Groin Kicks

Not a TSDist, but the way I do it in Wado, the groin kick is an upward snap kick striking with the instep of the foot. Wheras a front kick wold require you to lift your knee more and strike in a more straight foreward motion inpacting with the ball of your foot.

It is one of the first kick we teach along with the front kick and the roundhouse.

This is the way we do it also. We sometimes call it a "punt kick" and anybody that plays soccer or football should be able to do this very well with great power.

Agreed that you will want to make sure you follow up with another strike as the attacker will most likely be bending over towards you.

And, agreed that you have a very limited opportunity to strike and you want to make sure you use the element of surprise to your benefit.

It is also effective to use this technique when attempting to defend yourself in other situations and you cannot get out of a grab or hold (choke hold, wrist grab, etc). It is also not the only technique possible, and on some people may not get the results you desire. In which case, give that attacker some more gifts!!! :hammer:
I Train it by throwing an inner thigh kick and defend it the same way.

Worse comes to worse and I throw an inside thigh rather than a groin. No great loss there. Throw a right hand straight after it.
I personally prefer attacking the bladder since it disrupts the opponents balance due to the bladder pretty much being the center of the body.

Groin kicks do have their purpose since you are attacking an external organ that does have allot of pain compliance. In my opinion allot of martial artist have the false sense of security that giving an opponents groin a love tap with a kick is going to drop them which isn't true.
In my training in Tung Soo Do we are taught that a forward push kick and front/snap kick are good for striking the pelvis/bladder. I didn"t train with any one kick dedicated to any one area.
Not a TSDist, but the way I do it in Wado, the groin kick is an upward snap kick striking with the instep of the foot. Wheras a front kick wold require you to lift your knee more and strike in a more straight foreward motion inpacting with the ball of your foot.

It is one of the first kick we teach along with the front kick and the roundhouse.
I think the instep kick is the more safe option because you will connect with some part of the scrotum. But a toe kick direct into the testicles can be much more devastating
I think the instep kick is the more safe option because you will connect with some part of the scrotum. But a toe kick direct into the testicles can be much more devastating

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As this is a very old thread, I have read over it and I agree with those who say that a) the testicles are not a reliable target, and b) the target of a groin kick should not be the testicles. They just happen to be in the way when you attempt to collapse their pelvic bone. Some people can take a shot to the pills. But not many can run after you if you shatter their pelvic girdle.
Since I missed this discussion when it came up originally...

My only problem with groin attacks is when people start thinking that the groin is some sort of magical "I win" button. It isn't. You might drop someone with a good groin shot - or they might show no reaction at all. It depends on a lot of factors including how hard you hit, the exact angle of the kick, what parts of the anatomy get caught up in the impact, and how much ramped up your opponent is on adrenaline, alcohol, or other drugs. I've seen someone take about a dozen hard shots to the groin in a fight and show no reaction at the time except getting more pissed off. About a half-hour later I saw him sitting on his locker and moaning miserably to himself, but that did nothing to help his opponent at the time of the fight.

That said, you can't count on any strike to be a guaranteed fight-ender, even if it lands on a vital spot of the anatomy. If you hit hard, hit in combinations, hit to vulnerable targets, and protect yourself while doing so then you have a decent chance of winning a fight. Groin strikes can be part of that process. If nothing else, an opponent who is thinking about protecting his groin may leave openings elsewhere.
Since I missed this discussion when it came up originally...

My only problem with groin attacks is when people start thinking that the groin is some sort of magical "I win" button. It isn't. You might drop someone with a good groin shot - or they might show no reaction at all. It depends on a lot of factors including how hard you hit, the exact angle of the kick, what parts of the anatomy get caught up in the impact, and how much ramped up your opponent is on adrenaline, alcohol, or other drugs. I've seen someone take about a dozen hard shots to the groin in a fight and show no reaction at the time except getting more pissed off. About a half-hour later I saw him sitting on his locker and moaning miserably to himself, but that did nothing to help his opponent at the time of the fight.

That said, you can't count on any strike to be a guaranteed fight-ender, even if it lands on a vital spot of the anatomy. If you hit hard, hit in combinations, hit to vulnerable targets, and protect yourself while doing so then you have a decent chance of winning a fight. Groin strikes can be part of that process. If nothing else, an opponent who is thinking about protecting his groin may leave openings elsewhere.

I agree with all of that, but I'd like to emphasize that in my dojo, we don't learn to kick the groin, per se. As others have mentioned, our 'groin kick' is a penetrating kick to the inside of the body, the core, in the groin region. The testicles are just in the way. If they get obliterated, great. If not, also great - our goal is to destroy the pelvis.

I think that many 'groin kickers' aim for the testicles; it's a surface kick, not designed to penetrate. That, as you said, is a mistake when so many people these days are addled on drugs or otherwise unable to process pain to that region at the moment of impact. But broken bones are broken bones. When you cannot stand up because your pelvis is shattered, the fight is truly over.
I agree with all of that, but I'd like to emphasize that in my dojo, we don't learn to kick the groin, per se. As others have mentioned, our 'groin kick' is a penetrating kick to the inside of the body, the core, in the groin region. The testicles are just in the way. If they get obliterated, great. If not, also great - our goal is to destroy the pelvis.

I think that many 'groin kickers' aim for the testicles; it's a surface kick, not designed to penetrate. That, as you said, is a mistake when so many people these days are addled on drugs or otherwise unable to process pain to that region at the moment of impact. But broken bones are broken bones. When you cannot stand up because your pelvis is shattered, the fight is truly over.
I actually have no idea of how much force it would take to shatter the pelvis with a kick and I have no idea how to practically test such a thing. There seems to be a shortage of volunteers at my school lining up to be experimental subjects. That said, if you kick with that kind of intent I think it will produce more damaging results either way.
I actually have no idea of how much force it would take to shatter the pelvis with a kick and I have no idea how to practically test such a thing. There seems to be a shortage of volunteers at my school lining up to be experimental subjects. That said, if you kick with that kind of intent I think it will produce more damaging results either way.

A lot. A WHOLE lot. That being said, the pelvis is a great big structure, and some parts of it have an awful lot more bone than others.
The area of the pelvis most likely to be impacted by the classic soccer kick to the groin certainly contains less bone than other areas. But I cannot recall ever seeing a pelvic fracture resulting from a kick.
Am I the only TSD instructor that teaches the groin kick?

I was not taught it but it is a good kick and if I expect my students to be able to deploy it in a self-defense situation then they should practice it in class.

What do you think?

isn't tang soo do a karate style? karate itself has its own groin kick called kin geri (not to confuse with front kicks called mae geri) its a snapping upwards (not pushing forwards) kick with the instep or shin directly between the legs.

underestimating the groin kick is kinda stupid btw. it even can bring you to collapse. but okay, sometimes people have to say something special to get attention i guess.
A lot. A WHOLE lot. That being said, the pelvis is a great big structure, and some parts of it have an awful lot more bone than others.
The area of the pelvis most likely to be impacted by the classic soccer kick to the groin certainly contains less bone than other areas. But I cannot recall ever seeing a pelvic fracture resulting from a kick.

Apparently has happened though.

Pelvic fracture following karate kick. - PubMed - NCBI
isn't tang soo do a karate style? karate itself has its own groin kick called kin geri (not to confuse with front kicks called mae geri) its a snapping upwards (not pushing forwards) kick with the instep or shin directly between the legs.

underestimating the groin kick is kinda stupid btw. it even can bring you to collapse. but okay, sometimes people have to say something special to get attention i guess.
Snark much? :)
One time doing kyorugy I got a snap kick to the tip of the pènis, if I recall well the toe of my partner hit me like a whip in the tip of my penis and pain went to the tip of the penis trough the entire penis to the kidney, Oh boy and it was just a slap I went to the floor on tears and need some time to recoery, my master thought the kick bas on the balls but it 3was actuali the tip of the penis and the pain got trough to the kidney.

And... believe nobody wants to been caught in the nuts with a hit or kick.
My training has showed me that a strike to the groin is very important to avoid the penis so the force of strike gos straight into the testicles. Your penis and your kidney will hurt for a short time but you're testicles will hurt much worse and for a longer time.
I agree with all of that, but I'd like to emphasize that in my dojo, we don't learn to kick the groin, per se. As others have mentioned, our 'groin kick' is a penetrating kick to the inside of the body, the core, in the groin region. The testicles are just in the way. If they get obliterated, great. If not, also great - our goal is to destroy the pelvis.

I think that many 'groin kickers' aim for the testicles; it's a surface kick, not designed to penetrate. That, as you said, is a mistake when so many people these days are addled on drugs or otherwise unable to process pain to that region at the moment of impact. But broken bones are broken bones. When you cannot stand up because your pelvis is shattered, the fight is truly over.
Ok, I'm not saying that your wrong but the worst pain I ever came to feel was last year in Belize it happened when I came out of the ocean and to local kids came up to me to ask for directions. I glanced away for a second and one of the boys kicked me squarelly in my scrotum. I was only wearing a swim suit so I did not have any guard for my testicles. Thr pain was extremely bad and I had to go to the clinic. The clinic nurse had to push my left testicle from my pelvis back in to my scrotum. The pain was horrible.
I have three times broken arms, and several other broken bones also. It is always extremely painful if you have a broken bone but the pain in the testicles is much worse if done by a good fighter.
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