


Hello. I'm The Scribe which obviously has nothing to do with martial arts. I'm writing a young adult novel and am in need of some answers to do with Judo. I'll ask the questions in the appropriate forum but I hope no one minds me joining the forum for research purposes.

I want my Judo expert character to be realistic but as I know nothing about the subject, I thought I should come to the experts. :)
Welcome Scribe and good luck on your research. Many great people here on the forum to help you out.

Happy Posting!
Welcome to the forum! Enjoy your stay!! Feel free to ask any questions you may have!!

Welcome and good luck on your research! I can help some since my style of Kajukenbo has some judo incorporated in the style. Let me know how I can help.
Thank you for the welcome. I've already made myself comfortable and started asking questions in the Judo forum. :ultracool
Greetings Scribe and welcome to MT..Your questions will be answered here..
Welcome Scribe to the forum. Research is good but you may want to watch a class to really get a feel for it. Just a thought... TW
Welcome Scribe. Sounds like an interesting project and you've come to the right place for info!
Thanks, everyone. I'm already learning heaps.
Hello, Welcome, The best way to write about "Judo" is to experience it with an old teacher. My son's teacher had train in Japan till the age of 15 years old and his parents move to New York and he continune judo till today. He has also train the womens Olympic judo team , not sure what year. The best part is when he shares stories of the past with the students in High School team.

You may want to visit a couple of schools and even start training to understand what it is all about. To write a book on swiming you need to learn to swim. So do the "Judo", than you can write from the heart......Aloha
Welcome Scribe and enjoy MartialTalk!