rest is a mystery to me ....

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