Hanging up my Hapkido Dobok

Best of Luck to you Sir in your rehabilitation. I have a good friend who is a senior in the Hapkido Community in my part of the world...It is a dynamic art and I hope you get back to it one day. Untill then...throw some punches and kicks and get that health back up!

All the best to you during your healing and good luck with the TKD.

matt.m said:

Beyond the leg brace issue, (1) on each leg I also have a bad and fragile back. I found out just how fragile it is recently. This has brought me to the conclusion and hard decision that I will stick with Tae Kwon Do exclusively.

I was in a helicopter crash while on active duty and it never healed correctly. I would continue hapkido, however I want to do the art justice. I do not feel I could do that with conditions as they are.

Take care and hoshin,



Sorry to hear that, but there are many things in HKD that you will still be able to do!

Good Luck.
I'm sorry to hear that too, my friend. Your response to a thread I started about cross training was one of the reasons I decided to check out Hapkido (or, at least Combat Hapkido :) )

Thank you and the best to you in your studies.
Hi Matt,

Hope your hiatus from Hapkido is fruitful-it is great you are still going to be able to practice some techniques and Taekwondo. Each person's journey is personal and unique to themselves-no two people find the same thing at the same time. Have you considered Kali or Filipino martial arts? They are wonderful for us kickers whose backs and hips are not what they were 30 years ago.

Also, thanks for your service to this country!

BTW, it is great to see HWhalen posting again-I missed your posts from the TKDNet.

Miles said:
Hi Matt,

Hope your hiatus from Hapkido is fruitful-it is great you are still going to be able to practice some techniques and Taekwondo. Each person's journey is personal and unique to themselves-no two people find the same thing at the same time. Have you considered Kali or Filipino martial arts? They are wonderful for us kickers whose backs and hips are not what they were 30 years ago.

Also, thanks for your service to this country!

BTW, it is great to see HWhalen posting again-I missed your posts from the TKDNet.


Miles, believe it or not I have been working escrima flow drills for the last few weekends. I always wanted to learn kali stick fighting. Now I am getting my chance.
I have had a lot of changes in my life in the past two years ,Some positive and some i would rather for forget . I returned back to teaching Hapkido for a while until they sold the Dojang . Also I met a woman whom has no Idea what Hapkido is or who Hal Whalen is other than the Guy that "rocks " her world

On a personal note my Health is great ,I feel fantastic my strength has returned ,Minus the attitude .It made me realize what is important ,or trivial and WHO were your REAL friends and those going through the motions .

I am leaving the Boston area heading across the U.S to Everett Wash. It is a work thing since I refuse to earn a living teaching Hapkido ,I am not sure of the exact dates I will be headed out there ,i will be looking for a new dojang to train at.

Also I may work it out and conduct Seminars along the way ,If there is an interest or I could come to your Dojang and teach the Evening class's ? just an idea and a way to meet some of the people I have talked with over the years . My Hapkido family
Matt, glad you decided to pick up the sticks. Many students with leg ailments start up in the FMA's. We currently have a TKD student with bad knees. He stopped his TKD training but wanted to continue training in a martial arts training.

I have bad knees (and had juvenile arthritis growing up). One of my favorite things in life was skiing. Started when I was 2 and have been on the snow ever since. I messed up my knees pretty bad hetting the moguls (twisted my foot 180 degrees with my ski still on). Could not ski for a while and thought about stopping when my doc said to do so. I did listen, but then missed it too much. Because I sakteboarded and surfed, I decided to give snowboarding a try. Love at first ride! :) Since my both legs are strapped to the board i had no worries of twisting my knee again.

I did have to learn not to get too crazy with my riding, but after a while I realized I could still enjoy a great ride in the morning "freshies" (powder). Sometimes we have to scale things back a bit, but that does not mean we are being lazy or not giving it our all. The fact we stay in the game is what counts.

And remember... Chicks dig Sticks!
matt.m said:
Miles, believe it or not I have been working escrima flow drills for the last few weekends. I always wanted to learn kali stick fighting. Now I am getting my chance.

Welcome to the neighborhood... WE hope you enjoy your stay...

A Fellow FMA Hooligan

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