
Don Black

White Belt
Nov 25, 2007
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Just signed on. I don't have any significant experience in the martial arts, & I'm really too old to persue it to any serious degree.
My only exposure to it (Judo & JuJitsu) was back in the '60s when I was working in corrections, & then just enough to be dangerous only to myself.
I'm pretty much relegated to a Tai Chi pace now.
I'll mostly just lurk, as I do on several other sites. Seems to me a better way to learn.
I've found that if I wait long enough, somene else will ask my question(s) for me. :)
Don Black
First, welcome, and happy posting! :wavey:

Second, what makes you think you're too old? I know several people who started in their 50s, 60s, in one case, 70s. Don't let age stop you if you want to learn something else.
welcome to Mt and never be afraid to ask questions here
If you don't ask perhaps no one else will
DOn welcome to martial talk and please do some heavy duty posting all question are accepted with opened arms. Hope to have some input from you. Sounds like you was doing judo before it really became aan Olympic sport, what has been the difference in your mind.
Thanks, guys.
The falling down part Ive got down just fine, but the gettin' up part is a real bummer at my age (72).:erg:
Don't reckon it (Judo) was recognised as a sport then. I wasn't proficient enough to use it on the few occasions I coulda', but my primal instincts & boxing experience came in prettty danged handy.
Greetings and Welcome to MT...Looking forward to your posts...
Hello Don, Welcome to MT :). don't limit yourself to lurking, your opinions ar as valid as anyone else's.
Hey Don, I have been hanging in for 40 and some years. I am 64 and am looking forward to doing something into my 80s. We all need a dream. :) Hang in and I hope to see you around the site.
Hello to everybody. To let everybody know a little about me I have a little experience in shotokan, taekwondo, and pasaryu.

I loved Pasaryu, even though I wasn't sure if I could remember the korean names for all the stances, and katas the over all style caught me as something I should stay dedicated too.

My over all on shotokan was it was ok. I'm sure Jimmy Blann is a great teacher, and he has helped to churn out tons of black belts, as well as champions but it wasnt traditional shotokan but I guess you go with what works at the time you're learning. I thought it was ok. Taekwondo just seemed too much for sport to me (I'm sure its not that way for everybody), but I just enjoyed the style of Pasaryu a heck of a lot better.

So after being away and forgetting, I'm going back to dedicate myself to getting a black belt, and undertaking the task of getting up to 9th degree which is korean master/instructor level.

Wish me luck I'll dang sure need it. I may also see about taping my classes to reinforce all the katas and keep them fresh in my mind. It will take plenty of practice to keep all of that fresh in my mind but I can always still go to classes and keep practicing all of the levels instead of just relaxing once I'm done.

Hope all of you are well and good luck in learning/or continuing in your desired art.

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